Big Bang

You and I

I can't believe I'm even here. . This major . Excuse my language because once you get to know me better you learn that I don't exactly cuss very much. But you do not understand how much this . I begrudgingly walked through the school's big gates that resembled something out of a fairytale book. Why is everything so different here in Seoul? It was so much more simpler back at home. Gates were plain out gates and fairytales were fairytales. They never were really mushed together. Hmmmmh mushed I like that word I think I will start using that more often. Well today is my first day at my new school in Seoul, Korea and already I want to leave. I must admit I am a introvert type of person that I don't usually find interest in making new friends. so that for one I would find diffficult. Great, but I must admit this whole situation was a bit scary for me. 

As i walked past different peole I saw different looks glares, glances, ignorance, and just plain out stares. I could tell this school didn't get new students very often. And definitely new students from out of country. Well everybody sorry for my random mumbling in the beginning, but I will introduce myself. Hello my name is Ikumi Yamaguchi and I am a transfer student from Kagoshima, Japan. Why did my parents have to get a job transfer here?! I know absolutely no one here! And I miss all my friends from Kagoshima. . I bet they are going to forget me. I bet I won't meet anyone here. I'll probably end up being a loner eating her lunch in the bathroom in a random stall sitting on the toilet seat eating a soggy sandwhich. Yes, I have a big imagination so the whole scene just played out in my mind.

I sighed loudly as I walked into my homeroom. This was my junior year and already I knew I was going to hate it. It was the beginning of the school year so I had a lot of time to kill on my hands. As I walked in all eyes were on me. I could feel my palms begin to sweat. I clutched on to my school uniform skirt which in my opinion should be longer; I mean seriously does the school want us girls to get ? Yes I am a bit nerdy, but that is just the way I turned out in life. You have to understand where I am coming from. Would you want boys trying to hike up your skirt everywhere you went? No! I don't think so! Great here I go again mumbling in my head. The teacher just spoke to me and I didn't even hear him.

I smiled shyly to my teacher. "Ummm mianhae. . Can you please repeat what you said?" He smiled sweetly almost like he understood my own thoughts. "Of course. I was just saying you should introduce yourself to the class." I gulped thick saliva down my throat. I wanted to ask if I had to. But I didn't want to disturb the teacher anymore than I already had. I nodded and turned towards the intimidating eyes of my classmates. I began to speak in a slightly shaky voice. "Hello. . My name is Ikuimi Yamaguchi and I am a transfer student from Kagoshima, Japan. I hope we all get along." I bowed curtly to them all and they slightly bowed back; well except for a couple of the more scary looking kids and 5 boys sitting at a corner table. I tried my best though to ignore them. I turned to the teacher who smiled at me *again* "Well it's nice to meet you Ikumi I am Mr.Lee. I would like for you to sit next to Mi Young over there in the far corner please." He pointed towards the left corner where I saw a willowy girl sittting with long wavy brown hair. She smiled slightly at me and waved. I responded with a smile which probably looked fake or plain out weird and walked over to the seat next to her. As I sat down I tried to settle in my seat when she began talking to me.

She turned towards me with a bright smile. "Hello my name is Mi Young as you have heard and it's nice to meet you. I hope we can be good friends also." She held out her hand for me to shake, which I shook. But it just felt weird since I'm not a very confrontational person as she seemed to be. That's when I heard a voie from behind us. "Ahhhh Mi Young try not to scare her off." Then a bunch of laughter erupted from behind us. I turned to see the 5 boys I was talking about earlier. The one who spoke had blonde spiked hair that looked cunningly charming, then next to him was a more devilish looking one with cute panda eyes, after him followed a buff one with a black mohawk and intent eyes, then an equally buff one with small eyes and a cute smile, and then lastly was a taller one with high cheek bnes and edge. And between you and I (A/N: no pun intended:P). I have no clue as of why I just complimented them in my description since they were being such jerkwads (see I don't cuss very much). Mi Young then changed from sweet school girl to tough chick that looked like she wanted to stomp all over their faces.

