
"We've decided to debut a mixed gender sub-unit and some of you, will be involved in this project."

Silence ensued as everyone took a moment to absorb the information.

Moments later, a collective gasp was heard. Followed by a single,



"Following the success of TaeTiSeo, the board decided to create a new new sub-unit similar to that of the Younique sub-unit. Only this time, the sub-unit will operate like any other idol group. That means, MV & audio recordings, live performances, fan meets, even television & radio appearances. You might even get to perform during one of the SMTown World tours." 

"W-wait," Tiffany interjected, "So where exactly is this 'sub-unit' going to be based? I mean, I understand the idea of making a mixed group, but we're talking about promoting together and I don't think any of the fandoms are going to be as accepting of the idea as we are." 

"They react when we appear a bit too cosy with other idols. More so, when we interact with other SMTown members." Henry chimed in agreement. 

"Wouldn't this be a risky move?" Yuri asked.

"I understand the concerns," Sooman responded. "Which is why we decided that this sub-ubit would focus more on overseas promotions to connect with international fans and expand the hallyu wave." 

"Now, you're all probably eager to find out who's been selected for this sub-ubit." He glanced around as some members edged forward, gripping onto their seats, while others sat, eyes wide, sparkled with anticipation. "First of all, there will be 9 members. The group name is currently undecided, but we have considered the name 'NeXus' " He continued. "Since some of you are already part of sub-units, that means you're all exempted from this project."    

"The members will include: Sooyeon- "Eh?" Her eyes widened, resembling a doe caught in the headlights. "Yes, Sooyeon, Jessica, whatever you want us to call you." He laughed lightly, before carrying on. "Yuri, Hyoyeonie-" "YASS!!" She cheered, punching a fist in the air.

"Amber, Taemin, Jongin-" They shot out from their seats and ran behind the table for a dramatic hug, making everyone laugh as flowers appeared in the background. What the? Where did those even come from? Rin's jaw dropped and she rubbed her eyes to confirm the sight. Slowly, she turned to Sehun to ask whether or not she was imagining things. His mouth was wide open while his head bobbed up in silent confirmation. "As entertaining as this all is," Sooman cut in, "I still need to call out the remainder of the members."

"Now, Luhan, Rin-" "HA?" Rin yelled, eyes widened comically.  "Yes, Rin. You and Luhan too." Sooman added, before they we're tackled in a bear hug by Taemin and Jongin.  

"Moving on," Sooman sang, "we wanted Henry to be the final member, but with his current schedules, it may be impossible. Therefore, we need to decide on a final member from either SHINee, or EXO." 

"Wait, if that's the case, why was I asked to come to this meeting?" Henry asked. 

"You won't be a fixed member for the sub-unit, but you can feature on some of the tracks." 

"Oh, alright then." He grinned. 

"So," Sooman leaned back in his seat. "Any suggestions?" 



"Unfortunately, the SHINee members are all busy with their own schedules." Onew informed with obvious disappointment.

"So it has to be another member of EXO." Sooman hummed in understanding. "Since the current members mainly comprise of dancers, we'll need another vocal."

"What about Jongdae?" Sooyoung asked. 

"Good suggestion, but we need someone who can dance relatively well." Sooman replied. "Sorry, Jongdae." He added, as an after thought. 

"Baekhyun?" Tiffany chimed.

"He's in the middle of a musical with Sunkyu, and the fans have yet to get over the dating scandal." Was the immediate reply.

"What about Kyungsoo?" Luna suggested. 

"Prefect!" Sooman exclaimed. "He can dance, he sings well and his English isn't too bad, either."

"Then it's settled," Sooman beamed. "Kyungsoo, welcome to 'neXus'!"  



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TheLoneWolf #1
Chapter 9: poor all the boys guest ther
TheLoneWolf #2
Chapter 8: harem hahahaha
mm0923 #3
Chapter 7: ooh rin has a harem of boys after her
TheLoneWolf #4
Chapter 7: part two please
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 6: can't wait another chapter
Chapter 4: Looks like someone really likes donuts xD Nice story :)
TheLoneWolf #7
Chapter 2: update soon