


“Don’t think I haven’t noticed,” Taesun said, crossing his arms and glaring down at his younger brother.

Taemin was stiff, knowing exactly what Taesun was talking about, but playing innocent. He and Minho were failing more and more often to keep their relationship a secret. He was pretty sure most people at school were already suspecting their relationship, but they made sure to be extra careful around their parents. Taemin didn’t go to Minho’s house and Minho didn’t even know where Taemin lived.

It was better that way, less problems, but they were being risky when they went out in public together. It wasn’t normal for friends to hold hands or hug so often. They kept their kisses private, only for their own eyes.

They tried to keep any intimate gestures at bay, but it was getting more and more difficult, and they were struggling to keep their hands to themselves.

“Noticed what?” Taemin asked.

Taesun’s glare intensified and Taemin was starting to feel the pressure of his brother’s abilities. No doubt Taesun was pissed, but Taemin couldn’t do anything about that. It wasn’t as if he had intended for things to end up this way anyway.

“You and Choi Minho. You’re dating now. Don’t you dare lie to me Lee Taemin.”

Taemin winced. It was never good when his brother or his parents used his full name. That meant they were completely serious, and Taemin, quite frankly, didn’t like the idea of being flattened like a pancake by his own brother.

“Y-Yes... We are,” Taemin said, lowering his head and fiddling with his fingers. He didn’t like the scary expression on his hyung’s face at the moment.

“And do you understand how dangerous that is?”

“Y-Yes... But hyung,  please don’t make us stop. I know it’s dangerous, but I can’t not be with him. I need him,” Taemin said, trying to defend himself before Taesun could fully disapprove of their relationship. No matter what his brother said, he wouldn’t let Minho go, not for anything.

“Taemin, this isn’t right. Don’t you think you should at least change him first? If umma, appa, or anyone else finds out about this, they won’t hesitate to kill him,” Taesun said. It wasn’t that he really hated Minho, nor that he wanted to keep them apart, but his brother’s safety and happiness was his first priority, and Minho was getting in the way of that. How was he supposed to keep his brother happy if there were other people that could kill his boyfriend, and he wouldn’t even know it.

“I know that, and I’ll protect him. I’ll keep him safe, I will. I just... I don’t want to change him. At least not yet. Can’t we be together while he’s the way he is now?”

“You know that isn’t right Taemin. The sooner you change him, the better it is for everyone, especially yourselves. Believe me,” Taesun said. Taemin wanted to believe his hyung, he did, but that didn’t mean he wanted to change Minho so soon. He couldn’t help the guilt rising in him as he knew that doing this would be taking away Minho’s life. Minho would no longer be human, and that would be his fault.

Taesun, on the other hand, was no longer thinking about that. He was worried, but for a different reason now. Something about Minho seemed off to him, but he couldn’t tell exactly what. Minho was undeniably human, but something still seemed different about him. Though what it was, he didn’t know, which was something else that made him worried. He didn’t know if Minho was a possible threat to Taemin. He couldn’t allow anything to happen to his younger brother.

“I know, but it hurts hyung. It hurts knowing that he’s going to change and it’s my fault. What if he doesn’t want to be changed?”

“He said he wants to be with you right? That means that he’ll have to change. He should’ve known that when he chose to be with you,” Taesun replied. He didn’t want to seem so harsh, but he had to be. He had to be honest with Taemin, or else this would never work.

“Just give me some time, and I promise I’ll change him. Just not now; not yet,” Taemin pleaded. Taesun sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to get anything better than that, and nodded. Taemin hugged him before running off, no doubt to meet up with Minho again. He massaged the bridge of his nose, exhaling deeply. He sat down on the couch, feeling arms come from behind him and wrap around his neck. He leaned into the touch, taking comfort in the arms he knew so well. “Hana,” he said.

“You’re stressed,” she replied. Her black hair tickled his cheek and his neck.

“I’m worried.”

“Taemin will be fine,” she assured him. “He may have only just gotten his abilities, but he’s strong; stronger than he thinks.”

