What Aegyo Can Do

You and I

*Ikumi Pov*

I had no other classes with the Big Bang boys, but luckily I had few more classes with Mi Young. Yeah!:) We had just ended our Trig class and she practically ran out of class. And threw her arms in the air. "Thank god!!! We are out, and it's lunch!!! I'm STARVING!" Right on cue her stomach grumbled loudly. I laughed loudly and felt my own stomach. I was pretty hungry. . Suddenly someone tackled me. I yelped embarrasingly in a high pitched tone. "Ahhhhh!" I fell to the ground with someone on top of me. I grunted and flipped over to see a CUTE korean boy with short black hair and obvious slight muscles peaking at me from under his sleeves. Yes I was lookingblush.

He smiled nervous and chuckled a bit. "Oh mianhae from behind I though you were Mi Young." I nodded stiffly suddenly feeling really weird I coughed a bit. "Umm do you think you can get off of me please?" He smiled and was about to get off of me, but Mi Young got him off for me. "Aish! Minho i told you not to try to tackle me anymore you buttface! And definitely I don't want you tackling my new friends!" He pouted at her and hugged her tightly she obviously blushed, hah nice Mi Young. . "Come on baby... Don't be mad I didn't mean tooooo. And it's fun tackling you." She laughed slightly and pushed him away flirtatiously. "Well too bad." She turned towards me."Hey Ikumi do oyu want to eeat lunch with my friends and I? . . Oh of course you do." She grabbed my hand and began pulling me with her. I almost tripped when she pulled me, but don't worry I survived. A pouty Minho followed us from behind.

We entered into the cafeteria which was like some kind of watering hole. There were all kinds of diferent students in here. The dorky kinds (non intended), the scary kinds, the whatever I don't gice a crap kinds, the nice kinds, the brain dead zombies, and then there were the Big Bang boys sitting at the center of all the activity. I saw that a big crowd surrounded them a if they were idols or something. Each guy had a girl sitting on their lap. I was about to look away when Jiyong looked up from his Betty Boop girl to see me staring at him. At first he looked some what embarrassed, but then that instatnly changed and he was a self centered jerk again. He mouthed, "Another fan." To me. I roughly sighed and looked away and muttered. "Jackass." He really gets me frustrated. Mi Young looked back at me while she was in line to get her food. "Did you say something?" I was going to say no, but then I decided to vent to her.

 "Yeah Jiyong is a total donkey face because one second he's being caring to me then the next he is being a total jerkwad. I don't get him at all!" She looked irritated at me mentioning his name. "Like I said just ignore him. he's not worth it." Minho spoke too sternly obviously the air of this conversation just turned tense. "Yeah they are all just jackass's. ." I frowned and remembered Jiyong mentioning something about Mi Young. "Hey Mi Young I know it might not be any of my buisness, but I heard something happened between you and Jiyong?" She grimaced suddenly tense and Minho instantly reached for hand and squeezed it tightly. Oooooh bad thing to bring up. "You know what actually it's none of my buisness..." She interrupted me. "No it's fine. It's just I used to be one of Jiyong's followers and once I tried asking him out. He rejected me in front of all his friends, and ever since they would make fun of me about it. It just got out of hand. ." I nodded, but smiled trying to be hopeful as I spoke. "Hey at least you are not a brain dead zombie anymore. And you have Minho." She smiled and poked his side and spoke. "Yeah . ." He recoiled from her poke as he said. "Aish Mi Young and you say I torture you." She giggled softly and bought her food.

We walked to a table that already had 4 other boys seated. They all looked up at us. The boy sitting in the middle with black spiked hair smiled at me adorabley. "Mi Young who is this beauty you brought to the table today?" He held out his hand to me and smiled charmingly to me. "Lee Taemin at your service." I reached out my hand to shake, but then he took my hand and kissed the top of it. I couldn't help, but giggle to mysef like some kind of fangirl. The boys around him gagged and Mi Young and Minho did too. The boy next to him with light brown hair spoke. "Aish stop being such a flirt Taemin." The other guy on his other side that also had spiked black hair slapped the back of his head. "Yeah macknae." The other guy at the ned of the table was sitting quietly in his seat, but you could tell he really wanted to laugh. Mi Young then spoke as she sat down with Minho who looked like he wanted to puke by Taemin's actions. "Ick gross Taemin. This is Ikumi Yamaguchi, she is a transfer student from Kagoshima, Japan. And she is not interested." Taemin pouted which made him look even CUTER if that was even possible. I must asmit I was becoming more interested. "Mi Young can't you let me be me?!"

