Running Man pt. III


"I choose..."

"Jaesuk oppa!" She exclaimed with eyes tightly shut. Slowly peeking her eyes open, she was met with a mixture of horrified and betrayed expressions. Sehun, Kai and Jackson looked visibly deflated, while Haha and Jaesuk appeared satisfied.

"HAHA. At least I didn't loose to these pretty boys." Haha jested.

"Are you sure you don't wanna reconsider?" Jackson asked desperately. Everyone turned to Rin in anticipation, but she shook her head adamantly. 


"You know" Jaesuk began, "there really was not point to that competition."

"What do you mean?" Sehun asked.

"You were all fighting so you could be paired up with Rin, but you still ended up as part of her team." He chuckled.

"I guess," Jackson sighed in agreement. "But it's still different though."

"How so?" Haha interjected.

"Jaesuk hyung gets to share a camera with her during the games, but we can't."
Jackson pouted pitifully. 

"Yeah, that's kinda unfair." Kai chimed. "I wanted a pretty partner too, not some short guy with muscular arms." He jabbed a thumb at Jackson.

"What's wrong with me?" He yelled. "At least you didn't get Sukjin hung!" He turned to the aforementioned person, "
No offense," he added sheepishly.

In between the two boys, Rin massaged her temples in exasperation. It was only 10 minutes into the ride and she could already feel a migraine coming on.

Everyone in the car gawked at the two as they seemed to be flirting openly. Well, Jackson was, or at least he was trying to. Rin on the other hand, seemed more ticked off at his actions and was trying to ignore his presence.

"Seriously, what did you eat?" Kai asked, regarded him warily. It seemed as though he might disappear if they didn't keep an eye on him. 

"Apparently, He's had waffles and hot chocolate. I think he's gone on a sugar high." Sukjin sighed.

"You still get those?" Sehun cried in disbelief. He continued to watch in awe as Rin brushed off all of Jackon's advances. It continued on for a few minutes longer until she finally snapped. Fortunately, they were already at a rest stop.

"Sehun-ah," She called out, "can you come over here and switch seats with him?" She gestured to Jackson.

"Waeyo!" He protested. He kept trying to ask her but she only responded with a cold shoulder. Seemingly deflated, Jackson reluctantly got up and switched seats with Sehun. The seating arrangment was now: Haha and Jaesuk in front, Rin sandwiched between Kai and Sehun and finally, Jackson and Sukjin at the back.

"Looks like you're gonna have to settle with sharing a camera with me." Sukjin laughed. 



"You know, we would've arrived earlier if you hadn't decided to take your sweet time getting ready." Rin spoke through gritted teeth.

"Oh, so you think my is sweet now?" He quirked an eyebrow at her, a smirk tugging at his lips. 

"Shut up." She scowled, "You know I didn't mean it that way."

"Ha. But you said it." He grinned impishly.

"Tch. Stop taking my words out of context." She frowned, turning her nose up haughtily. 

"Come on, princess, you know you like it."

This time, Jackson received no response, only to notice from the corner of his eye, Rin moving to walk on the side further away from him.


"The next game will be shot at the pool. It's a team game and the only rule of the game is to answer the questions correctly, and without cheating. Any incorrect answers will result with the players being flung into the pool. As the rules were being explained by the PD, Jackson was staring off to the side. After a few moments of daydreaming a familiar glint flashed in his eye.

"Bikini?" Jackson suddenly spoke aloud.

"Huh?" Sehun stared in confusion.

"R-rin in a bikini." He stuttered out, blood slowly tricking down his nose. The boys thought for a moment before eyes widened in realization. *ping!*

"That'd be amazing." Kai sighed dreamily.

"Where's the bikini?" Jackson whined as he leered at Rin from across the pool. "Bro, you got our hopes up." Kai shook his head in disappoinment. The boys were all perched on a ledge on the other side of the pool, watching as Rin spoke animatedly to Jihyo.

"I was looking forward to it too." Sehun sighed.

"Looking forward to what?" A voice came out of nowhere. They all turned to the side and noticed Rin standing there with a questioning glance. Their mouths dropped in shock as they tried to figure out how she managed to get across without any of them noticing.  Rin's brows furrowed and she waved a hand in front of their faces. "Looking forward to what?" Rin asked once more, after realizing all of them had zoned out. All at once they sputtered out excuses.

"N-nothing!" Mark stammered with a flushed face. Rin's eyes narrowed with suspicion as she studied their forms. "Sure?" She asked.

"Yeah, definitely." Jr added. Rin seemed to accept the answer and with a quick nod of her head, moved to join Jihyo again.


The game had ended with a win for Rin's team. It consisted of a few general knowledge questions, historical facts, followed by a nonsense quiz. In the end, Rin had won the match by answering the final question: What kind of key opens a banana?

The response: A monkey!


"Why wasn't I born with balls?" Rin groaned, aloud. Miltiple heads whipped around simultaneously to face her.

"HA?" Kai asked, horrified. 

