Unexpected Visit ~part 2~

You and I

*Ikumi Pov*

I sighed and stood up. Whatever I guess I'll have to learn more about boys some other way. I saw Jiyong's body disapear upstairs. Might as well as catch him.

I ran after him up the stairs and into the open hallway. It was empty. I frowned. "Where is he?" I walked around looking into every room, but I couldn't find him anywhere. There was only one room left. My room...... Holy Crap. That place is like my sanctuary. What if he looks through my drawersblush. In there I have my.... Ayah! I have to get him out pronto!

I ran quickly to my room and entered to see him luckily not looking in my drawers *whew*. But he was looking at my old yearbook from elementary school. I coughed a bit to catch his attention. "Ahem~." He looked up at me and smiled. "You were a cute 1st grader." I blushed lightly as I walked over to his side to see him looking at my yearbook picture. Oh that one.... My hair was in pig tails with red ribbons tied on each of the pig tails. And I was wearing some kind of frilly dress. I felt instantly embarrased. I took the book out of his hands and closed it. "Hah ok no more looking at my yearbook." He smirked and playfully nudged me with his elbow. "You trying to hide something from me?" I was quiet, I wasn't exactly sure if I had something to hide. Did I? He took my silence though as a yes and snatched it out of my hands. He quickly walked far away from me and looked through it again. he flipped the page then looked up at me with a devious smile.

I frowned beginning to feel my palms sweat. What did he find?? I can't remember what was in there I mean that was like 9-10 years ago. How am I supposed to remember? I lifted my head up curioursly. "What did you find?" He smiled and laughed with that still devious smile that looked pretty hot on him. Ayah stop thinking that Ikumi! He spoke casually. "Who's Hidetaka Uto?" I instantly blushed as he said that name. That was my first grade crush..... How embarrasing.... I felt like face palming myself. >.< Ughhhhh why???? I speed walked to his side to see that I drew a heart around his yearbook picture. Oh yeah now I remember. I felt my face flush as I took the book out of his hands *again* and closed it. I threw it on my bed randomly and looked down in embarrasment.

Could this get any worse? Apparently yes. I heard Jiyong laugh at me loudly. I looked up at him and saw him almost in tears. I punched him in the arm. "Stop laughing. Nosey!" He rubbed his arm where I hit it and he walked forward to where he was only a few centimeters away from me. He smiled as he tilted my chin up to look him in the eyes. He looked still amused. "Ikumi. I am sincerely sorry for going through your buisness, but it's just cute that you did that when you were little. Come on give me a break." I looked away trying to keep myself from blushing at our closeness. He had no clue of the effect he had on me. I kicked his foot. He smiled down at me. "Why did you kick my foot?"

I looked up at him and smiled. "Because I felt like it." He laughed. "So you randomly feel like hitting me sometimes?" I shrugged and smiled at how stupid our conversation was. "Yeah I guess so." He shook his head and then suddenly clasped his hands together smiling like a complete idiot. "You know what we should do?" I tried to hold in my laugh; he was too cute acting like a little kid. "What?" He grabbed my hand which made my heart beat faster and harder. "Movie Marathon!" He then dragged me all the way through the hallway to the game room.

The whole time though I was in a daze. The only thing I could feel was his hand grasped on to mine tightly. I could feel warmth pulsing from his hand to mine. It was the most comforting thing I have ever felt before. He stopped in front of the big tv in the room. He turned to me smiling with his infamous smile. The one that would make all of the girls swoon.

It was official I was a part of that group of girls that would swoon.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I thought to myself quietly. Hmmmh so much to choose from, but I already knew which one I would choose. I smiled. "Ever After." He frowned and scratched his head in a confused way. "What's Ever After?" (A/N: if you don't know what it is either it is a movie with Drew Barrymore in it. It's kind of like Cinderella. I highly reccomend it.) I smiled he's so cute when he is confused. "It's kind of a chick flick like Cinderella. Is it okay if we watch that?" What the hell? Why did I just ask for his permission to watch a movie? He's the one who asked me what movie I wanted to watch.

