Coincidences Are Meant to Be

You and I

*Ikumi Pov*

You have to be freaking kidding me. I mean I know that they probably came here to eat and hang out since it's after school, but why here of all places?! Wow whoever is up there controlling all of this is really trying to get on my nerves.

Taemin looked at me again pouting and spoke breaking my train of thought. "What's up with your face? Do you want  to leave?" I instantly spoke trying to make up for whatever face I had on a few moments ago. "Oh no! I was just...." I didn't want to tell him that Jiyong and the guys walked in afraid that he and Top would break out into a fight again so I made something up on the spot " . . . I need to go to the bathroom and I have no clue of where it is." He smiled charmingly at my cuteness and spoke. "It's over there." He said pointing to a corner area in the restraunt. . Where the guys I wanted to ignore got seated. 

Of course it's near their table. I sighed and stood up slowly. Dreading the walk/limp to the bathroom. I began to move towards the bathroom turning myself more and more as I got closer to Big Loser's table. I was trying my best to avoid any eye contact with them. I was actually almost home free, but then. . Seungri the one that always got on my nerves spoke. "Hey legs where you going? I'm over here." I sighed deeply in regret. Why didn't I just tell Taemin the truth? I turned reluclantly preparing myself for whatever was about to happen.

*Jiyong Pov*

The guys and I were just hanging and talking when suddenly a smirk grew on Seungri's face. He spoke to whoever made him smirk. "Hey legs where you going? I'm over here." He spoke with arrogance that for some reason inside me made me get irritated deeply. I mean he shouldn't say that to girls. They're humans not his own pets. Holy crap.... Did I just think that? Aish shut up Jiyong and just pay attention to what's going on.

The girl turned around slowly and revealed her face. That's when I met eyes with a mad/shy looking Ikumi. I felt like immediately going over to her and begging for forgiveness, but I couldn't do that here. Not now. She frowned; upset and looked away from me and at Seungri. She spoke to the macknae in an annoyed tone. "My names not legs and I don't want to go anywhere near you." She looked like she wanted to say something more maybe use cuss words? But she stopped herself and just stayed quiet.

Seungri being his usual self stood up and walked over to her. "Maybe you didn't hear me right. I'm over here." He was about to touch her, but I stood up quickly went over to him and stopped him before he could touch her. He looked back at me. "What's wrong hyung?" I gulped some of my saliva down before I spoke. "Don't bother her she's obviously not interested." He looked at me confused, but walked back to his seat almost dumb founded. Ikumi looked up at me with thankful eyes, yet confused also. She was about to say something when someone's arm came around her waist and pulled her slightly away from me. I looked to see who it was. Lee Taemin, we meet again.

He glared at me and spoke sternly. "Is there a problem over here?" I  spoke before Ikumi could. "No. Do you want to start one?" I stepped a bit closer to him staring him down as well. I heard all the other guys get up and stand behind me. Backing me up like the loyal friends they were. Taemin smirked as he placed Ikumi behind himself. He rolled up his uniform cuffs as he lifted his fists. "Don't think I can't take you all on at once. You've already seen my work on sasquatch over there." He motioned towards a very pissed looking Top.

He was going to start the fight right then and there when suddenly Ikumi stood in between us. "Stop.... Now please. You are going to cause a scene. There are people watching. Be smart guys do you really want to get arrested this young?" She spoke barely above a whisper, but it seemed to take so much effort for her to say those few statements. I looked around to see people were watching some even recording us. I turned back to the guys knowing she was right. "Come on guys she's right no matter how much we want to. We can't." They all grunted and grimaced, but sat down obediantly. I turned back to a dazed looking Ikumi and mad looking Taemin. He encircled his arm around her waist again and began to walk away. "Another day. ." I wacthed them walk away. I could feel my hands form into clenched fists as I kept my eyes on his arm around her waist.

If only I could pry it off myself. .

*Ikumi Pov*

Taemin and I were walking out of the restraunt quietly after finishing our food. After what happened with Jiyong and his guys Taemin was quiet, but I didn't want to pry and ask him what was wrong. At the same time thoughhhh it would be nice to see his lovely smile again. Maybe asking him what was wrong would bring it back? We got into his car still silent. I buckled myself in and finally gained the courage to ask. "Taemin is something wrong?" He grimaced as he I'm guessing was reminded of why he was so upset. -_- This realllyyyyyy . I sighed and looked out my window. I'm guessing for right now I will never know why he and the others hate Big Bang so much.

