


“Friends? Taemin, you know that’s not safe!” his mother said.

“I-I didn’t mean to. They spoke to me first, and they were nice to me. I really like them,” Taemin responded. He know it wasn’t right, but it wasn’t like he was trying to make friends. They just decided he was their friend. Was he just supposed to refuse them? They were kind to him. They offered him their food, even though they didn’t have to. They even showed him to his first class.

And Minho. Minho helped him find the office. Minho was the first person to talk to him and calm his nerves in such a scary place. Minho was the one that gave him the courage to enter the crowded cafeteria, and gave him his delicious baked chips. How was Taemin supposed to deny his offer of friendship when Minho did so much for him? Taemin didn’t want to be mean, even though he couldn’t deny that his thirst got just a bit more unbearable around Minho. He didn’t mind it though, because Minho wanted to be his friend. He never had friends before. He didn’t want to miss this chance.


“I know you just want to be normal, but what if something happens? What if they find out who you are?” his mother asked. Taemin thought about it. What if they found out? Would they run from him? Would they think he was a monster? Would they expose his secret? Taemin hoped they didn’t. He hoped that if they did find out, they would accept him. Maybe not immediately, but they might accept him. The chances were slim, but he could still hope right?


“They won’t. I’ll make sure that they don’t. Please mother. Please don’t make me lose my

first friends,” he pleaded. His mother sighed, not knowing what to say to him. She didn’t want to upset him, and she really was happy that he had someone to talk to other than his parents and occasionally his brother, but being friends with humans is risky. She would’ve hoped that he’d avoid interacting with other people, but she hadn’t thought about people going up to Taemin first. She guessed it was to be expected anyway. She was sure that if Taemin was allowed to meet new people more, he’d be more open, and very social.

She trusted her son enough to know that he’d do everything he could to prevent being found out. Not to mention, Taemin’s abilities were still uncontrolled, and he needed to practice them more. If he accidently showed them off during school, he’d be in trouble. But Taemin was always careful. Taemin blended in more, because although he was pale, people just assumed, because he was young, that he was just sickly, and wasn’t allowed out much because of that. Taemin had a much easier time than they did getting along outside, so they trusted him to be safe.

They just didn’t trust humans. Yes, although not by much, a vampire was physically stronger than a human. Only was in a fit of rage would a vampire seem very powerful, a their strength and speed would increase a bit, but not much. Not unless their ability had something to do with strength or speed. Unless those were the reasons, a vampire had just about as much strength as a human’s, just a bit more. The only differences between them were the pale skin, red eyes, whatever ability a vampire acquired at a certain age, and how long they live.

Taemin was really one sixteen years old. They knew his powers would activate when he was sixteen because it is what they were told when they were born. Every vampire’s abilities come at different times. Some get theirs the moment they are born. Others have to wait hundreds of years. Taemin’s parents were over a hundred years old, but because they were vampires, they didn’t look anything over thirty, or less.

Taemin wasn’t like other vampires though. No, he wasn’t part of some prophecy, and he wasn’t going to lead the world to some epiphany. Taemin was just weaker than more vampires. He was, as of right now, the youngest, and the weakest. But what he lacked in physical strength he made up for in speed and agility. Those weren’t his main ability, just a little extra that he always had. They were enough to get him out of a tough situation. Taemin also had more of a heart than others. Taemin was reluctant to ever take human blood, and when he was younger, he was unable to attack a human when told to. His father had gotten it for him, and allowed Taemin to try it for the first time, but after that, they had to teach Taemin how to hunt animals. Whenever drinking human blood, Taemin felt guilty. He still had the urge to bite them, but the guilt overpowered the urge.

That was mainly why they worried about him. Taemin was too soft, too kind. He wouldn’t be able to fight back even if the situation called for it. He’d be too scared and too worried about injuring the other person. That was a problem they needed to fix, and they hoped Taemin going to school would give him a bit more confidence and make him a little soft-hearted. Taemin, for his own good, needed to toughen up a bit. Maybe get a few muscles, get into a fight and win. Although they didn't really want Taemin getting in any fights. What parent in their right mind would want there child fighting? They just wanted Taemin to get stronger, and have his chance to experience what it was like being a normal teenager. Even if it was only for a while.