"Shut up Jiyong we don't care about your thoughts on my social skills. Besides probably your face would be the thing to scare her away." She said in a strong voice. I suddenly had more respect for her, maybe I would make a friend here. The boy next to Jiyong then spoke. "Come on Mi Young we all know she wants be our new toy." I felt anger erupt through out me as he reffered me to as a toy. A toy! I am not a hooker! I glared at him and spoke in my most intimidating voice. "In your dreams . I rather kiss a dog's then be your toy." I then turned around ending the conversation. I heard silent remarks his friends were telling him such as. "Oh you got told!" or, "Aish macknae you are losing your touch." I smiled to myself serves him right. Mi Young then slightly punched my shoulder and spoke. "Just ignore them Ikumi they are the infamous Big Bang at school. Pretty much the rich pretty boys who get all of the girls because they have good looks and a couple of bentleys. But hey you told Seungri off! By the way the first one who spoke was Jiyong, the second was Seungri, then next to him was Taeyang, then Daesung, and lastly Top. Don't worry once you get to know them you will learn to hate them if you hang with me." I smiled feeling a bit more confident around her as I spoke. "Nah it's ok I already don't like them." She smiled and turned back to the teacher to learn the lesson.

*After class*

The bell rang suddenly and everyone began filing out of class. First ones out were the Big Bang boys and their ga ga fans following them. Which just left Mi Young and I in the classroom. She spoke to me as she packed her stuff. "So Ikumi what is your next class?" I frowned and looked down at my schedule. "It says music with Ms.Kwang." She grimaced and spoke in a whiney voice. "Awwwwwww I don't have that class nexttttttt. I can walk you though?" I smiled. "Sure." She nodded sternly like some kind of soldier about to go off to war. "I promise to pick you up afterwrds." I nodded again. "Sure, thanks for like you know taking care of me and all." She smiled *again* what's up with her and smiling? "Of course." We walked out of class and down the hall. As we turned the corner we saw a big crowd of girls and boys covering the doorway. Yelling? Mi Young looked to have remembered something. "Oh yeah sorry Ikumi, but Jiyong Big Bang's leader has this class." She pouted at me and placed her hand on my shoulder with her final words. "Fighting." Then she left. Great. . .How am I suppoosed to get through this barricade of crazy fans? I decided to just barge through. I pushed myself roughly through to where I reached the center of the circle. I could hear more girls yelling. "Oppa saranghae!~", "Oppa have lunch with me!" Eww I think that last on was a boy. Then I bumped into the boy who caused all of this. Jiyong. He smirked down at me.

"Fancy seeing you here." I flicked him in the nose (yes you read right, flick) and tried to get away from him. "Well you can fancy me while I leave." I could see shock platered on his face as I had just flicked him in the nose, but who cares he deserved it.

He suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the classroom. We were the only ones in there since the fan girls and fan boys were still outside thinking Jiyong was still in there circle whatever that was thing. oh yeah speaking of Jiyong. I turned to see a still shocked Jiyong. I then remembered he was still grasping on to my wrist I looked down at his hand. For some strange reason seeing his hand clutched on to my arm made my heart jump and the feeling of his fingers wrapped around my wrist made my face burn a bit. He then spoke with dibelief. "A few moments ago. . Did you flick me on the nose?!" I shrugged, "Yeah you have a problem with that?"

I didn't know why I insisted with retorting him and everything, but it made me feel like a different Ikumi. I kind of liked her.Besides he is a total jerk and his arrogance kills me. He nodded his head still shocked. "Neh! I do mind!" I shrugged it off. "Not my problem." I began to walk away, but then he grabbed my hand *again* I turned back to him. Now he looked confused. "Why don't you like me like all of the other fangirls. I can understand Mi Young since I rejected her, but why you? You are new here and I am too irrestible." I shook my head. Him saying that just killed any progressing feelings inside of me. "That's why your arrogance. if you weren't sooooooo you maybe I would want to be your friend. But why would you care you have tons of other fans."

