Chapter 1

New Love

Chapter 1



“Appa! I want my bath!” she shouted again. “Appa!”

“Appa! My bath too!!” he also shouted.

Aargh!! I want my sleep time!! I groaned soundly. They are too loudly, too loud! I felt my ears wanted to rip. One little girl in this house had made me crazy added, there’re two! Two little girl, with two loud mouths and two annoying same face! If I could change my time, I just wanted to leave alone. ing alone, that’s it.

“Appa! What are you doing, we are want to go to school. Our teacher will scold me and Hyeorin, later. Come on, man!” That girl! Aissh…

I walked out of my room then kneeling in front of them that sitting with hands on their chests in living room sofa. “What’s wrong? It’s still early, you know. You two are always lazy to come to bath. What’s wrong now?” I rubbed my face tiredly.

“Hyeorin said, today, a new teacher will come to our school. Right, Hyeorin?”

“Yeah, Appa, we want to see him, come on!”

Well, I had two daughters, to be exact, twin daughter. They were so loud, annoying and crazy. They always wanted win over everything. I was the one of those things they wanted to win. And I really didn’t care about it. At least they were smart, too smart than me. I was proud of them. It’s because I schooling them in best school. Haha.. I was also proud of myself.

“So, is he handsome?” I asked softly. Hyeorin, she loved me because I was soft.

She looked like thinking something while her fingers were taping on her cute lips. “I don’t know, maybe?”

“What time is it now?” I asked the other, Hyerin with playfully tone.

“Oh, come on, Appa. I know, Hyeorin knows that it’s still 6 in the morning. Bu-but, we want to see him.” She pouted her cute lips.

I nodded and sighed due to their cuteness morning. Well, what else could I do? No one could answer me, right? Right! They clapped their little hands than headed toward the bathroom jumping happily. I sighed again and again. I love them, you know.

They finished with their hair tied nice and I finished my work, cooking. Fortunately, I had take bath and ready to go work. So, now, we sat on the chair and started eating. The twins are so calm when they ate. Like what I ever said in every morning, ‘no rush, no word and calm, so the food will smile on us’. It might be made them annoying, but it worked. And in the end, I winked at them. They winked at me back.

“Okay, ready?” I asked like a captain. They liked it.

“Ready!!” they shouted together.

One thing I hate of them, their loud voice!


“Be careful, don’t make mess and be nice to your new teacher, okay?” I ruffled Hyeorin and Hyerin’s hair.

“We know that, man!”

“I’ll pick you up. Don’t go with stranger, get it!”

I knew what they would say. “Who else wants to pick us?” Hyerin said annoying. “See you, Appa.”


Author’s POV


The twins entered the school. Their hands intertwined. Many of the students of the elementary school were there. They waved to the twin and said morning to each other. Headed toward their class, Hyeorin spotted a petite man was standing in front of principal’s room.

“Unnie, look there!” she pointed the man.

“Who is he?” Hyerin asked suspiciously.

“Our new teacher?”

“Let’s check!”

They approached the man and poked him on the lap. The petite man looked at them hesitantly. There were sprinkles on his forehead. He was thinking.

“May we help you, sir?” Hyerin asked.

“Sure… I-I need to know, is it the principal’s room?” his voice was in doubt.

“Yes.” Both of them said together. “Are you new teacher?” Hyeorin asked then.

The man nodded, smiling. He bowed his body a little bit. “Thank you, girls. I hope we will meet again.” He ruffled their hair.

“Ah, no problem. See you, Mr…?”


“Mr. Ryeowook.”

They waved their hands and ran to their class, happily. The day started with cheers and loud screams in the class. The twins were chatting happily. It’s like the day was just for them. Even though the new teacher didn’t teach them yet, they were happy it would be soon. Too happy because of the moment, they didn’t realize that bell was ringing, signing that the day was over fastly.

“Appa!!” the twins shouted.

“Whoops… you got him?” their father asked, teasingly.

“Of course! He‘s cute, with little body and his voice., I love it!” Hyeorin, on her father arm told him.

“He has cheeks bone. He’s cute, like Appa and you know, he’s short.” Hyerin added.

“So lucky, you two!” he commented. “So, he had tough you already?”

Both of them shook their head. They looked disappointed.

“Okay, I know he will teach you tomorrow. Don’t be sad, girls.” He assured them.

They nodded. Hyeorin climbed off and entered the car with his twin then sat sweetly. Their father drove back to their home while chatting. Both of the twins headed toward their room. Their father went to the kitchen.

He bought vegetables, eggs, flavor, sugar, milk, chicken meet, and some other stuff. He wanted to make chicken soup. The twin loved chicken soup. He told his daughter to wait him in their room. He knew his they were tired. So, while the twins were sleeping, he cooked.

He’s the only parent they had; their mother had gone long time ago when they were 2 years old. She got heart attack. Even though he didn’t really love her, but he felt lost because of her left. He was lonely at first time, tired and even felt want to leave his daughters at orphanage. But he had heart, he loved his daughters. They were sweet, cute and smart. He loved them. And his job had added, to be a single parent. He’s a CEO of the company his father had. He always finished his works at his house, it’s because the twins. He didn’t want to burden his parents to babysit them.

“Mm, what should I make for the desert?” he asked himself when he finished with chicken soup. “What about pancake? Well, I’m sure they will like it.”

Just few minutes he finished the food and they ate together.

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Chapter 19: huwaaaaaaaaa q kangen fic ini....... where are u now????
d fb juga gx aktf lg deh ky na ?
ateena1618 #2
Chapter 19: Sure! Take your time! All the best for your project! Do well!
Chapter 19: take your time dear..
smoga tugas'y cpt slesai.. tp jgn main fb-an mulu y kkk
janji lo lw udah slsai urusan'y bakal update ma fic yg baru d post ehehe

fighting ne^^
AlyciaC #4
Chapter 19: it's ok ! i can understand because i have some exams those next months too! keep going
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 18: Awww.. Please updateeee T.T i want to read next chappieeeee and i also kinda want wookie to be pregnant!
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 16: Wow.. Your english had improved so much throughout the story.. Its really a great story.. And im lovin it
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 5: Omg this is so romantic!!!!!!!
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 1: Awwww kyu as the father is just so cute..
Wookpair #9
Chapter 18: Ugh, their family was sooooo cute. And i hope wook can pregnant, pwease!^^ i will wait the next chap, dont takr too long timr dear
Chapter 18: Kyaaaaaaaa......kyaaaaaaaaa kyaaaaaaa super cuteeeeee...
Aigo...kyu meaniiiiiieeeee>,<