New Love

Minnaaa... yoreobun... mianhae... I am sorry. I can't keep my promise as what I have promised last time. I have almost (i don't know) many time lying about wanting to update as soon as possible but in the end I didn't do it, even though I still update but I feel really sorry.

And this time, I can't do this again. Why? My graduation in college is near (this Aug) and my last project haven't finish at all. My module and my video. I still have to edit and edit the video to my last project. it's about metal forming, metal working and fabricasting (I'm studying mechanical engineering btw) and i hope i don't have to do revision or re-editing those stuffs after the research to the student, it's annoying :D my job also didn't always help me in 'time'. I was spoiled by it. -_-" and also my nieces are meany sometimes kkk~

I hope everyone who loves my stories (all of them and also who loves me :3 ) wants to wait a little longer. I can't promise this time when, but I will give you the new story that I have written along with this story to finish... ah, this story still have 2 chapters left.

I will not abandon you and my stories and or run away. you can keep in touch with me at Facebook, twitter, or my Line (Shinigami Icha) and BBM (51be553f). Please support me to finish it soon. so I can be free from that (uurrgh) project.


I hope you guys forgive me, please... and see you in next 2 months. I love you all~ <3 :* *flying kiss

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there's a week for the next update...


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Chapter 19: huwaaaaaaaaa q kangen fic ini....... where are u now????
d fb juga gx aktf lg deh ky na ?
ateena1618 #2
Chapter 19: Sure! Take your time! All the best for your project! Do well!
Chapter 19: take your time dear..
smoga tugas'y cpt slesai.. tp jgn main fb-an mulu y kkk
janji lo lw udah slsai urusan'y bakal update ma fic yg baru d post ehehe

fighting ne^^
AlyciaC #4
Chapter 19: it's ok ! i can understand because i have some exams those next months too! keep going
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 18: Awww.. Please updateeee T.T i want to read next chappieeeee and i also kinda want wookie to be pregnant!
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 16: Wow.. Your english had improved so much throughout the story.. Its really a great story.. And im lovin it
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 5: Omg this is so romantic!!!!!!!
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 1: Awwww kyu as the father is just so cute..
Wookpair #9
Chapter 18: Ugh, their family was sooooo cute. And i hope wook can pregnant, pwease!^^ i will wait the next chap, dont takr too long timr dear
Chapter 18: Kyaaaaaaaa......kyaaaaaaaaa kyaaaaaaa super cuteeeeee...
Aigo...kyu meaniiiiiieeeee>,<