

"I wonder how things are going in the other car." Taemin wondered out loud.

"Luhanie hyung & Kyungsoo are probably squirming in their seats right now." Kai laughed. "They aren't close to the noonas, so they probably won't even say much," he added.

"But Rin's there!" Hyoyeon interjected.

"They'll be fine," Amber assured. "Well, hopefully."



*Oh. ohh eh oh. Eh eh eh eh.
Oh oh eh ohh ohhh~
Neo jallasseo jeongmal!*

Everyone was dancing and singing along to all the songs in the car. At first, things were awkward since they boys barely even spoke more than a sentence or two. But after a while, they grew comfortable with the other girls and began goofing off.  


"WE'RE HERE!" Taemin and Kai burst out the car. 

"OI! Wait for us!" Hyoyeon yelled. "We're not paying for your food!" Amber called out, making them freeze in their tracks.

"Jeez," Hyoyen huffed, "Nobody's gonna eat all the food. Let's just wait till the others get here, then you can go and order food."

Moments later, the car arrived and the rest of the group emerged. Things weren't how Kai imagined them to be though. Instead of awkward grins and ducked heads, Luhan and D.O. wore huge grins and were singing Girls Generation's 'Into the New World' along with all the girls. His jaw dropped, when he noticed Luhan's arms linked between Rin's and Jessica's, while D.O's were linked between Rin's and Yuri's.  

"You might wanna close your mouth,"
Yuri joked, once they approached the group, "You might catch flies in there." Kai looked down to their arms, then up to their faces and then back down, in disbelief. 
"B-but how?" He sputtered, motioning towards all the linked arms. "They aren't as timid as you made them out to be," Jessica chided, "they're honestly loads of fun." 


They sat at a booth in the corner, away from all the other customers. While waiting for their orders, they discussed potential concepts, album tracks & promotions. In between discussion, Rin's eyes fell on the clock on the wall. It was only a couple minutes before noon, and she was starving. What was I gonna eat 2 hours ago? Was it cake? No, that wasn't it. Bread? No.  After about a minute, realization dawned on her.

"DONUTS!" she sudenly exclaimed, startling everyone around her. 

"Wha-oh! The Donuts!"Amber face palmed, "Manager oppa said he was gonna bring it to us."

"NOO! My oreo donut & green tea! I never even got the chance to taste you. Fate, why must you taunt me so!"  Rin whined, dropping her head onto the table.

"You don't even need them right now. We're about to have lunch soon anyway." Kai stated.

"Yes I do," Rin argued. "They're donuts!" She added, as though the simple statement would explain everything.

"What does that have to with eating lunch?" D.O. asked.

"EVERYTHING!"she gasped in mock offence, clutching a hand to her chest.  

"In what ways?" D.O pestered, causing Rin to go into a long-winded discussion about the history and greatness behind donuts. 

After minutes of listening to the young girl prattle on about donuts, Hyoyeon finally had enough. "Fine! we'll get some later" she groaned, tiredly massaging her temples. "Really?" Rin's head whipped around, eyes sparking while her hands clasped together. "Yes." Yuri nodded. "YATTA!" she burst out, making everyone sweatdrop at her antics.


A few minutes later...

"Hey," Rin began, "doesn't this remind you guys of a goukon?" 

". . . . . . "

"HAA?" Kai stared at her incredulously.

"You know, like a group blind date. It's that thing where people get together and try to know more about each o-"

"We know what it means," Luhan interjected, "But why would you randomly bring that up right now?" D.O. sighed in exasperation.

"Dunno," Rin shrugged. "It was getting quiet, so I thought I'd just say something," she added nonchalantly.

A moment of awkward silence passed before Jessica finally spoke. "So, I wonder where the food is? I mean, it's almost been half an hour since we ordered and I think my stomach's already began to eat itself."

The restaurant was busier than usual, but luckily enough, they arrived on time and there were enough staff to cater to all the patrons. Once the food arrived, a glimmer of relief sparked in everyone's eyes. They would finally able to eat to their heart's content and Rin would be too distracted to say anything awkward. 


"So," Yuri began, after everyone finished eating. "Where to next?"

Everyone thought for a moment, before simultaneously yelling out, "THE BEACH!"

"But first," Rin paused, "DONUTS!!"


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TheLoneWolf #1
Chapter 9: poor all the boys guest ther
TheLoneWolf #2
Chapter 8: harem hahahaha
mm0923 #3
Chapter 7: ooh rin has a harem of boys after her
TheLoneWolf #4
Chapter 7: part two please
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 6: can't wait another chapter
Chapter 4: Looks like someone really likes donuts xD Nice story :)
TheLoneWolf #7
Chapter 2: update soon