Twenty Five.

Is this love?

HyeJin's POV

I took off my blazer and put it over Jeongguk oppa's shoulder when I saw him slightly shivering and sneezing non-stop. Aish. This babo.

"Thank you." He chuckled.


Soon the rain stopped. Ugh finally.

I went over to his house to take care of him. Well.. You can't just let a ill person take care of himself right. 


"What. You have nothing left at home?" I hollered when I opened the fridge.

"Where are your parents?"

"They're overseas. Y'know. Working."

"Aish. I will be back." I said

"Where are you going?"

"Some groceries. I promise I'll be quick. You go take a quick shower." I said as I pecked his lips


"I'm baaackkk~" I hollered as I opened the door. Strange. Where'd he go? Still bathing?

"Boo!" Somebody jumped out from behind the door

"Ah!" I screamed and punched the person

"ouch!" he muttered then started rolling on the floor laughing

"Oh my god screw you. That scared the crap out of me. Serve you right!" I said as I walked to the kitchen and put the groceries on the counter while he continue laughing.

"Your face was priceless!" he said when he calmed down but started laughing again after he said that

"Its not funny okay!" 


I quickly started making the congee as he needs to eat something before the medicine.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I jumped abit and I immediately knew who it was. I smiled.

"What are you doing~" he asked. I turned around.

"oh my god. Why are you so warm." I said worriedly

"How are you feeling? Headache? Or any feels to vomit?"

"Urm kinda headache.." he said. I frowned.

"Oh no. Go rest. I'll be quick with this." I said as I returned to cook the congee


"I'm done~" I opened the door to his room.

"Holy-" I said when I saw him looking so uncomfortable and perspiring.

"Oppaa" I lightly shook him

"Have you taken your temperature?"

"Nope.. Heh~" He said as he rubbed his nape

"Aish. Where do you put the thermometer?"

"I think its the second drawer of that table" He said as he pointed to the table beside the door. I went to take it and took his temperature.

"WHAT!? 38.4°C!? Oh my god."


"I'm full.." he muttered. Whaat? he only ate a few spoonfuls and he full?

"Come on, one more spoonful?" I said as I brough the spoon near to his mouth. He sook his head.

"For me please?" I pleaded.

"Last spooful okay." He said then open his mouth.

"Take the medicine then rest." I said as I put the pills in his palms then stood up.

"Where are you going? Don't leave.." He held on to my hands

"I won't. How could I leave you here alone?"

"Then where are you going?" He pouted

"I'll just quickly wash these dishes and I'll come back to you okay." I said then pecked his forehead.

I quickly washed up the dishes and took a wet towel and went back to his room. He was alrdy asleep but he looks so uncomfortable..

I put the wet towel on his forehead and rested my head on my fist, staring at his face.

My hands began to trace over his facial features.. His eyes, nose, and those lips.. Then my lids felt heavy..


Jeongguk's POV

I woke up to see HyeJin sitting beside my bed, asleep.

"Thank you." I said and planted a kiss on her cheeks.

"Oh? You're awake." She said rubbing her eyes.

"How are you feeling?" She said as she put her hand on my forehead

"Much better already" I smiled.

"Mhm, lets take your temperature."

"Yay! Your fever subsidized!" She said and did a little dance. I chuckled.

"Are you hungry?" She asked. Just at that moment, my stomach growled.

She chuckled. " I guess you are." she stood up

"Are you going to cook congee for me again?" I pouted.

"Of course! I can't possibly feed you fried things right." she stated.



Sighpie. Kinda lost the motivation to update.. Sorryyy I need to find it back.


Sorry I just had to share this gif


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I'm really busy now adays cuz exams. Sorry! I didn't forget about this fic! I'll try to update ASAP!! Sorry!


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Isn't Jin's surname is Kim? His real name is Kim SeokJin , right? ^.^
chloe7 #2
Chapter 25: please update I really want to read the next part love the story btw
yongsun1235 #3
Chapter 25: i looooove it!!! <3
update soon pls
chloe7 #4
Chapter 25: please update ^_^
Chapter 25: Update soon~ ^^
14 streak #6
Chapter 25: Omg that last picture of daehyun doe....... asddfghjkl
Continue to update please~~ ♡
baconbangtan #7
Chapter 25: YO! nice story so far! cute and sweet ^^
waiting for next update soon! :D
baconbangtan #8
Chapter 5: Just wanna ask, where does that gif at chapter 5 comes from? :D
Will keep reading to the latest chapter!
Chapter 25: ErrrrmaaaaGOD
DAEHYUN is gonna be the death of ME *fangirling
Chapter 25: OMG DAEHYUN!!!!