Bitter drunk.

3 Autumns.

[Key's POV:]

After class had ended, Jonghyun tried to get my attention, trying to say sorry to me about the whole amnesia thing but I just walked away, kept ignoring him. But he caught up to me, pulling me back to where he was.

"C'mon. I'm really sorry for being ignorant. I really didn't mean it. I was just joking. I admit, I wasn't thinking about how you felt. I thought you'd laugh. I know now, I'm not funny. I won't joke around anymore, Key," he grabbed my hand,"Please don't be mad now, please?" 

Looking into my eyes like a little puppy, like a small 2 year old, I couldn't stay being mad at him. I overreacted over a small little thing. I gave him a simple smile & said, "Shh, no need to be like this, little boy. I forgive you, in place of my apology. I overreacted." 

He hugged me close to his warm body and I felt his happiness emitting from his tiny body.



[5 weeks later, 3rd person's POV]

Jonghyun and Key's relationship was going well. They would always hang out together and they would always study together at the beach or under the moon in the grass. 

Though Key never gave a proper label to the relationship, everyone would call them an item and gush or bash them secretly behind their backs. 

Jonghyun was noticeably the most happiest and hard working in the relationship. Also the most child-like. Jonghyun was the one who usually planned their dates together, trying to make it new and exciting for the both of them. 

Every night before going to bed, Jonghyun would lay in his bed, staring in the dark. Smiling like the little idiot child he was. He also planned the dates they would have the next day and it became a daily routine for him.


"I don't know man, Key's like..special? He's always been my best friend. And when we were sepreated, I was so lost. Everyone knew I was, but they didn't know why. And now that he's back. Man, I don't wanna let him go again. , I sound like a total ." Jonghyun shot soju down his throat with one of his good friends, Jinki.

"You sound really in love man. Could be a reason why you could be pushing him away. But I almost envy you."

"Nah, don't envy me. I'm a hopeless romantic. We're not even an official couple and I'm doing all this stupid stuff. Kissing his cheek, taking him out places, doing exotic stuff.."

"Whoa, exotic? Like?"

"Dude no, not like exotic. Like, out of the ordinary dates. We go outside at night and study astronomy together under the moon. Pretty exotic, no?"

 "I guess. But maybe you should spice up the life," sipping another shot, Jinki snorted and laughed, "Maybe your is too small, or your moves are too boring. Or you to quickly!"

"Whatever dude, off, get laid already!" Jonghyun drinking another shot away in the night.


[Morning class:]

Jonghyun treaded to class, concealing his eyes with black sunglasses due to his sleepless hangover the night before with Jinki. 

"kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, I really don't wanna go to ing class." But the kid was already walking through the door.

"Whoa, Jjong. Are you alright?" Key walked him to his seat, laughing a bit, "You seem pretty ing crippled."

Jonghyun pointed to Key and smirked, laughing, "Yah, shaddaaappppppp. I'm a hopeless lover.." his head fell onto the desk and Key sat beside him.

"What are you talking about?" 

When Jonghyun was groggy, Jonghyun was real groggy and unknowing of surrounding people and actions. He would always act like he was still stuck in his drunk state because he's a really bad drunk. This was Kim Jonghyun's definition of his hangovers: As if was drunk.

"I love you Key! I love Kim Kibum!" Jonghyun yelled out, popping out his head. This grabbed the class's attention and caused them to stare at the couple. Key was no good when everyone was staring at him so Key left.

Key left Jonghyun groggy and hung over.




[Key's POV]


I... I'm not ready for this type of commitment.
















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foundationgirl #1
Kibums #2
I seriously pulled this face -> >;O!
Wooow... a sudden announce-confession... lol, Kim Jonghyun, u dino.. <br />
this is just too cute~<33
I see. You've updated, so it means you're back from Philippines?<br />
<br />
Back to the fic, will there be another misunderstanding between them? Not again. I've had enough of crying T_T
babo dino. Amnesia should be the number one thing not to joke about tsk tsk.<br />
<br />
oh, have a safe trip!
Kkk... nice get together... anw, don't get mad Key.. Jjong was just being a dino dork like always ^^" <br />
i think he'll understood once u tell himm.. ;DD
Really? You're going in our country, I mean Philippines? Mind if I ask why? ^^<br />
<br />
We'll be waiting for your updates..
Ahh ty goodness x3 I hear that's the best way to make up (heheh..I wouldn't know OTL).
#9 ty...<br />
go wild neh..kekeke..<br />
i hope next chap tell they relationship <br />
more deep and unbeatable..<br />
A whaaaaatt?? xDDD <br />
next chapter please please pleaaasee... <br />
never ending curiosity from a jongkey-freak shipper...xDDD <br />
Thank you for making the two made up!!^^<33 <br />
They're really prescious~!