Chapter 6

New Love
Chapter 6
“Appa!!” Hyeorin approached her.
“What’s wrong, dear?” he was reading his newspaper this morning in his room. His girl sat on his lap and put her head on his chest while hugging his father. “Do you have homework?”
Hyeorin shook her head. “No, we don’t have. But, Appa next week I and Hyerin have camping. Can you go with us?” she used her puppy evil eyes.
Kyuhyun thought for awhile, he tapped his chin and pouted his lips. He looked at his daughter and smiled, “Sure…”
“Yay!! I’ll tell Hyerin that you want to come with us…” she kissed his cheek. “I’m sure Ryeowook songsaenim will change his mind and come along with us. He said this morning, he can’t come. His mother wants to visit him. I want in my camp latter he will guide us so we won’t feel alone and boring.”
“Well, what if he still can’t come too? He need free time too wilt his parent, right?” he challenged his daughter with smirk.
“Oooo… then you will be a sick old man that waiting for us to finish our camping without him. I know you want him come too.” The girl smirked. She could read her father’s mind.
Kyuhyun as a father felt betrayed. She was really like him. She also could duplicate his famous smirk.This girl… He thought. Well, it’s one of his wish. Ryeowook could also come with them and he would play some games together with them. Of course, he knew it’s not camping for a family but it was like, right? Ha! He smirked again to himself.
Hyeorin was smiling seeing his father was thinking about her teacher. Sure, he’s adorable, cute and sweet. He loves to play with them, even when they were in class for studying. She kissed his cheek again and poked his nose. “Appa is in love!”
With that words let out from , she ran off of the room, leaving her father alone with mouth opened and confused. He closed the door and started to read again, but his brain didn’t work at all. He sighed, closing his eyes and rubbed his temple. He’s not sick, he was thinking about what his girl said awhile ago. She said he’s in love. Is it true?
“I am in love?” he asked to himself. “I’m doubt. I’m straight, okay. I can’t love him. He’s not into a man also. And we are friends. He’s my little brother, no more.”
Kyuhyun was still blabbering about nonsense and impossible love when his cell phone calling for him. He jumped a bit, but calmed again. He took his cell phone and opened it.
From: My baby
To: Kyuhyun
Hyung, are you busy right now? Well, I just want to say good night. ^^
Smile. A small smile appeared on his lips. He his lips and typed something then sent it.
From: Kyuhyun
To: My baby
No, I’m still up. Why? Just wanted to say that? -_-‘’
He waited for ten minutes but the reply never came so he decided to call him. He clicked ‘call’ bottom then waited again for the owner to pick it up. The tones made him nervous, what if Ryeowook had slept and he was disturbed because of him. But the line was cut by a hoarse tone ‘hello’ but cute.
“Ah, hyung… I’m sorry. I’m just back from kitchen making some meals. Well, I can’t sleep.” The younger explained.
He smiled and shook his head hearing sweet melody from those cute lips. He was imagining some ert things.
“Okay… Why is your voice like that? Are you sick? You didn’t have dinner, baby?” he asked in one breath.
“Ah, I took wrong between sugar and salt. I pour so much salt so that’s why, my throat is hurt. Hehe-” he stopped awhile. “I haven’t had dinner. I just come home thirty minutes ago.”
“Where have you been?” he asked worried.
“I was visited by my mother she is the owner of the restaurant. She missed me so much. I had to take him to the bus station.” Kyuhyun heard some noises there. He wanted to ask but Ryeowook had let out odd sound. “Aahh!!”
“Wook?! What happened? Are you okay?” he shouted but not loud. His face was showing weird expression.
“I’m okay, I’m okay!” Ryeowook laughed cutely. “I just wanted to plug the charger but I got wrong position to my finger. I’m okay, hyung.”
“Phew… you almost made me heart attack.” Slowly, Kyuhyun breathed normally. He sat on the edge of the bed and crossed his leg on the other. “So, it meant you can come with us to camp?” he asked with biting his nail.
“Well, I think I can. But I can’t come with the students, teachers have booked one bus for them and yesterday I said I can’t come, so I have to wait a day.” Kyuhyun could hear the sad tone from Ryeowook.
His brain, few minutes ago didn’t work properly, right now he ginned widely because his smart and evil brain said something brilliant. “Baby… Hyeorin said she wanted me to come along and I agree to it. Well, she said also, what if you and we go together to the camp. About the bus, they can cancel it and go with me. She wants you to be there… She and her twin I mean.” He suggested.
Ryeowook didn’t answer him right away. Kyuhyun was waiting for the answer patiently, the boy made him more nervous. “Let me discuss about this with headmaster. Maybe he can let me come with the girls. I also want to play with them soon. School doesn’t enough to play at. The girls just too cute to be resisted, hyung…”
“Now, it settles…” his voice sounded too joy. He was happy. “Baby… Tomorrow I’’ fetch you, okay? Dinner?”
“Mm, okay.”
“Should I bring the girls?”
“No, hyung. It is dinner, not a lunch. I’m not sure they can manage to go to school early. And, actually, I know you, you are sleepy head, hehe…” he teased Kyuhyun with shy tone.
“Wha--? Hah, well if you said so. Then I’ll ask them to stay at home with some new video games.”
“You are crazy! It’s better they have dinner than having games and their brain be manipulated by the games. You are cr--”
“Creative… I knew it, baby. You know me so well. You are like my mom”
“Whatever. Mm, hyung. My meals have done. I think I should sleep. You know we have date tomorrow”
The sound of a date made his stomach was full of butterfly. He sighed in happy. Telling the younger a good night and sleep well, he didn’t forget to add ‘baby, dream of me, tonight’ and hung up the phone with soft click.
He was so happy that he didn’t know the door was opened a bit. Hyeorin had come back with her sleepy twin. Hyerin was yawning few minute ago, but now she was fully awake, she grinned at her twin and hugged her.
“He’s in love, my twin.” Hyeorin kissed her cheeks.
“Aww, I would like to have cute mommy like Wookie songsaenim.” She squealed.
“But, but… He’s a man. So we have to call him Daddy! Oops! Hahaha--”
The rest of the night was full of happiness. Kyuhyun was sleeping and dreaming of Ryeowook. The girls were sleeping with dreams of having new member in their family.
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Chapter 19: huwaaaaaaaaa q kangen fic ini....... where are u now????
d fb juga gx aktf lg deh ky na ?
ateena1618 #2
Chapter 19: Sure! Take your time! All the best for your project! Do well!
Chapter 19: take your time dear..
smoga tugas'y cpt slesai.. tp jgn main fb-an mulu y kkk
janji lo lw udah slsai urusan'y bakal update ma fic yg baru d post ehehe

fighting ne^^
AlyciaC #4
Chapter 19: it's ok ! i can understand because i have some exams those next months too! keep going
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 18: Awww.. Please updateeee T.T i want to read next chappieeeee and i also kinda want wookie to be pregnant!
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 16: Wow.. Your english had improved so much throughout the story.. Its really a great story.. And im lovin it
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 5: Omg this is so romantic!!!!!!!
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 1: Awwww kyu as the father is just so cute..
Wookpair #9
Chapter 18: Ugh, their family was sooooo cute. And i hope wook can pregnant, pwease!^^ i will wait the next chap, dont takr too long timr dear
Chapter 18: Kyaaaaaaaa......kyaaaaaaaaa kyaaaaaaa super cuteeeeee...
Aigo...kyu meaniiiiiieeeee>,<