*Jiyong Pov*

Why do I care She is just a random girl. I must admit a pretty girl, but I already have pretty girls as my fans. Why does she matter? Maybe you like her. I frowned what the hell? How can I like her? Well maybe... No just shake it off, come on you are Kwon Jiyong leader of Big Bang a player. I don't like her. I replied with a nonchalant remark. "It's always nice to have another fan." She looked dissapointed. What did she expect something different? Well she shouldm't have. Though as she walked away I felt a pull in my chest. My heart? "What the hell just happened? I whispered to myself. 

*Ikumi Pov*

MAN what is his problem?! One second he is acting  like he wants me to like him. Then the next he acts like he just wants another brain dead zombie following him aroud. I swear that boy must be bipolar or something! I can't read him at all. And when I saw his face I thought he was going to say something else. . Not, "It's always nice to have another fan." It actually kind of hurt. Wow stupid me to think that someone like him could actually have a heart. Class went by fast and soon the bell rang.

~RRIIINNNGNGG~ I stood up with the other students to make my way out when I bumped into someone. "Ummff." I fell on my and looked up. I saw one of Jiyong's boys standing next to him. What was his name? Oh yeah Seungri. Eh donkey face. Yes I just called him donkey face. He looked down at me. "Watch where you are going." I shook my head. I really wanted to punch him, but then at the same time it probably wouldn't be one of my best ideas ever to do on the first day of school. I just stood up and brushed myself off. Then I heard a voice. "Are you alright Ikumi?" I looked to my right to see a slightly worried Jiyong. Eh weirdo. Then I looked behind him to see who spoke,  but no one. Oh that means the person that spoke was Jiyong. I looked back at him and frowned. See he makes no sense to me at all. "Like you care. ." I walked away from them before Jiyong could confuse me anymore. Like I said WEIRDO.

*Jiyong Pov*

Seungri then looked back at me as Ikumi walked away. I couldn't help, but watch her leave she was still a little wobbly, but over all she was ok. I was still a bit pissed at Seungri. I mean he could have at least helped her up. . . Aish! What am I saying? Seungri then spoke. "What's up with you hyung? Are you alright cause a few seconds ago it seemed like you were showing a bit of compassion towards her?"

I frowned and furrowed my eyebrows together. "It's nothing. I was just making sure she was ok so that she couldn't get you in trouble." He smiled and slightly pushed me. "Awwwww hyung always looking out for me. How sweet of you." I nodded my head and looked past him searching to see if Ikumi was gone already. Sadly she was. Hmmh that girl is different. Something about her just differs. School just got a lot more interesting. Seugnri then kept waving his hand in front of me. "Eh! You there hyung!?" I looked back at him almost in a daze. "Oh yeah I'm here. . . I just saw a nice pair of legs out there." Nice save Jiyong. He smiled. "Then what are we still doing in here? We gotta catch up to those legs!" He said while leading me out. I spoke quietly. "Yeah I guess so. ."

Yeahhhhh!!! Long chapter!cheeky To all Shinee fan readers! They come in the next chapter:D so please comment and subscribe! I love to hear what my readrs think of the story:) Just to tell you love interests are Jiyong and Taemin. . . I want to know who do you want Ikumi to end up with? Comments pleaseeee, and subscribe too:) No silent readers please! oh yeah sorry if misspelled words:P 


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lollipopzoupa #1
I like this story
flowergirls #2
I know hah:P
UMakeTheSunComeOut #3
Tsk..tsk... JIyong! Why did you have to go and ruin it with your big mouth??
flowergirls #4
hahah I know Jiyong is.... we'll have to see if that works out for him lol. And I don't know whoes team i'm on yet either hah:) Thank you for commenting by the way! For warn you next chap you get a better look see into Ikumi's life so please keep reading and commenting! ^^
UMakeTheSunComeOut #5
Whoa, Jiyong sure is confident! <br />
Haven't decided which team I'm on yet... <br />
flowergirls #6
hahah thank you:) i know poor jiyong:P but sweet taemin! oh and chapter 3 will get even more interesting so please keep reading and commenting!:)
Azmaria_Rizz #7
Aw...kwon ji [email protected]....! Love The chap 2!aaaahhh!
Azmaria_Rizz #8
AHH! TAEMIN_AH...G-dragon!!! ahh
flowergirls #9
willl do:D thank you for commenting!
Azmaria_Rizz #10
please update soon...