Beautiful Nightmare.

3 Autumns.

I kind of didn't want to talk to Key after we talked that one day because I was afraid. Like, I kept doubting the guy. I didn't know who he was. But when I saw his face, I felt all this anger, and I hated him. And I didn't like him at that moment.

But I really couldn't avoid the guy. I'd see him in the hallways a lot, he went to the same places I ate for breakfast until dinner. He was there in my class. He had some of the same friends I did, but was much better at socializing with them. He was just always there and he wouldn't go away.

It's time to sleep anyways, I keep getting clouded thoughts.



"Hyung.... I like you." Looks down. 

Lifts up chin. "Why?"

"You're the best thing to ever come into my life." A teardrop falls.

A warp comes in. Wind gushes, everything is blank and white. Suddenly in the white background, there's a light. Looks around. Calls out, "Hello...?" Alone. Cold. Follows the light. A person is sitting there, at a desk with an empty seat next to him. Key? 

"Why are you crying?" Sits down next to him. There's a moment of silence. 

"You were the best thing to ever come into my life." 




"Okay class, you guys have a partner project. 2 of you guys have to create an art peice of the following art topic: Abstract. I know that it's a simple thing, but it's very popular, it requires deep thought. You guys have a lot of feelings, no? Poor judgement in people. And everything that happens in life, is so.... unclear. So, I feel you guys have the potential to create a bad art peice with your partner. Your partner is the person sitting next to you."

. I looked at Key. "Hi, partner," Key said with some pokerface. I smiled simply. "Hi." I looked back at Professer.

"The project is due in 3 weeks. You must use your time wisely. As if time is already running out, because it is." Wow, since when did Prof. get all smart and metaphoricly intelligent. Haha, is that a proper phrase?

"Well, right now, I'm feeling.... puzzled. Like, I feel weird and I feel bothered." Key said, turning to me.

You too? "Oh, how come?" 

"I don't know, ever since I got here, I've been getting some odd vibes. Like, I can't ing avoid something. Wish I knew what it was."

"Oh? You must have murdered someone, maybe they're haunting you, Key!" 

"Yah! Don't joke like that, I get easily scared." 

"What a pansy." He frowned and I held up the V sign, looking all kawaii and .

"Well, should I come to your dorm so we can get some work done? Or do you wanna come over to mines?"

Since when did we have to work out of school? "Uh, do we have to do that?" I said, nervously.

"Well, if you wanna make a good peice. I take art pretty seriously, to be honest. Like, it's always been with me."

"Ah, I see. Well.... I guess you could come over tonight, but that means I can't until after you leave." I joked around, kiddingly.

"Aw, poo. I'm sorry art interferes with your personal issues, sir."

To be honest, I was kind of glad he was coming over. I could know him better, and figure out why I have this hunch about him.




lol ;~~~~; i'm really thankful for all you guys who have been reading this fict. I really didn't even think anyone would read it :c But, I love you guys, so I'll keep writting and trying to put more better stuff^^ <3 Komawo~

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foundationgirl #1
Kibums #2
I seriously pulled this face -> >;O!
Wooow... a sudden announce-confession... lol, Kim Jonghyun, u dino.. <br />
this is just too cute~<33
I see. You've updated, so it means you're back from Philippines?<br />
<br />
Back to the fic, will there be another misunderstanding between them? Not again. I've had enough of crying T_T
babo dino. Amnesia should be the number one thing not to joke about tsk tsk.<br />
<br />
oh, have a safe trip!
Kkk... nice get together... anw, don't get mad Key.. Jjong was just being a dino dork like always ^^" <br />
i think he'll understood once u tell himm.. ;DD
Really? You're going in our country, I mean Philippines? Mind if I ask why? ^^<br />
<br />
We'll be waiting for your updates..
Ahh ty goodness x3 I hear that's the best way to make up (heheh..I wouldn't know OTL).
#9 ty...<br />
go wild neh..kekeke..<br />
i hope next chap tell they relationship <br />
more deep and unbeatable..<br />
A whaaaaatt?? xDDD <br />
next chapter please please pleaaasee... <br />
never ending curiosity from a jongkey-freak shipper...xDDD <br />
Thank you for making the two made up!!^^<33 <br />
They're really prescious~!