“But what about that relationship of theirs? It’s not safe to be with a human, unchanged at that,” Taesun replied. Hana huffed, moving to massage his shoulders.

“That may be, but love is love, no doubt about that. It will work out for them in the end. They’ll be alright.”

“I hope so.”

“I know so. Now stop being so damn grumpy, it’s annoying. Taemin will be okay and if anything does happen, we will be there to help him. Also...” She stopped massaging him, instead tracing random patterns on his shoulders and back.

“What do you want?”

“I want to meet Minho! Is he cute like Taeminnie? His he handsome?”

“Yah! You plan on leaving me for a younger guy?”

“As if!” She smacked his arm playfully, laying her chin in the crook of his neck and sighing. “I just want to know what he’s like. I must approve of my little Taeminnie’s mate. He’s growing up so fast!”

“Your Taeminnie? Since when is he yours?” Taesun asked.

“Since I saw him when he was born. He is my little Taeminnie, and I will support his decisions.”



Taemin sighed, taking in gulps as small as he could of Minho’s blood. It had become something normal for them. Once a week, he would allow himself to drink from Minho. The older had suggested everyday, but Taemin didn’t want to over do it like that. Once a week was enough. He could survive off of animals in between like he used to.

The whole process seemed to intimate, though they never took it further than their usual kisses. Taemin sat in Minho’s lap, their chests pressed together, Taemin’s face buried in the crook of Minho’s neck, literally the life out of him, and Minho’s hands holding his waist. It was all so intimate, Taemin wondered how it hadn’t led to more yet. He almost felt like they should.

But he knew he wasn’t ready for that yet. It was just the blood talking. He couldn’t take things further yet, not until he changed Minho. Then it would be much better for the both of them.

He stopped himself from taking too much, pulling away and the wound so that it would heal faster. He didn’t want to hurt Minho by taking too much blood. It was already enough that he was taking his blood, he didn’t want to over do it now.

“Done already?” Minho asked. Taemin nodded, keeping his head buried in Minho’s neck, hands moving from his shoulders to Minho’s chest between them.

“I almost took too much. I need to be more careful,” Taemin replied. He just wanted to stay like this, with Minho’s arms wrapped around him. He didn’t understand why he needed to change Minho. He didn’t get why people couldn’t just accept them as they were. It was as if life was just doing this to make them mad, to taunt them.

“I didn’t even notice. I feel fine,” Minho replied. He was now sleepy, but ultimately fine. He asked for this so he couldn’t really complain but every time Taemin took blood from him, it made him sleepy. It was just from the lack of blood, but it wasn’t like Taemin was taking a life threatening amount. It was just enough to make him drowsy for a while.

There was a long pause before Taemin decided it was now or never. He needed to talk to Minho about this, or else Taesun would flatten him like a pancake.



“What do you think about... Turning into a vampire?”

Taemin could feel Minho’s arms tense around him, and the older sighed. Taemin was afraid Minho would say no. He was scared the older would hate the idea and leave him. He wanted to take back the question, pretend like it never happened, but he knew he couldn’t. It was too late now.

“Honestly, it sounds pretty cool.”

“C-Cool?” Taemin hadn’t expected that, and although part of him was happy that Minho seemed to like the idea, a part of him wasn’t happy. He didn’t want Minho to change because of him. “Y-You think its... c-cool?”

“Yeah, I mean, we’ll be able to stay together forever that way, right? And your family will accept me that way,” Minho explained. Taemin understood that, but that didn’t mean it made it any better. He didn’t think Minho should have to change just for his family to accept him. It shouldn’t have to be that way, and sadly it was. There was no other option than that.

“I don’t want to change you.” Taemin said. “I want to hear and feel your heart beat. I want to feel how warm you are, feel your pulse. That won’t happen anymore if I change you. I don’t want to.” He shook his head on Minho’s shoulder, his hair tickling Minho’s neck and cheek. “It’s not fair. You shouldn’t have to change for me.”