He smiled warmly at me. "Of course."

*1 hour into the movie*

He leaned in to whisper to me. "Yahhhhhhh this prince is such a doofus. I wanna jump into the movie and kick his doofus . I mean that girl shouldn't have to pretend to be something she is not to be with him. Even if every girl in the kingdom wants to be with him. It's so not worth it." I smiled and punched him in the arm. "Ayah Jiyong I'm trying to watch the movie. You don't have to tell me your thoughts on every scene in the movie." He shrugged and looked back at the screen. "I'm just saying she is way too good for him." I shook my head at how silly he was being. I leaned in and whispered to him also. "You know it's kind of funny seeing you get so into a chick flick." He gaped at me. "A guy can't have a feminine side?" I shrugged. "Well yeah, but I just find it funny coming out of you." He pouted and spoke with obvious aegyo. "I'm not gay. I pwomiseeeeee." I smiled and pushed him away from me. "Ok ok ok I get it. Now let me watch my movie in peace." He stuck his tongue out at me, but looked back at the screen.

*30 minutes later*

The movie was at my favorite part, but my eyes kept sliding down then up. I was becoming sleepy and now I was about to pass out. I tried my best to fight my sleepiness, but now I couldn't help it. I felt my head slip off my hand and on to something soft as my eyes closed.

*Jiyong Pov*

I was watching the movie when suddenly something plopped on to my lap. I looked down to see Ikumi passed out on my lap. I smiled at how peaceful she looked sleeping. I was going to just stare at her. I mean it wasn't creepy to watch her sleep if she didn't know right? Ok Jiyong stop being a creeper and do what's right. I slid my arms under her body and lifted her up. I walked over to her room and placed her under her bed's covers. I tucked her in gently and began to walk towards her window. I looked once more back at her to still see her sleeping peacefully in her bed. I smiled and turned back around. I opened her window quietly and sneaked out shutting it behind me. I climbed down a tree near her window and began to walk back to my car.

I know you are wondering. "Why didn't you just use the front door?" Well if I did use the front door then that would leave the door unlocked and then anyone would be able to just walk into her house. And that would definitely not be safe for Ikumi. I'm trying to be more polite and nice. Not be the person my fans expected me to be, but be the person I wanted to be for her. .

*??? Pov*

He crawled out of her window and down a near by tree. He walked to his car and drove off happily. I scoffed as I came out from behind where I had been hiding. They may not have known it, but I was watching them the whole time. Watching them. . . I clenched my fists as I remembered what they had been doing; her in his arms. Smiling. I watched his car as it disapeared from my sight. Not everyone's life can be as perfect as yours Jiyong. I looked back at her house, at her window. The one he came out of.

She will be MINE.


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lollipopzoupa #1
I like this story
flowergirls #2
I know hah:P
UMakeTheSunComeOut #3
Tsk..tsk... JIyong! Why did you have to go and ruin it with your big mouth??
flowergirls #4
hahah I know Jiyong is.... we'll have to see if that works out for him lol. And I don't know whoes team i'm on yet either hah:) Thank you for commenting by the way! For warn you next chap you get a better look see into Ikumi's life so please keep reading and commenting! ^^
UMakeTheSunComeOut #5
Whoa, Jiyong sure is confident! <br />
Haven't decided which team I'm on yet... <br />
flowergirls #6
hahah thank you:) i know poor jiyong:P but sweet taemin! oh and chapter 3 will get even more interesting so please keep reading and commenting!:)
Azmaria_Rizz #7
Aw...kwon ji [email protected].... so.so.so...amazing! Love The chap 2!aaaahhh!
Azmaria_Rizz #8
AHH! TAEMIN_AH...G-dragon!!! ahh
flowergirls #9
willl do:D thank you for commenting!
Azmaria_Rizz #10
please update soon...