Taemin went to his room that night, wondering if this would really work. Could he really pull this off? Act like something he was not. Be around people he craved to drain of their life force. He was putting himself and others in danger. He was risking not only his own and his family’s lives, but also the lives of the people at school, his friends. He had never felt so selfish in his life, but at the same time, he felt like he had to be there. Like he was meant to be there. He didn’t understand it, but he just followed the instinct.

He knew his parents wouldn’t move anytime soon either. They told him that they wouldn’t until he finished high school, meaning that he really had a chance to make some friends now. Even if it was only for a little while, he could finally be happy and go outside for something other than hunting. He could meet new people, try new foods, see different places. He’d have to keep his life a secret, but how hard could that be? He wouldn’t pry into their lives, and they wouldn’t pry into his.


The next morning, Taemin got up early for school. He had nothing better to do at home, and he was rather excited for the new day. For the first time in a long time, he was looking forward to a new day. He had friends to see, a school to attend, and a new life to lead. What more could he ask for? Maybe another bag of chips? He made sure to get money from his father that morning. If he wanted to be normal, he’d have to act the part.

Minho was excited for the next day at school, and he already knew that was strange. He didn’t know why, but he just was. He felt like he wanted to go to school, and although Minho couldn’t exactly say that he hated school, he couldn’t really say that he liked it either. He liked to sleep, and school was getting in the way of that. In his mind, school was like the number one villain, and if his parents didn’t force him to go every weekday, he’d probably be protesting its existence somewhere.

But something in the back of his mind told him that it was Taemin he was excited about, not school. He wanted to brush off the thought, call it silly and just a result of the early morning, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t stop thinking of Taemin. Hell, he even dreamed of the boy last night. How could he deny that it was Taemin he was excited to see? There was no other explanation. Soccer practice hadn’t started yet, so what else could it be?

So that morning, he rushed to get ready. He washed his face, brushed his teeth, and put on his uniform, all in record time. To say that his mother was surprised was an understatement, but Minho didn’t care. He scarfed down his breakfast, gave a quick farewell to his mother, and almost ran to school. He hadn’t expected it, but there was Taemin, walking through the school gates in all his glory, a bright smile on his face that replaced the shy and terrified look he had the day before. He still looked shy, yes, and also still a bit hesitant and flinched whenever someone got too close, but overall, he was better than the day before, and that made Minho happy.


“Hey! Taemin-ah!” he yelled, running over to the younger boy. Taemin turned to him and Minho swore he saw a bright light show up behind the boy’s head. His imagination running wild he guessed. It was still too early in the morning for him. Either way, Taemin turned to him, giving him a bow and a quiet greeting in return.

“You’re here early,” Minho said.

“Y-Yeah, I was a bit excited. This is all new to me, you know? You’re early too,” Taemin said. Minho could understand Taemin’s excitement, considering this is his first time going to school, but he couldn’t exactly say he felt the same. He was never excited for school. Not even for kindergarten. He could remember crying, begging his parents to let him stay home. Sure, he made friends pretty quickly, but that didn’t make him want to go to school any more than he already did.

“I couldn’t really sleep, so I thought I might as well get here early for once,” Minho said. It was partly true. He stayed up for half the night, trying to avoid sleeping for that he wouldn’t dream of the boy standing right in front of him, but he couldn’t say that. He also couldn’t say that he was excited to see Taemin. The younger boy was already had trouble getting around enough, Minho didn’t want to scare him off. He really did like Taemin, but only as a friend, he decided. He only saw Taemin as a friend, potential close friend. There was nothing more to their relationship.

“For once? Are you usually late to school? Umma would kill me if I ever woke up late for my lessons at home,” Taemin said. Minho chuckled. Maybe Taemin was used to getting up early. He just didn’t know that Taemin didn’t really need to sleep. He can, and he chooses to, but he doesn’t need to. He just finds it relaxing, and a nice way of getting a bit more energy when too tired to do anything else. His parents thought it was weird, but what else was he supposed to do all night? Stay up and count the seconds until the sun came up?