She stuck her tongue out him. Then the quiet boy spoke. "I swear Taemin you are getting closer to a ual molester by the second." Taemin had this look on his face.surprise. The one on Taemin's right bursted out laughing and leaned over Taemin to give the quiet one a high five. "Nice one Key." The guy apparently named Key smiled proudly all I could do was just smile like a fool. They were all too cute. Mi Young then spoke again. "Oh yeah Ikumi. Well you know Taemin and Minho already. So the one on Taemin's right is Onew, the one on his other side is Jonghyun, and the other one at the end is Key." I smiled at them and bowed. "Hello it's nice to meet you guys." They all smiled and Taemin leaned forward and whispered to me quietly. "I'm your favorite huh." I blushed a bit and smiled, but I couldn't answer. This boy is too adorable. Mi Young scoffed as she spoke. "Taemin I want her to like this school not think boys are going to make a move on her every second of the day." Taemin pouted *again* like I said ADORABLE. Taemin spoke. "Mi Young why are you in such a bad mood? I'm just trying to make her like it here too." I finally jumped into the conversation about me. "Guys, guys. I like the school don't worry. And Taemin don't worry I like your aegyo." He smiled cutely and looked back at Mi Young as he said. "Seeeeeee she likes it."

Mi Young gagged and looked at Minho. "Baby you understand where I am coming from right?" Minho laughed and pinched her cheek. "Since you're my girlfriend I have to understand everything you say." All the guys laughed including me. she just pouted. The bell rang ~RINNGGGGG~ Everyone began leaving. We all stood. Taemin aproached me with the other guys. Onew spoke to me hile leaning on to a near by chair. "So Ikumi what's your next class?" I thought to myself trying to memorize my schedule. "Ohhh yeah I have P.E." Taemin jumped up in excitement as he exclaimed. "Yeah I have that next!" I blushed as he grasped on to my hand and began pulling me away. "See you later guys!" he said while pulling me away. I looked back once to wave goodbye to the confused guys and Mi Young.

 We entered into the hall as he opened the cafeteria doors, but then he hit somebody with the door. And that person just happened to be Top from Big Bang-_- Great. . . He grimaced at Taemin and Taemin changed also he was now suddenly stiff and tense as he glared back at Top. "Aish watch where you swing that door Taemin." Taemin looked enfurriated just by the sight of him. "Well maybe you shouldn't stand by the door ." Top lunged for him. "You are going to regret saying that!" Then the fight broke out. It wasn't like any mediocre scuffle between two amatures. They were fighting like pros. I was beginning to feel a pull in my chest as I saw blood run down Top's lip. I looked away and winced right when someone grabbed my hand. The person pulled me away quickly while I was still in a daze. I felt like puking I couldn't stand fights. I just can't stand anything violent. . I felt lke breaking, but then I swallowed my tears as I remembered there was someone with me. Oh yeah who is that anyway? I turned my head to see. . . Jiyong?

*Jiyong Pov*  

Why the hell did I pull her away? Oh yeah cause I am a -_- who doesn't understand his own emotions. I already knew the fight was goinng to break out once Taemin bumped into Top hyung. I just couldn't risk Ikumi getting in trouble for witnessing a fight. And also it would be a great chance for me to be alone with her. Not that I pulled her away so I could be alone with her. Stop lying you you just said that you did this also so you could be alone with her. I grimaced what the hell is wrong with my thoughts today? They are speaking way too much to me. That's when Ikumi pulled me back. I frowned well this conversation is going to be interesting. Hmmhh interesting I think that's my word of the day. She was frowning at me with a confused look. Yeah don't worry I am confused as of why I did this too. She spoke with deep frustration. "Are you bipolar or something?!" I pouted trying to pull an aegyo on her like how Taemin did during lunch. Yes I was watching. . No comment. I spoke with aegyo. Which I thought she would fall for. "No, why would you say that?" She pointed at my lips. "Because of that." I smiled charmingly at her and spoke charmingly. "Oh so you want to kiss me?" I jokingly leaned in on her (not planning on kissing her just trying to make her blush), but it didn't turn out the way I thought it would.

She kneed me in my family jewels. 

Yeah INTERESTING. I knew this conversation was going to be interesting. 


There is my chapter two! I had fun writing this one:P hahahah, but I hope you guys liked reading it:) please comment and subscribe! I love comments and subscribers<3 no silent readers please:D I would love to hear what you guys think of the story! So yeah Team Taemin orrrrr Team Jiyong?? Your choice. Cause I have no clue who it will be so I would love to get suggestions pleaseeeeeee:) by the way sorry for any typos-_-


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lollipopzoupa #1
I like this story
flowergirls #2
I know hah:P
UMakeTheSunComeOut #3
Tsk..tsk... JIyong! Why did you have to go and ruin it with your big mouth??
flowergirls #4
hahah I know Jiyong is.... we'll have to see if that works out for him lol. And I don't know whoes team i'm on yet either hah:) Thank you for commenting by the way! For warn you next chap you get a better look see into Ikumi's life so please keep reading and commenting! ^^
UMakeTheSunComeOut #5
Whoa, Jiyong sure is confident! <br />
Haven't decided which team I'm on yet... <br />
flowergirls #6
hahah thank you:) i know poor jiyong:P but sweet taemin! oh and chapter 3 will get even more interesting so please keep reading and commenting!:)
Azmaria_Rizz #7
Aw...kwon ji [email protected].... so.so.so...amazing! Love The chap 2!aaaahhh!
Azmaria_Rizz #8
AHH! TAEMIN_AH...G-dragon!!! ahh
flowergirls #9
willl do:D thank you for commenting!
Azmaria_Rizz #10
please update soon...