What was happening?

The Unlove Potion
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Jiyong's POV

Since that day, an unsettling emotion had been growing inside me. It kept bothering me that I became endlessly restless. It felt like something was missing. The feelings of incompleteness and lost were killing me softly. I could no longer accurately finish tasks. My mood swing was getting worse each day.

It felt as if there was a hole inside my soul, and it was getting bigger and it kept longing to be filled. But I was a man that was always in control. I became desperate to resolve the problem.

Suddenly, a solution that I sought for became clear. I was lonely. I had no one to share all of my happiness or sadness with. It bemused me that I didn’t think of that before. What I needed was to be in a relationship and it seemed to be the case because...

I met Lydia. She was one of the producers at YG. And we were in a relationship now. I met her last week, when we were involved in one of the project. Since then, we were always together and I found that she was cute in her own way. Our jobs were similar and she understood me the most. She was not perfect but she made me feel comfortable. Was that not important to have in relationships? To be comfortable and have someone to rely on.

And after what I have not felt like for a very long time, I finally felt everything went back to normal. At least, I could get inspired again and not be stuck with my lyrics anymore. And I could always ask for her input. Being with her gave me another reason to stay back in the studio. Somehow, home felt strange. I could not explain why. But it did. At last, my life was back on track. Well for me it felt like it did.

I made a decision. I wanted to share the news. The members deserved to know about our relationship because she might be the one for me and I wanted her to be in my circle of friends.

Nevertheless, I was excited when I called my group members to meet me in the studio. It would better to tell them the news in a familiar setting where everybody felt comfortable. For me, preparing a special event to introduce a girlfriend sounded a bit extravagance; plus, I was not in a mood for it. Furthermore, they were my family that I cherish and brothers that supported me no matter what. That was what I believed…

Hence, the reason why I was currently astonished. I could not believe what was happening. Not even one word of congratulation came from them. The members did not show any bit of happiness towards my announcement. In fact, they had a defensive stance and their rejection felt excruciating. The room were filled with sighs and shaking heads. The room was so thick with suffocation that it was hard to breathe.

In other words, they looked astounded and dissatisfied.

“Since when being in a relationship is a bad thing?” I asked irritated.

“There is nothing wrong with having a relationship Ji. The problem is you. Until when will you stop being like this?” Seunghyun asked in seriousness.

I was bewildered. Confused with the accusation. What was wrong with me? Was I the one at fault? As far as I knew, nothing went wrong except for them acting abnormal. Was this not a happy occasion for them too? I still remembered how we teased Daesung when he introduced his girlfriend to us. Instead, I did not

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THE END! Check it out guys and commemts please :)


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Gigi120000 #1
Chapter 12: Awww seungri is the best !
jsiwhdiwjd #2
Chapter 1: This is so sweet.....^^
wdyy_junee #3
Chapter 12: awwwww :))))))
this is so sweet......... amazing, author-nim..... ^^
Bellachab #4
Your story is amazing thank you
yagnehc #5
Chapter 12: omo! the feels... i can genuinely feel gri's emotion. and the last part was funny. i love g's desperate act..kkk
lanafbss #6
AllisonRowe #7
Chapter 12: Omo you got me there authornim! I thought maknae has forgotten about Jiyong!
Your fics are so cool! Daebakkkk
Tnx for making this fic!
cottonFinland #8
Chapter 12: Ah! This was a perfect bedtime story^^ thank you
Chapter 12: This story is beautiful.. I am crying, author nim !!!!
And I really love the part when Ri is pretending forget his memories XD.. You got me there author nim.. ^^