“Ah, no, not exactly. I get to school before the bell rings, so I’m on time for my first class, but I never get here this early. I like my sleep,” Minho responded. This time, Taemin chuckled, and Minho couldn’t help but think it sounded like music to his ears. Taemin’s laugh was ordinary, although quiet, much softer than his own, but it was an ordinary laugh nonetheless. He couldn’t understand his fascination with it.

There was just something about Taemin that seemed to reel Minho in like a fish on a hook. Maybe it was those beautiful brown eyes that seemed to hold all the light and innocence in the world, or the milky pale skin. Minho didn’t know what it was, but something about Taemin just seemed so appealing to him. He never cared about uality, but Taemin just made him question his own.

Taemin, on the other hand, felt his heart flutter whenever he was around Minho, and he didn’t know why. He didn’t understand this feeling, but he couldn’t say it was a bad one. He felt lighter, and happier, safer, when he was with Minho. He was afraid to ask his parents what this feeling was, because he was scared it was something bad, and they might freak out. Taemin didn’t want to get pulled out of school, not when it had only just started.

During his first class, Taemin was confused as to why he was told to go to the office. He didn’t recall doing anything wrong, but then again, he was new to the whole school system, so he couldn’t really be sure. Maybe he had accidentally done something, and they were just going to give him a warning. That was what he thought, but that wasn’t what happened. Apparently, because his mother went ahead in his homeschooling, Taemin had already learned most of what they planned on teaching him in his original classes, so he was being moved to higher level classes. He didn’t mind, really, but he was really hoping that he could make some friends with the people in his original classes.

Taking his new schedule, he found that not all of his classes had changed, only a few. He now had a new math, history, and science class, so it wasn’t too bad. He’d still get to meet the people in his regular classes. It took him awhile to find his new class though. He still wasn’t even completely used to his new schedule, so the new one really didn’t help. It also didn’t help that he didn’t have the best sense of direction.

He was surprised though. Upon entering his new class, it was nothing like what he had expected. The room was normal, and so were the students, it was just the people there. For one, Minho and Key were there, and he was happy to see them, but they weren’t what surprised him.


“Oh, hey Taemin. You’re going to have to call him Mr. Lee while in school though. Class, this is Lee Taemin. He’s a first year, but he’s a bit ahead in his studies, so he’ll be with us now,” Taesun said. Taemin stared incredulously at his brother as he stood in front of the class, and he could see in the corner of his eyes that Key and Minho were equally shocked, though by his being in their class or their teacher being his brother, Taemin wasn’t sure. He could hear people whispering, something about him being smart, or getting more privileges because he was the teacher’s brother, but he didn’t care about that. He just wanted to know why his brother was here.


“I’ll explain to you later Taemin. For now, just sit down in any available seat.”

Minho was incredibly curious. He asked Taemin about it during lunch, but Taemin didn’t know either. Apparently, he had no idea his older brother was a teacher, much less at his own school, but he could tell Taemin was upset by it. He wanted to know more, and he didn’t mean to be nosy, but he followed Taemin when he went to talk to his brother. Luckily, his locker was just across the room, so he would have an excuse if he was caught.

“Umma and appa put you up to this, didn’t they?” he heard. He instantly knew it was Taemin, even though the voice was hard to hear because of the door blocking them.

“Yes and no. I’ve been working here for two years now. Umma and appa put you in this school specifically so that I could look after you.” Talk about over protective, Minho thought.

“I don’t need anyone to look after me! Really hyung, I’m fine. I’ll be fine.” Taemin sounded as if he was pleading, desperately, and Minho wasn’t sure why. He wanted to know, and he felt bad for snooping into their business, but he just felt like he had to know.

“I’m sorry Taemin, but we do need to look after you. What if something happens?”

“But nothing will happen. Please hyung. I’ll be careful. No one will find out. I know I can do this on my own. Why can you go out so freely but it took me sixteen years to convince them to let me?”

“I know you can Taemin, but we can’t take that risk. You aren’t strong enough. I’m allowed to be here because I am. I can protect myself. You are still weak Taemin, and you haven’t even finished learning to control your abilities,” Taesun said.

Abilities? What abilities?

“I know that, but I’m not some porcelain doll. I won’t break from the slightest touch. And I’m doing fine already. I even made some friends hyung. Friends! All I ask for is a little bit of freedom. Can’t I even have that?”