“But I want to, so what’s wrong with that? Maybe not right now, but soon, whenever you need me to, I’ll be ready,” Minho said. Honestly, he was terrified. He didn’t know what it would be like, he didn’t know what abilities he’d get, and he didn’t know if he’d be accepted into Taemin’s family. Not to mention, how was he to explain the changes to his parents? How his slightly tan skin had magically turned pale, and he no longer had a heartbeat.

It was a drastic change, one he wasn’t sure if he was ready to make, but he knew that if he wanted to stay with Taemin, he’d have to make it at some point. Though he couldn’t just go to his parents and say, “Hey, I’m dating a boy, he’s a vampire, and now I’m a vampire too! Please accept us!” There were multiple problems with this: his parents were homophobic, the chances of them accepting was slim to none, and he couldn’t tell anyone he was a vampire.

Though his parents had been acting weird lately. Minho suspected they were catching onto his relationship with Taemin, and they weren’t happy. Sometimes they’d even bring Taemin up, asking how he was doing and if they had done anything interesting lately. Minho was really getting worried about his parents finding out, but since they had said anything directly about it, he’d wait until they decided to straight out tell him.

“I’m sorry,” Taemin said. Minho pulled away from him a bit, cupping Taemin’s face in his hands and staring questioningly at the boy on his lap.

“What are you sorry for?” he asked.

“Everything,” Taemin replied. “If I had just stayed home like my parents’ wanted, we wouldn’t have met, and you wouldn’t have to give up so much for me. It’s selfish, and I hate it, and I’m so sorry.” Minho could see the tears welling in Taemin’s eyes, but he noticed the boy’s determination to keep them from falling. He learned early on that Taemin hated crying, and only did so if he really could not hold back the tears anymore, when everything felt like it was just too much. Taemin would try to fill his mind with positive thoughts to keep the tears away.

“If I hadn’t met you, I’d probably be the old me, going around living the way other’s wanted me to, being that quiet guy that didn’t give a damn about barely anyone else, only my few friends and family. If I hadn’t met you, I’d just be letting my life drift by without really doing anything,” Minho said. It seemed to calm Taemin down a bit, but not much. He was still worried, Minho could tell, but he didn’t know what more to do to calm his boyfriend’s worries. He leaned forward, giving Taemin a soft peck on the lips before smiling at the boy. “I don’t want you to regret meeting me.”

“I don’t want to regret it,” Taemin admitted. “I don’t regret these feelings for you. I just wish there could be another way. I wish I didn’t have to change you for us to be together without any problems.”

“I understand,” Minho said. “Just remember that I’m right here. I chose this, I knew what I was getting into, and I stand by my decision. I’m not leaving you.”

“I love you,” Taemin said. Minho thought he’d be surprised. He imagined that he’d freeze up and panic, and not be able to respond. But he didn’t. He knew what he wanted, he knew how he felt. His feelings were no mystery to him. He knew exactly how he felt.

“I love you too.”



“They’re together again,” the woman said. She sat beside the man, who looked no happier than her. They weren’t happy with the way things were progressing. They wanted to end the relationship, but it was not yet time. Soon, but not yet. They wanted the boy to realize exactly what he had gotten himself into. They started the uproar, and they would suffer the consequences. The boy would get what was coming to him. “This is going too far. They’ve progressed too quickly.”

“I know that,” the man replied. He needed to end this soon. It was a mockery, a disgrace. It should be forbidden, and yet, as times changed, so did people, and many people were against their old ways. Many people wanted to modernize everything. “They are moving faster than I had imagined they would.”

“What will we do?” the woman asked.

“We wait. The boy will see his own delusion. He will understand his mistakes soon,” the man replied.

“I can’t bare to see them anymore. I sickens me,” the woman said.

“Everything will fall to place soon.”


I apologize for the short chapter, but something is better than nothing right?

