
You're a NINJA?
12 Dukbokki Problems
*Hyeri's POV*
"Are they getting lunch for us?" he asked.
Um sure.
"I hope so since I am starving!" I replied. "Did you guys finishing solving or figure out the problem yet? It's due next period and I really want to understand it since I have a quiz about it too!"
Changjo turned his head and walked toward the problem with me. I feel bad but... Kyungmi has been crushing on Jonghwan for the longest time. I don't think she will change her mind all of a sudden for Changjo.. I think.
I looked back to the Love Chickens and saw her face light up. Good Luck Jonghwan.  Don't ever break her heart or I will break your face. There are people in line ready to take her away from you.
*Jonghwan's POV*
Her face lit up when I asked about how her pictures were coming out. 
"Oh! I think I improved a lot since last year! The pictures are more clear and detailed than ever." 
"That's great! How come you won't tell Hyeri about this hobby of yours?"
Her face shined even brighter.
"I want to keep it as a secret because I want to surprise her on her birthday. Hyeri thinks that I have only two hobbies. One is eating while the other is sleeping. I want to be able to show her that this clumsy-lazy Kyungmi isn't so burdening after all. Ever since she became our best friend, all I ha e been doing is burdening her and not help her to my full extent. Having this hobby of photography is my way of proving to myself as well as Hyeri that I am not a lazy person at all."
"She does not think that Kyungmi! But if you want to surprise her, how are you going to surprise her? "
The dukbokki lady handed us a couple of boxes filled with the savory dish and some forks as well. 
"You two are so cute together, are you going out?"
"Umm... no..." Kyungmi replied.
"We aren't exactly...but we will soon" I said under my breath. The lady heard and winked.
"Enjoy your meal!" she happily exclaimed. 
"Well, that was the third person that has told us that!"
"Right? It's kind of funny but cute" she said.
Huh. Cute?
"OH! I almost forgot! Changjo wants to help me improve on taking pictures so I'm going to be home late today."
"How late?"
"Umm... I'll be home by 7 so don't worry."
This Changjo guy is getting too friendly with her. I don't like that at all. It's good that she has him to depend on when I'm not there but it makes me feel uncomfortable. 
"Just don't be too late okay? I can also help you improve on taking pictures as well. We can go to national landmarks and beaches if you want."
"Really? Yay! We should go on the Saturday since it will be more convenient for the both of us! I hope that I'm not bothering you or anything."
"Of course not! Plus, you are my Turtle Ninja. Oh! I almost forgot!"
"What?" she asked in shock.
"Hang on. I can't tell you here since Hyeri might hear."
I took Kyungmi's free hand with my free hand and started to lead her over to the math department where there were benches to sit on.
"It's about that turd isn't it," she said once we sat down.
Kyungmi recently started calling the unknown guy that wants to hear Hyeri as turd which was awfully adorable.
"Yeah. I think I have a hunch on who it is." 
"Is it who I think it is??" 
We made eye contact and she knew.
"What are we going to do???" she asked. Her face was scared.
D-2. I actually think my plan needs to get into action today so the others don't know what I'm planning. Or actually, what we are planning.
*Hyeri's POV*
What is taking those two so long. My stomach is growling out of control right now. The guys were able to help me understand and solve the problem over 5 minutes ago and now they were scattered around the tree doing various activities. Changjo was practicing his English with C.A.P. Niel and Chunji were fanboying over something. L. Joe and Ricky were memorizing their lines for a song. Baekhyun was reading a book. The 100% guys were playing a game of soccer. I was sitting like a bum impatient for food to come. 
Did they get lost? Did they forget about me? Did they think it was funny to leave me with 13 boys? What if they tried to do something to me? Sure I was able to defend myself from them but what about the stares that the girls were sending me? I was sitting with the hottest boys from school. I was lucky that no girl was going crazy and hurt me yet.
"Are you sure that they are getting us food?" they groaned.
"Yes. That's what they told me when they were about to leave."
"Maybe Jonghwan wanted to ditch us to have some alone time with Kyungmi??" Minwoo hooted.
Hoots and cheers came out of the guys mouths. Wow. So mature. However, I was secretly cheering as well. BUT HOW DARE THEY DITCH ME IF THEY DID.