“You can Taemin, but it’s dangerous, you know that. I wish you could be able to enjoy the world more, I do, and maybe one day when you are older you can, but for now, while you’ll have to learn to deal with this. I’m sorry Taemin, I’m so sorry, but my hands are tied. We are only doing what’s best for you.”

“I know,” Taemin sobbed. Minho felt his heart clench, just knowing that Taemin was crying, and more so by the fact that he could do nothing about it, but he pushed the feeling aside. He shut his locker as quietly as possible and left before they even noticed he was there. There was only one thought left in his mind.

What are these abilities?


I got back from the hospital a while ago and I typed as fast as I could to get this chapter done. Sorry if there are any mistakes. 
I'll try to update my next story as soon as I can. The only reason I was able to update this one is because everyone is asleep and those who aren't asleep aren't home yet. I don't even have a room right now. My room was taken by visiting family, so I've been sleeping on the couch in my mom's room. My mom goes to sleep early, so I can't really use my laptop there. And I can't exactly type this stuff with children around. They get curious.
Anyway, I'm off to go sleep. I'll try and update "Being With You" as soon as I can! 
P.S. I only got two comments for chapter 2. That made me really sad. I was hoping for a bit more. But even so, thank you to those who did comment for chapter 2. You made me very happy!
So, please, COMMENT! It would really bring up my mood considering all the stuff happening right now.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
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(Onward) It's been updated! Please comment and let me know what you think! It'd really mean a lot! Thank you!


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Chapter 14: Omg... What's gonna happen next?!
Nachtice #2
Chapter 14: This is such a good story, please update again!!
bad_bunny #3
Chapter 14: Oh god this is all so cool and scary and...
Ok, let's go with an order.
I can't proper explain my feelings fot what I've just red, but I red all of this with no stops, falling in love for the 2min sweetest relationship, then getting worried for minho and now I'm full of feels because here we are, at this plot twist, and there are a lot of creatures, and Taemin is in danger, ugh!!
Please save him. Ahaha, honestly, I hope you have something good planned for this story, Tae is just too sweet and loving and caring I dont want him to get hurt, o Minho to hurt him, he would feel just so bad.
Minho's parent, those s. I hate them. I hope they will die in pain so 2min will be able to live happily :(
We really need to know something more about those dragons, right?
Ah, Jonghyun Onew and Key revealing to be demons...I love it.
When i red about minho transforming into a dragon i also thought about smaug, but in his golden version (I loved that moment of the movie, I really hoped he would stay like that, covered with gold).
Ok sorry for my terrible english, its also so late here (4:40am) but I couldnt stop reading.
Girl, I'm totally in love with your au!fantasy stories, this one and the mermaids and sirens one. I dont know how you can create this kind of things but I love them and I'll keep reading and commenting from now on. (I dont even know how can you write 3 and more chaptered fanfics all together xD)
I'm gonna wait for the update, thank you for this story! Bye
Chapter 14: omG when was the last time i read this story. i kindaaaaa forgot the plot so i had to re-read the previous chapter //slapped
i knew it i knEW IT MINHO IS A DRAGon *___* omg the others better get there on time ;A; i don't want taemin to get hurt~~~~
minho's parents are evil... >_> thank u for the update <3333 i don't think i've read a comical, crack-filled actually but if it's crack then i'm totally going to read it ;-) actually i don't think i've read one with much dialogue... hmm...~
Chapter 14: I hate Minho's parent for what they planned. They make minho be a monster without knowing how to control it power. And what will happen to Taemin. There is no trace of humanity on minho. I hope it wrong.
Chapter 14: Oooh! I knew it! Minho's a dragon! So exciting! I read this in one go (I almost always don't start reading fics until they're at least 10 chapters long. I'm just weird). I love this one! All the hidden layers and the wonderful world you've created is really just awesome! And what a cliffhanger!
Chapter 11: yeah... Their relationship are full of risks. What's the different about minho?
Chapter 10: wohooo... Taemin feeding off of minho. He just want taemin be dependence on him. And that was one way...
Chapter 14: So...Minho is a dragon and not a demon? o.O