I'm really sorry for the late update. I've been trying, but school has me so stressed, I'm either doing homework or sleeping nowadays. I haven't taken my SATs, I have no idea what college I want to go to next year, and I have nothing prepared for college. In short, I'm potentially screwed.


On a brighter note: ASDFGHJKL; So I kind of, sort ofmaybe, like a guy at school, and he asked to sit with me and my friends at lunch yesterday, and today he walked for a while with an arm around my shoulders. (Until my friend went and pulled him off. I wanted to punch her, but then again, she doesn't know I like him. I've only told one of my friends. I'm  afraid to tell her, because even though she is my friend, she's really loud and obnoxious sometimes, and I'm afraid she might accidently tell him.) But OMFG ASDFGHJKL; I was probably the happiest person alive yesterday when he sat next to me during lunch and today when he put his arm around my shoulders and started walking. My heart was pounding.

Then again, the friend that does know that I like him was there at lunch, and since we are the only people at that people that are learning french, she decided to tease me in french about it. Its enough that she teases me in english when he isn't around, now she teases me in french while he is there! Thankfully, he was clueless as to what she was saying.


So, I'm going to end this now. I'm going to work on "Being With You," plus a new fluffy oneshot, and a new multi-chapter fic that I thought of that I REALLY shouldn't start since I barely have time for any of my other fics but I'm starting it anyway. 

Please comment and tell me what you think!

Bye bye~





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Chapter 14: Omg... What's gonna happen next?!
Nachtice #2
Chapter 14: This is such a good story, please update again!!
bad_bunny #3
Chapter 14: Oh god this is all so cool and scary and...
Ok, let's go with an order.
I can't proper explain my feelings fot what I've just red, but I red all of this with no stops, falling in love for the 2min sweetest relationship, then getting worried for minho and now I'm full of feels because here we are, at this plot twist, and there are a lot of creatures, and Taemin is in danger, ugh!!
Please save him. Ahaha, honestly, I hope you have something good planned for this story, Tae is just too sweet and loving and caring I dont want him to get hurt, o Minho to hurt him, he would feel just so bad.
Minho's parent, those s. I hate them. I hope they will die in pain so 2min will be able to live happily :(
We really need to know something more about those dragons, right?
Ah, Jonghyun Onew and Key revealing to be demons...I love it.
When i red about minho transforming into a dragon i also thought about smaug, but in his golden version (I loved that moment of the movie, I really hoped he would stay like that, covered with gold).
Ok sorry for my terrible english, its also so late here (4:40am) but I couldnt stop reading.
Girl, I'm totally in love with your au!fantasy stories, this one and the mermaids and sirens one. I dont know how you can create this kind of things but I love them and I'll keep reading and commenting from now on. (I dont even know how can you write 3 and more chaptered fanfics all together xD)
I'm gonna wait for the update, thank you for this story! Bye
Chapter 14: omG when was the last time i read this story. i kindaaaaa forgot the plot so i had to re-read the previous chapter //slapped
i knew it i knEW IT MINHO IS A DRAGon *___* omg the others better get there on time ;A; i don't want taemin to get hurt~~~~
minho's parents are evil... >_> thank u for the update <3333 i don't think i've read a comical, crack-filled actually but if it's crack then i'm totally going to read it ;-) actually i don't think i've read one with much dialogue... hmm...~
Chapter 14: I hate Minho's parent for what they planned. They make minho be a monster without knowing how to control it power. And what will happen to Taemin. There is no trace of humanity on minho. I hope it wrong.
Chapter 14: Oooh! I knew it! Minho's a dragon! So exciting! I read this in one go (I almost always don't start reading fics until they're at least 10 chapters long. I'm just weird). I love this one! All the hidden layers and the wonderful world you've created is really just awesome! And what a cliffhanger!
Chapter 11: yeah... Their relationship are full of risks. What's the different about minho?
Chapter 10: wohooo... Taemin feeding off of minho. He just want taemin be dependence on him. And that was one way...
Chapter 14: So...Minho is a dragon and not a demon? o.O