Running Man pt. II


Rin was perched on top of a roof scanning around for the other cast members. They were currenlty in the middle of a game called 'capture the tags'. Their objective was to capture as many tags as they could from each members' territories and eliminate one another by removing their tags. Each member was provided with tags to mark areas in different territories and a water gun to eliminate the competition. Bonus points would be appointed to the person who marked the most places in each territory, as well as removing any special tags. 

It was only into their first hour of the game when Rin could feel a creeping sensation in the back of her mind. She felt as though someone had been watching her for a while now, so she stealthily got up and transferred locations. Are they only after me? She groaned when she saw a shadow whizz past, bearing a resemblance to Kai. Anybody but him or Jackson, she pleaded silently.  Once again, she checked to see if the coast was clear and began to make her move.  


Jackson isn't a quiet person, so he'd definitely be out in the open. Now, If I were a Jackson, where would I be? she thought, wandering through the halls. "Aha!" her eyes lit up in realization. Ground floor. It's the easiest place to maneuver around. "Plus, he'd never give up the opportunity to be on camera." she muttered under her breath. 

After leisurely going through a few stores, Rin finally spotted him crouching by one of the vending machines. Not hard to miss, his VJ pracctically gives away his position. She rolled her eyes in exasperation. It appeared as though he was doing some sort of self-interview. Seemingly unaware of any threats, Jackson continued speaking animatedly to the camera. Stealthily, Rin was able to sneak up behind him and spray his tag. With time to spare, she was able to make a safe and clean get away.
Due to his obliviousness, Jackson remained unaware of the occurence until a few moments later, when he heard a voice call, 
"Jackson, OUT!" 

The shock registered on his face before he yelled out, "What? How did that happen? I was the only one down here!" He continued flailing and ranting until he was promptly escorted off to prison. Behind one of the posts, Rin snickered as she watched Jackson pout while being dragged off by the staff. One down, twelve more to go.


At the same time, one level above...

"Ji Sukjin, OUT!" Mark grinned widely as he pocketed the name tag and ran off. "Thanks, hyung!" 

"Looks like the race has oficially started." Jaesuk chuckled as Sukjin just stood completely baffeled until he was taken away.

Make that eleven, Rin added as an afterthought. 

The game continued on and as more time passed, more people were eliminated. Two and half hours into the game and the only remaining members left, were Rin, Jihyo, JaesukKai and Sehun. Amazingly enough, Haha and Kwangsoo were able to eliminate him by working together. While Jongkook was pre-occupied with tagging his territory, they ambushed him and took off his name tag. However, their truce didn't last long. Mere minutes after they got the tag, Haha and Kwangsoo broke out into a fight, only to be taken out by Taemin, Jr and Gary. Similar to a domino effect, the 3 also ended up battling for their tags, but were all eliminated by the Ace, Jihyo.

While everyone was busy battling during their encounters, Rin was off comfortably strolling around, tagging all the territories. What she didn't know, was that Sehun was doing exactly the same thing in one of the rooms just down the hall. 

"Jihyo, OUT!" 

"YES!!" They heard Kai exclaim. It seemed as though the sound came from one floor below. That's not a good sign, Rin thought.

Minutes later, they heard, "Kai, OUT!" and the obvious sound of whining and a bit of struggling. Guess he just doesn't want to admit defeat, Rin snickered.

Curious to see who else remained, Rin began to make her way outside. As she rounded the hall, she bumped into a solid figure. "Umpf-" Before she could fall, a hand shot out to steady her. "Oh my god, you scared the hell outta me!" She put a hand to her chest in relief. "Thank goodness, it's just you." She looked up to meet Sehun's eyes.

"So who's left?" He finally spoke, after making sure she wasn't about to drop in a dead faint. "Just us?"

"I don't think so, Jaesuk oppa's probably still out there." She glanced around apprehensively.

Sensing as though someone were observing them, Sehun imitated the action. 

"Truce?" He offered, glancing at Rin from the corner of his eye. 

"For now," She accepted and shook his hand.


The final two figures were in the middle of an arena scrutinizing one another. Rin began to move cautiously when she noticed that Sehun appeared almost ready to pounce.  She was aware that she would be able to out run him, but wasn't so sure if she could overpower his strength. If she were to get caught in his grip, that could be the end to the game. Escaping wouldn't be such an easy feat. At this moment, she regretted teaming up with him to eliminate Jaesuk.

At least if oppa were here, I would've stood a chance. She mentally groaned. Great, now I'm stuck with this titan as an enemy.  

"Are you just gonna stand there and glower at me?" Sehun taunted. She took a few more moments to observe him. His posture was relaxed, almost as if they weren't in a real game. Good, that leaves a few openings.

"Shut up." Rin scoffed, "I was just thinking of strategies to win this."

"Oh? So you think you stand a chance?" A brow quirked in amusement.

"Of course," she smirked confidently.

"Well then, bring it on."


Before he knew it, he was on the ground. His face was pressed into the floor and he could feel a knee digging into his back. What the hell happened? he thought, All I saw was a black blur, then the next minute, I'm knocked off my feet and my chest is pressed into the floor.

"Ya! Are you ok?" Rin asked, helping him up from the floor. When he didn't respond, she continued waving her hand in front of his face. Eventually, Sehun was snapped out of his musings when he heard the PD say, "Sehun, OUT!"

"Wait, what?" he glanced around in confusion. He was about to ask what happened, before he felt someone's gaze directed at him. Surely enough, he turned around to meet Rin's twinkling eyes and the smug grin plastered on her face. 


Once everyone was gathered, the PD instructed them to break off in pairs. It didn't require much effort though, since it seemed as though the prisoners had already sorted the pairs beforehand. At this point, the only pairings made up were: Monday couple, Singing Team (JongTae), Girin Team (MarkSoo) & the Jin couple (Jinyoung & Sukjin).

"Since none of the males won, Rin can decide who she wants to pair up with." The PD announced. Everyone's attention was directed towards her and she slightly resembed a deer caught in headlights. It took all they had not to squeal at the adorable sight. A cough from Jaesuk snapped everyone back to attention.

"Have you decided who you want a your partner?" He asked.

"Um..." she glanced over at the remaining males. The PD noted that she was reluctant to answer and chimed, "You can either choose 
Haha, Jaesuk, Sehun, Kai or Jackson. Just think about who you'd rather share a camera with." Much to her chagrin, Jackson & Kai were daring enough to throw a couple winks her way. Men and their stupid competitions, she muttered under her breath.

After a few more moments of deliberation, she finally came to a decision.

"I choose..."


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TheLoneWolf #1
Chapter 9: poor all the boys guest ther
TheLoneWolf #2
Chapter 8: harem hahahaha
mm0923 #3
Chapter 7: ooh rin has a harem of boys after her
TheLoneWolf #4
Chapter 7: part two please
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 6: can't wait another chapter
Chapter 4: Looks like someone really likes donuts xD Nice story :)
TheLoneWolf #7
Chapter 2: update soon