"Oh wait. Never mind. They are coming now. WITH A LOT OF BOXES."
Niel ran towards them to help carry the 10+ boxes of food. Kyungmi was only carrying 2 boxes that were in a plastic bag while Jonghwan was carrying 10 boxes. Each bag had 5 boxes and he was carrying the bags with one hand. The other was supporting Kyungmi. HOLY SH-
"WOW. YOU GUYS. WHAT. GAME." Chunji yelled.
Both of them looked up and Kyungmi blushed. Like. A lot.
Kyungmi was limping and Jonghwan was helping her walk. What the hell happened? 
I rushed to them and the others followed in suit.
Changbum and Rokhyun grabbed the bags Jonghwan was carrying while I grabbed the bag Kyungmi was holding. 
Jonghwan then carried Kyungmi bridal style to the tree.
Awwwwwww yyaasssshhhh.
Jonghwan set her down on the ground once Changjo put his jacket on the floor. 
"Does her ankle still hurt?" he asked.
"Yeah. I totally did not see that hole. They need to cover it immediately or someone else will get hurt like me."
So that's what happened.
"So can you guys tell us what happen?" the guys asked.
Oh my gawd. Did you just not hear them???
Jonghwan began to explain. They were on their way back from getting the dukbokki when Kyungmi stepped in a small hole hurting her ankle. He helped her walk around here because she wanted to deliver the food to them first and eat then go to the nurse since she did not want to worry them and was hungry.
"Jonghwan, why don't you just carry her to the nurse's office and Kyungmi, carry this container of food so both of you cna eat in there. The rest of us will stay here and eat and tell the PE teacher about the hole."
"Good idea Hyeri. However, if al of us go and crowd the teacher, it would just be too much people, how about two of us go and tell him? Jonghwan and Kyungmi, just go now," Baekhyun ordered.
Hul. He's a good leader.
Jonghwan and Kyungmi left for the nurse and Baekhyun took my wrist.
"Let's go the teacher and report to him about the hole."
"Okay! Let's go!"
"Aren't you guys hungry though? Take this as well!" 
Ricky handed us a container of dukbokki.
I grabbed it and we started to walk over to the office.
I turned my head back and saw L. Joe's face. 
His face was hard to read. A mix of worry and sadness. Did I read his face wrong?
Baekhyun grabbed my wrist and led me to the office.
*Kyungmi's POV*
Jonghwan was carrying me. JONGHWAN WAS CARRYING ME. AGAIN. 
Sure it was because I was hurt but still. My crush was carrying me.
I can't believe how clumsy I am. But I was still in shock. How can he be the one that wants to hurt her? He looked like a dependable and unlikely person do to that type of dirty work.
But then. It's usually the least unlikely person to do something like this. 
"You okay? You're awfully quiet."
"Huh? Sorry, I'm still wondering why he would want to hurt her you know? What could be his motive? What would he gain from it? How did he choose her as a target or even, how did her even know that she was a N.I.N.J.A.?" I responded.
"You have to keep in mind that he is a W.A.R.R.I.O.R. They have their tabs on us all the time. However, how in the world did they choose her as a target? We need to report to P as soon as possible and your ankle needs to get better so we can start collecting more information about him. He seems like a smart person that hides his tracks pretty well. We need to keep a low profile around him now. Even around the others."
"Gosh. This is just so frustrating. We can't tell anyone. Not even Hyeri. That would make her feel vulnerable and a burden to us."
"Yeah." Jonghwan was now thinking on overdrive while he was walking up the stairs that led to the nurse's office. 
"I think we might have to put on an act but I don't want too," he finally said after a few seconds of thinking.
"What type of act?" I asked.
He kept quiet. Then I realized.
"It's that act right?" 
                                                                                                                                                                                         eg *  
 author's note 
Herro again! I'm so sorry for not updating for a while again. School is getting out of control and there is not enough time to do anything else. I also didn't edit it at all so please excuse or disregard the typos! But until next time ♥
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Gosh. I've been neglecting all my stories D;


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Hello new subbie here ^^
This story is amazing
Please update soon ^^