"Oh gawd," her eyes widened in mortification. "I meant-"

"No, stop." Taemin interrupted her. "You've said enough."

"NOO! I didn't mean it like that," she hastily explained, "I meant that I wished I was born gutsy. That way I wouldn't be scared to do the challenge. Just look at it!" She gestured to the 30ft rock climbing wall. "It's like climbing up Mount Everest!" 

"Having to shoot a basketball into the hoop up there just adds icing to the cake." Jr. monotoned.

"Well, this is certainly a great way to end the competition. We didn't even have to do the bell game." Sehun grinned. 

"Be quiet! I'm trying to focus!" Haha groaned. Everyone noticed that he was beginning to tremble slightly due to his fear of heights. 

"Yeah, you guys are making this harder." Jaesuk added. "Yah, PD! Why'd you have to add a challenge with heights! You know we're afraid of them!" He fumed. 
Behind the cameras, all the staff were trying to stifle their laughter. Even Jongkook couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Don't laugh at us!" Sukjin yelled at the staff. At that point, all the members were already suited up and had their harnesses ready. Everything was already set up, so all they had to do was climb up the walls and dunk the balls into the hoops. 


It was already down to the last hour, and it was the final match between Haha and Kwangsoo. Everyone had already completed the challenge and Rin's team is currently in the lead. On the ground, were all the team mates, anxiously waiting for the match begin. 

"I don't wanna do this!" Haha cried. "Let me go back down! Mom, save me!" He had only just made it 7ft off the ground. Now he had about 23 ft remaining. Oh joy.

"Oppa, you can do it! You've barely even started!" Rin encouraged him from below.

"Hyung, go for it! You only have to climb up 3 more ft!" Kai shouted through cupped hands.

"Just one more shot!" Sehun added. "Just make it to the closest basket."

"Just don't look down" Jaesuk commanded. "It's not so bad, I've even done it!" 

"Why isn't anyone cheering for me?" Kwangsoo yelled. "I don't even feel like doing this anymore. I wanna switch teams!" He turned to the camera. "Do you guys hear me?"

Meanwhile, Jihyo's team was just returning from a trip to the convenience store. Everyone came back with arms filled with snacks and drinks. In the distance, the could hear a faint voice yelling out, "switch teams!" Once they reached the base of the rock climbing wall, they realized it was Kwangsoo's voice. 

"You can do it hyung!" Mark cheered enthusiastically. "You're almost ther-"

"You're too late!" Kwangsoo cut him off,  "I already decided 5 minutes ago that I would switch teams." He turned down to face them. "Where'd you even go?" He contiued to study them until his eyes caught onto a familiar sight. Red packaging. Inside a box. Chocolate sticks. Pocky.  *ping*

"Yah! You guys left to get food?" he exploded. "What kind of team mates are you? That's it, I forfeit!" He attempted to climb back down, but got caught in the harness. When he looked back down, he realized Jihyo and Gary were holding onto the rope. "Let me down!" he yelled.

"There's no point in qutting now," Jinhyo began, "It's too late to switch teams and if you come down now, your fans are going to think you're a quitter." 

"Might as well finish the challenge and try to win a prize at the end." Gary chimed.

After a few more moments of deliberation, Kwangsoo sighed in defeat. "Fine." Just as he latched back onto the wall and motioned for another foothold, an alarm rang.

"Yah, wai-" He was cut off by air blowing into his face.

"I DID IT!!" Haha exclaimed. "WE WON! GUYS, WE WON!!" He yelled towards the camera.

"Despite the last challenge, today was actually a lot of fun." Jaesuk remarked. "Although we didn't get to compete as a team for running man, against the guests, we were still able to use teamwork to compete in group challenges." He gestured towards the guests, "I'd like to thank our guests for today for giving keeping up with all the strenuous activity and forcing our staff to keep on their toes."

"No problem." Taemin grinned.

"Before we close, would any of the guest like to say a word?" Sukjin asked.

"I would," Rin volunteered. "I'd like to thank the staff for inviting me to the show, today was completely  exhilarating and it was such a great opportunity to see what it was like to film behind the scenes." She smiled. "Also, if you guys would have me, I'd love to come back and play again" she added shyly. 

"We will! Come back next week!" Haha exclaimed.

"What about us?" Jackson asked, sweeping a hand towards the male guests. Haha's eyes briefly flicker over to the males, before returning the attention to Rin

"No, we're fine." Kwangsoo joined in. "Come back alone next time, ok Rin?" 

"Hey, that's unfair, I wanna co-" Kai was about to protest, but was abruptly cut off by Jaesuk.

"Well, that's all the time we have left today. See you guys next week!"


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TheLoneWolf #1
Chapter 9: poor all the boys guest ther
TheLoneWolf #2
Chapter 8: harem hahahaha
mm0923 #3
Chapter 7: ooh rin has a harem of boys after her
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Chapter 7: part two please
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Chapter 6: can't wait another chapter
Chapter 4: Looks like someone really likes donuts xD Nice story :)
TheLoneWolf #7
Chapter 2: update soon