J & K


Saturday lunchtimes at SM were hectic. Halls were littered with staff leaving for their breaks and the cafeterias crowded with trainees.  Unluckily for Rin, today was one of those days. She calmly walked through the halls and into the cafeteria in search for a table. As soon as she found one, she immediately sat sat down and waited patiently for her group mates. Soon, 10 minutes passed and Rin didn't bother to mask the boredom on her face. She glanced around and noticed an overwhelming amount of trainees at the company. What's going on? Is it evaluation time already? As she was deep in thought, she failed to notice the arrival of Kai, Luhan & Amber. She was snapped out of her reverie by the sound of Kai's voice calling out to her and was met with a hand snapping in her face. 

"Stop. I heard you." She said, grabbing his hand and putting it back down.
"Oh, well I called you about 3 times before and you didn't respond, so-" He shrugged.
"What were you thinking so hard about anyway?" Luhan asked. 
"Trainees." Was the immediate response.
"You mean, why they're all here?" Amber expanded.
"Un. I was thinking that it might be time for evaluations again." 

Eventually, Sehun joined the table along with D.O.Jessica, Yoona & Sunny, who brought along the drinks and lunch. They set out the food and all the drinks across the table, along with some sweets to go after the meal. Instead of donuts this time, they had a chocolate cake roll. As they ate, they discussed their schedules for the day and if they had any free time during the next week. Rin had her chin cupped in her had as she rested her elbow on the table. She glanced around the hall, scrutinizing all the trainees before her eyes rested on Sehun.

Reaching across the table, she tugged onto his sleeve. "Not that I'm not glad that you're here, but uh-why are you?" she asked.
Sehun turned to her and raised a brow. "It was in my schedule," he replied blankly.
"Oh. So, is everyone else here for the same reason? she addressed the rest of the table.
"Yeah" Yoona replied, "It's got something to do with the trainees."
"Apparently, we're gonna be part of the evaluation groups for the talents." Jessica drawled.
"So, basically were going to be their judges." Amber clarified.
"I'd rather say: mentors." Sunny lightly interjected. "At least then, we'd be able to give out advice & get to know them on a personal level. It'd also make them a lot more comfortable around us."

"So it'll just be the 8 of us?" Rin's face scrunched up in disdain. Although she was an idol, she still felt unease at being the center of attention. Large crowds were absolutely terrifying to her and Krystal, especially when people would blatantly stare and take photos of them. It was an issue they had to deal with since they were children and were still trying to overcome. 
"It's unfortunate, but yes." Sunny nodded grimly. "The others are coming in later today and tomorrow. So we'll basically be doing our schedules in rotations."
Kai patted her shoulder in comfort. "Don't worry Rin, you won't have to go in ther alone." She regarded him for a moment, before shifting her gaze. 
"Yeah, I'm sure one of us will be in there with you." Luhan grinned assuredly.
"I hope so" she muttered softly. 

All the evaluations went by without a hitch. Initially, things were off to a shaky start when Rin became overwhelmed by the attention of all the trainees. As soon as she walked into the practice room, she was swallowed up by the crowed and was surrounded on all sides. After a few minutes of chaos, the staff managed to settle the trainees but Rin was still tense due to the initial shock. Eventually, Luhan came in to assist and she was finally able to relax and carry on with work. 


"Noona! You've got a round TV?" Taemin gawked, as Rin lay on the couch, surfing through all the channels. Their schedules had ended for the day, so the group were hanging out at the J & K house. 

"Hm? Oh yeah." Jessica walked in to the living room with bags full of snacks. She placed them onto the table, before picking up a chocolate croissant and settling into the seat by Rin's head. 

"Rin! Scoot over a little, the others are coming down and they need room." When she made no movement to get up, Taemin grudgingly lifted her up into proper seating position. She scowled at him for a moment, before returning her attention to the TV. Next to them, Jessica snickered as she enjoyed her treat. 

It wasn't long before everyone was in the living room and settled into their seats. They sat close together with snacks and drinks shared between them. Since it was still fairly early and nobody had work the next day, they decided to have a movie marathon. They were 10 minutes into the first movie, when the silence was broken by Kai. "What are we watching again?" he asked, as he squirmed in his seat in an attempt to make himself more comfortable bewteen Rin and D.O. "Stop moving," Rin frowned. "And, we're watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier." 

"Didn't it come out a couple months ago?" he continued.  

"YES," Sehun groaned in exasperation.

"But none of us had time to go and watch it, so we're having a marathon now." Luhan explained patiently.

"Oh, well, carry on then" he scratched the back of his neck and grinned sheepishly.


Things had finally settled down and everyone was queitly wtaching the movie. It was well into an intense action scene, when the silence was once again broken by Kai.

"Do...we have any popcorn?"

"Oh my god!" Amber groaned.

"Well, do we?" He asked again.

His response was a pillow to the face. 



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TheLoneWolf #1
Chapter 9: poor all the boys guest ther
TheLoneWolf #2
Chapter 8: harem hahahaha
mm0923 #3
Chapter 7: ooh rin has a harem of boys after her
TheLoneWolf #4
Chapter 7: part two please
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 6: can't wait another chapter
Chapter 4: Looks like someone really likes donuts xD Nice story :)
TheLoneWolf #7
Chapter 2: update soon