Running Man


Rin stepped onto the set with a smile on her face. So this is what everything looks like behind the scenes. It was her first time on Running Man and she was excited to record for the missions.

Hair and make up didn't take too long, so she was left to look around and explore around the set.

It was getting closer to the time and Rin was getting anxious about meeting the other guests. She had already met the cast during the camera testing, but had yet to meet the other guests. She received a call about the show earlier in the week, but hadn't heard of who the other guests might be. 

As they were preparing to come out, she saw a familiar set of heads across the path. Those must be the other guests, she grinned. Slowly, she made her way over to them but froze when she heard a familiar voice say, "Ah, I'm getting nervous. It's our second time on here and I still can't stop moving." Is that? her thoughts trailed off as she closed the distance between them. It is! she gasped softly.  

He must've felt as though someone was burning holes into the back of his head, because his head suddenly whipped around. His eyes scanned around before their eyes caught. He stared at her for a few moments before widening in realization. She must be the other guest his manager spoke about. "Ya!" he called out, "what are you doing here?" Curious about the sudden outburst, the other two figures turned around. 

"Rin!" Sehun called out and immediately enveloped her in a hug. "I didn't know you were going to be here." He grinned.
"I didn't know you guys were going to be here either." she wheezed, breaking out of the hug. "By the way, rude much." She added, her sharp gaze flicking over to Kai. Unable to meet her stare, he let his eyes drop and fidgeted with his hands in a guilty manner. "Sorry." he pouted with his head dropped.

"So you're the other guest?" Taemin asked as he moved closer to join them.
"I guess so," she shrugged. "Do you guys know how the other guest are?" They thought for a moment and shook their heads. 
"Manager hyung just told me these 2 would be with me." Taemin spoke, pointing a thumb in their direction. "Same here" Sehun and Kai added.
"So I was the only one who didn't know about the other guests?" She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. They smiled at her in amusement. 
"At least you're not alone now." Taemin reached over to ruffle her hair.
"Hey! I just got that fixed!" She exclaimed, adjusting the strands back into place. 


"We are one! Annyeonghaseyo, EXO imnida." 
"EXO-K, Kai imnida!"
"EXO-K, Sehun imnida!"
"SHINee Taemin imnida!"
"They look the same." Jihyo gasped, pointing towards at Kai and Taemin. "They do! They're like twins." Sukjin added. Their idle chatter continued a while longer before they noticed the female of the group. "Wah! A g
irl group idol! Annyeong!" Kwangsoo exclaimed, hands waving frantically.
"Annyeonghaseyo, f(x) Rin imnida, pangapsumnida!" Rin greeted bashfully. "This is your first time on the show how do you feel?" Jaesuk asked.
"A little nervous. I don't usually do my schedules alone, so I'm trying to get used to it." She chewed on her lip nervously, a nervous tick she may have picked up from Krystal.  Adorable, everyone thought as they observed her mannerisms. They continued asking questions to help her get comfortable on the show. Slowly, she began to loosen up and relax.
"Sa-rang-hae-yo E-peu-ek-seu!" Haha suddenly cheered, causing veryone to laugh at the random outburst. 
"Now, let's continue to the other guests!" Jaesuk directed to the other guests.
"Come and get it, Got7 imnida!" They greeted.
"There's no more girls!" Haha whined. "I wanna be on Rin's Team!" he exclaimed, running over to her side.
"No! Pi-keu me!" Kwangsoo yelled in English. Jaseuk shook his head and walked over to smack them. "Let the other guests continue." He scolded.
"Annyeonghaseyo, Jr imnida!" He greeted with an eyesmile. 
"Got7, Jackson imnida!" He winked. "Ah, I don't like this one, he's too flashy." Jisuk commented on the side.
"Waeyo!" Jackson burst out. "He seems like one of those flashy guys that walk around Kangnam." Gary added,
causing everyone to erupt in laughter.

"Got7, Mark imnida!" He bowed. 
"Wah! Marrk!" Jaesuk called out. "Ani! It's Makeu!" Jongkook insisted.
"How do you say it?" Jaesuk turned to Rin. She looked momentarily surprised, before recovering and responding with a flat, "Mark". 
"Hyung! She's already tired of you" Haha joked. "She doesn't like your jokes!" Kwangsoo chuckled. "I-I'm not! This is just my face!" She spoke in a flustered manner, causing everyone to laugh.
"She's cute!!" Taemin called out, and they noted how her cheeks flushed in embarassment. The comment only made her face darken a shade and she used her palms to cover her face.
"Her ears are red!" Kai teased lightly, knowing she was growing uncomfortable again. "You're just making it worse," Sehun elbowed him in the ribs, before giving her a reassuring pat on the head.  


During their break, Jaesuk glanced over to his guests and observed as they doted on their female member. Ever since recording began, they always seemed to flock over to her to check how she was feeling. After a few more moments of observation, he decided to speak up. "Do I see a love line forming?" 

"What do you mean?" Haha stared at him quizzically. 

"Look at them," Jaesuk pointed over to the group. "It's like they're fighting for her attention."

"It's true!" Kwangsoo exclaimed in excitement. By now, the rest of the Running Man cast had gathered around to watch their interactions.  It seemed as though Rin was the only one oblivious to all the attention. It only made things a lot more interesting. 

Once recording resumed, they decided to carry out operation: Love Line. 

"You guys might already know, but sometimes we do missions in pairs." Jaesuk started off, "But today, the staff decided to shake things up a little." he continued, 
catching everyone's attention. 

"Instead of splitting up based on skills, pairs will be decided through a free-for-all during the next game. The rules are simple, the team that wins gets to choose their parter.  You can choose any person you want, BUT the chosen person can decide either to accept or reject the offer." 

"YES!" Rin sang and broke out into a little jig. 

"There is another twist though. The females," he paused, gesturing over to Jihyo and Rin, "can't choose their partners. Which means, it will be a battle to capture the queens." He announced, causing the men to cheer and Rin to freeze in her tracks.

"W-what?" she stuttered out, whipping her head around. 

"Basically, you're the prize." Kai grinned mischievously. 

"So you better prepare yourself, because we're coming after you," Jackson added, a determinted glint flashing in his eyes.



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TheLoneWolf #1
Chapter 9: poor all the boys guest ther
TheLoneWolf #2
Chapter 8: harem hahahaha
mm0923 #3
Chapter 7: ooh rin has a harem of boys after her
TheLoneWolf #4
Chapter 7: part two please
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 6: can't wait another chapter
Chapter 4: Looks like someone really likes donuts xD Nice story :)
TheLoneWolf #7
Chapter 2: update soon