Play time or work?


The drive to the beach took quite a long time. Since it was summer, a lot of people were out having fun while trying to cool off from the heat. To ward off any attention from fans, they all decided to go to a secluded beach. One of which SM happened to privately own, which was open access to all the company's staff and idols. Upon arrival, they immediately removed their shoes, rolled up their pants and dipped their feet into the water. Everyone took the chance to relax, soak up the sun and relfect on their days before debut.

However, the silence didn't last long after a water fight broke out, when Kai 'accidentally' splashed Jessica's leg with water. It began as a one-on-one battle between the two, to girls vs. boys, which then escalated into an all out brawl, with the single rule: every man for himself. Or woman for herself, if you want to be all technical about it. *cough* Yuri

After that, started a sand sculpting competition which resulted with Rin as the winner for her impressive 'Colossal Titan' sculpture and Jessica, as the unfortunate loser for her unique creation of 'hell's gate'. In reality, it just sad attempt at making a moat
 to go with her deformed castleOddly enough, awarding last place was a lot more difficult than the first place. This was due to the draw Jessica initially had with Luhan, for his failed 'Bob-omb' sand sculpture. 

Just like that, their day was spent playing games, taking photos and sharing donuts along with some ice cream.

SM: The next day

"Is everybody here? we need to start looking at these tracks." Hyoyeon sifted through a list of tracks. 

Jessica glanced around before doing a headcount. Hyo? check. Amber? check. Yul? check. Lu? check. Taeminie? check. Kyungsoo? check. Herself? obvious check. So who else was missi- wait. "Has anybody seen the maknaes? Or know where they are right now?" she asked. "I think they went out to get us some drinks," Luhan responded. "Yeah, but they left about 20 minutes ago." Amber remarked, appearing a bit anxious. 

"I'll give them a call and see what's the hold up." Jessica took her phone and dialled a number.

♫ Gotun ganghan chok haebojiman. Nae shimjangun jongi gata. I got a pa-pa-pa-pa paper heart~ 

"Jessi-eonni!" Rin's voice called through the speaker. "What's up?

"You guys are late, we need to start looking through the tracks." Jessica answered flatly.  "What? What time is it?" Rin's voice came out panicked. "Oh my god. It's already 10?" she shrieked. "Sorry eonni! We'll be there soon, we got just caught up in traffic, since the line at the bubble tea store was too long. Anyway, I'll call you back when we get there!"

Before the line dropped, a faint, "you used your own song as a ring tone?" was heard, followed by a laugh, then the response: "shut up kkamjong, at least I didn't set mine to my own part!" -click-

"Well," Taemin coughed awkwardly, "that was interesting."

"Remind me next time, never to let those two run errands together," Jessica groaned, resting the heel of her palm on her forehead. 


"We're back!" Two voices sang, as the door swung open. "Hope you guys like them," they handed out the drinks out while sporting matching grins. They received hums of appreciation as they sat down to join the rest of the group. They flinched once their eyes met Jessica's piercing gaze and hastily apologised for pushing back the schedule.

"Noona, mianhae, we wouldn't have been late if I didn't insist on going to another store for the drinks." Kai spoke with his head hung low. "Ani," Rin shook her head. "It was my fault too. If I checked the time, we probably would have made it back earlier." With their heads bowed and bodies huddled close together, the image resembed two frightened puppies with their tails tucked between their tails.

"Pfft," the silence was broken by a chuckle. Their heads snapped up to see Jessica and the others attempt to stifle their laughter. "Eh?" They stared on, completely bewildered.

"You- you're not mad?" Kai asked, his face dispalying utter confusion.

"Ani," Jessica giggled. "We're sorry you two, this was all just a joke."

"Huh?" Rin blinked repeatedly, still trying to recover from the shock.

"We wanted to see how you'd react if you were told off by noona. I was right, I knew you two would freak out. " Taemin wheezed, wiping tears from the corner of his eyes.



"Those two sure are taking their sweet time getting back." Hyoyeon stated off-handedly.

"Noona! Why don't we do a prank?" Taemin suggested, eyes glinting mischievously. Everyone obeserved him for a moment before turning to Jessica for a response.

"Come on, Sica, it'll be fun." Yuri chimed. 

After considering the idea a bit longer, she finally gave in. "Alright, what do we do?"

"Well first, we'll wait for them to get back and then-" 

-Flashback ends- 

"And that's how it happened." Luhan explained the prank.

"So you guys tricked us?" They screamed in unison, eyes widened to the size of saucers. 

"Why would you do that to us?" Kai whined, "I thought you guys were really mad." He added, 
cradling his head in his hands.

"Because it's fun," Yuri laughed maniacally. "Plus, we had nothing better to do and we wanted to get it on camera." D.O. grinned.

"Ugh," Rin groaned. "You really got us." She said, dragging a palm down her face.  

"I honestly thought I would've had to get on my knees and beg for forgiveness." 
Kai clutched his chest and let out a sigh of relief.

"Too bad," Hyoyeon sighed wistfully. "That would've been a sight to see."

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TheLoneWolf #1
Chapter 9: poor all the boys guest ther
TheLoneWolf #2
Chapter 8: harem hahahaha
mm0923 #3
Chapter 7: ooh rin has a harem of boys after her
TheLoneWolf #4
Chapter 7: part two please
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 6: can't wait another chapter
Chapter 4: Looks like someone really likes donuts xD Nice story :)
TheLoneWolf #7
Chapter 2: update soon