The Balloon Background

3 Autumns.

[Key's POV]





I never felt so terrible in my whole life.

I felt sick for not knowing that I really was hurting him the whole time I knew him.

And the thing is, I don't remember anything.

I looked through all the pictures, all I ever got from it was blurred vision and migrane. I took my amnesia medicine but I kept looking through the pictures.

All these pictures of him and I smiling, of him and I sleeping, of him and I on the swing, at the playground, at the beach, Lotte World, everywhere. All our adventures were kept in this kiddy little box and it was never opened until today.

I wanted so badly to smile and remember the time when... blah, blah, blah. Or when Jonghyun and I blah, blah, blah'ed and I just.... couldn't. 

Jonghyun was so angry at me, he cursed at me and he let out all the bad feelings because I was unknowing. And I don't blame him, thinking about it, it really was my fault. I should have remembered. After all, he is my best friend. Or was my best friend. And even if someone has amnesia, that's one person who I shouldn't have forgotten. You should never forget a best friend, but I did.



My mom said that one day, my dad and I were driving to go to a friends house but she never told me which friend. She said that I wanted to talk to my friend about something, but I never told her what it was. My mom said that my dad ran into a motercyclist on accident and my head hit the dashboard really hard. 

The only thing I personally I remembered, was that I was in a hospital bed and I didn't know who was crying or who was looking over me. All I knew was that I was in a bed, in a room filled with people that I didn't know. I remember crying and sobbing and asking where my parents were and all my mom did was hug my grandma and my grandpa said, "You're family is right here, Kibum. We're here." And I just kept crying because I didn't know if I should trust him, believe him or what.

The doctor came in, assured that I was still alive because he said was supposed to die, but I didn't. He smiled and patted me on the shoulder, "You were asleep for so long, we thought you wouldn't make it." My mother continued to cry and he said, "You've been asleep for about 2 years, Kibum. And it seems like you've got amnesia." I looked around the room and my mom kept crying and my grandparents comforted her. "Where's my dad?" My mom sobbed more and left the room. "Doc?" He looked down and sighed, "He died instantly and we couldn't save him when he arrived in the hospital with you. He was announced dead at the scene. We tried oue best, but it didn't work."

I stared to cry at that moment and wished that I didn't wake up, that it was me who died. I didn't remember who my dad was or what he did for me as a kid. And I still can't, but.... he's my dad.


My mom brang me to America where I continued my studies, but we came back to Seoul for college, and to be with my grandparents.


Maybe Jonghyun was right. Maybe I shouldn't have came back.







[Jonghyun's POV:]

As I was in the elevator, people I knew noticed I was red and crying. "Hey dude, what's wrong?"

"Oppa, are you okay?" 

"Hey yo, it'll be okay."

Shut up, my , hop off my buisness. 

I went into my dorm and slammed the mother ing door. 


I finally let it out. But I was still so mad. Key just kept crying. And he didn't even have the right to. He doesn't feel ANYTHING. He's the one who left me. He chose to leave me and now look what happens/

But he's right. I keep ing and and complaning.

Didn't I say I was over him already?

I guess, the thing that really bothers me the most is that I never got the chance to tell him why I loved him or why I liked him. I never got to look him in the eyes and maybe even kiss him. And like, I don't understand why he left me. I'll never understand it either. I'll never understand him and his reasons.


I kept crying, sitting on the edge of my bed, thinking about nothing but I just kept crying and crying. 


But then I thought, what if life would life be like if we were still best friends? Would we still be happy? Would he ever love me like I did? I didn't know, I was just thinking... but I just wanted to know.



I pulled out a picture out of my pocket that I took from Key's dorm. It was my favorite picture of us. Written on the back:

Oh! What another great adventure day with my best friend, Kim Jonghyun!!!!!! Although life has it's ways of making us fight (I'm sorry for picking at you and being mean!~), I'm glad that life and love patches us up together warmly~ You are the best friend God has ever gaven me. And even if you don't believe in God, I hope you believe in love and friendship, Kim Jonghyun~ Happy 15h birthday!~ love<3 Key "hyung"~ke S2~

We were smiling in front of a bunch of colored balloons, flashing genuine smiles for the camera. The sun brighted well on us and that day was beautiful.

"Oh, Kibum.... I miss you..." I clenched the photo close to my heart, "Why am I so alone.."








[Dream time/3rd person]


A dark shadow chased Jonghyun to  the edge of a cliff & he fell down to the cold air.

"Wake up, Jonghyun! Wake up! Don't leave, don't forget! Wake up! Fly!"

Jonghyun couldn't stop falling in the air, but there was no end.

3 minutes of falling that felt like 10 minutes, and still the fall had not ended.

But when Jonghyun reached the end of the fall,  he landed carefully on the floor, face down.

But Jonghyun got up and found himself in gray background. Gray was everywhere.  








[A/N: Dream analysis, so you guys know what Jonghyun is really dreaming about. There's a deeper meaning to the dreams.


Cliff: [scroll down to cliff]

Gray: [scroll down to gray]






So yeah, end chapter. 

Can you guys do me a big favor & go to CH12, and participate in the poll? I'm starting a new story and I need your input.

Please and thank you.

I'll update soon, thanks for reading~

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foundationgirl #1
Kibums #2
I seriously pulled this face -> >;O!
Wooow... a sudden announce-confession... lol, Kim Jonghyun, u dino.. <br />
this is just too cute~<33
I see. You've updated, so it means you're back from Philippines?<br />
<br />
Back to the fic, will there be another misunderstanding between them? Not again. I've had enough of crying T_T
babo dino. Amnesia should be the number one thing not to joke about tsk tsk.<br />
<br />
oh, have a safe trip!
Kkk... nice get together... anw, don't get mad Key.. Jjong was just being a dino dork like always ^^" <br />
i think he'll understood once u tell himm.. ;DD
Really? You're going in our country, I mean Philippines? Mind if I ask why? ^^<br />
<br />
We'll be waiting for your updates..
Ahh ty goodness x3 I hear that's the best way to make up (heheh..I wouldn't know OTL).
#9 ty...<br />
go wild neh..kekeke..<br />
i hope next chap tell they relationship <br />
more deep and unbeatable..<br />
A whaaaaatt?? xDDD <br />
next chapter please please pleaaasee... <br />
never ending curiosity from a jongkey-freak shipper...xDDD <br />
Thank you for making the two made up!!^^<33 <br />
They're really prescious~!