*Jiyong Pov*

We were all sitting down waiting for our bill when Top spoke. "Hey guys you wanna go clubbing tonight." Yes I know what you are thinking. Probably, "what the hell? Aren't you guys underaged?" Wellllllll being good looking and rich had it's perks. Everyone answered excitedly. "Neh!" Well except for me. "Actually I have to take care of some stuff. You guys can go without me this time." Seungri pouted and looked at me. "Whyyyyy???? It wouldn't be the same without our leader." Daesung looked over Taeyang's shoulder to pout at me also. "Nehhhhhh." Top on the other hand was just sitting like he didn't really care. Eh he could really be something sometimes.

"Sorry guys I just have to do some stuff." Daesung spoke happily. "Well we can help you do it then you can come clubbing with us!~" I smiled at his usual happy self. But shook my head. "Sorry it's something only I can do." They kept whinning to me for what seemed like forever till out of nowhere the usually quiet Taeyang spoke. "Hey guys stop butchering him he's gotta take care of what he has to take care of. Calm yourself he can come some other time." He always was the wiser one out of all of us. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Tae." He nodded and smiled back, but spoke in an awkward tone. "Neh, but please don't call me Tae again. . It sounds weird coming from a guy." I nodded stiffly. "True."


I was laying on my bed in defeat. "Aish I'm so bored!" I have been dying of boredom for the past hour or two with nothing to do. I should have gone with the guys. But at the same time I wasn't really in the mood to go clubbing today I didn't know why, but lately I just haven't been really into that kind of stuff. I face palmed myself. "Ehhhhhh God kill me please while I still allow you to." I splayed myself out on my bed waiting for some kind of lightning bolt to hit me and kill me.  .   .  .

But nothing. "You really like messing with me don't you." I sighed deeply. For some reason the only thing I could think about for this past hour or two was Ikumi. The way Taemin had his arm around her waist like she was his. I grimaced as I felt my fists clench again like they did earlier. "I swear if I see him again somewhere else when no one is around. He's going to get it." Omo! Now I'm making threats to thin air! I'm so bored!!!!! Hmmmh maybe I can go to Ikumi's house I mean I know where it is and I mean.... NO. That would be a suicide mission.

*39 minutes later*

I have been pacing around my room for the past 39 minutes trying to think of reasons to go to her house. But each scenario I play out in my mind ends up with me getting a door slammed in my face .  .  .

Wait! I do have a reason! I quickly reached for her diary.

I found myself standing at her huge house now clutching on to her diary from behind my back. I quickly knocked before I could change my mind. I could hear footsteps getting closer to the door

Aish I haven't rehearsed what I was going to say! Ugghhhhhh this is a fail I might as well just leave while I still have the chance. I was already turning away when I heard the door creak open and a confused voice.



Heres my chapter!:) I hope you liked it please comment and subscribe!:D hmmmmmmh what do you think is gonna happen? Is Jiyong going to go in? Is Ikumi gonna yell at him? I'd love to hear your thoughts! So please tell me what you think^.^ By the way my friend who is working on this username too has a story called You won't be Forgotten. She is amazingggg at writing so please check it out!   


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lollipopzoupa #1
I like this story
flowergirls #2
I know hah:P
UMakeTheSunComeOut #3
Tsk..tsk... JIyong! Why did you have to go and ruin it with your big mouth??
flowergirls #4
hahah I know Jiyong is.... we'll have to see if that works out for him lol. And I don't know whoes team i'm on yet either hah:) Thank you for commenting by the way! For warn you next chap you get a better look see into Ikumi's life so please keep reading and commenting! ^^
UMakeTheSunComeOut #5
Whoa, Jiyong sure is confident! <br />
Haven't decided which team I'm on yet... <br />
flowergirls #6
hahah thank you:) i know poor jiyong:P but sweet taemin! oh and chapter 3 will get even more interesting so please keep reading and commenting!:)
Azmaria_Rizz #7
Aw...kwon ji [email protected]....! Love The chap 2!aaaahhh!
Azmaria_Rizz #8
AHH! TAEMIN_AH...G-dragon!!! ahh
flowergirls #9
willl do:D thank you for commenting!
Azmaria_Rizz #10
please update soon...