Unexpected Visit ~part 1~

You and I

*Ikumi Pov*


I saw a very nervous looking Jiyong standing at my door way. He spoke surprisingly with no attitude.

"Neh?" I stood there awkwardly as I grabbed on to my arm unsure of what to do.

I can't lie I was kind of happy to see him here, but at the same time I was still mad at him for what he said yeseterday. "What are you doing here?" I didn't bother to hide the attitude in my voice. He mummbled something under his breath, but too low that I couldn't hear it. Though after a while of awkward tension he spoke. "I thought that maybe you would want this." He then pulled out from behind him. . My journal! Ayah! I've been looking for that! Did he read it? Oh god please don't let him have read it. But I was too excited to have found my journal to care at the moment. 

"Thank you so much!!" I jumped from where I stood and hugged him tightly. He at first didn't move almost like a statue he had no reaction, but then he settled into the hug and hugged me back. I was going to end the hug knowing that he was still a jackass-_- But he didn't let me he just hugged me like that for so long that I thought maybe he was actually being sincere?

Nah it's just Jiyong he's never really sincere.  But maybe just maybe this time could be different? But I felt like I could stay in that hug with him forever. But we didn't have forever and I backed away before anything could really happen.

He frowned slightly, but didn't move from his spot. *Again* awkward silence. You could actually hear the cars drive by. Hell I could hear my neighbors next door. Then a miracle occured and Jiyong spoke and it turned out to be something I thought I would never hear in my whole life. "About yesterday. . I'm really sorry. I was just talking out of my . It's just... I. . . Ughhhh." He couldn't finish his sentence almost at a loss for words, but surprisingly these words came out of my mouth. "I forgive you." My conscience pretty much gave me a tutorial on guys.

"Honey is something wrong with your head at the moment?! The boy didn't even finish his sentence! He didn't even finish his thought! You can't let him off so easy-_- I swear I can't believe I have to be your conscience sometimes."

I spoke to my conscience quietly so Jiyong wouldn't hear. "Oh shut up will you?" He frowned. "Did you say something else?" I shook my head. "No.... And thank you for bringing me my notebook." He nodded and smiled. But it wasn't him trying to be sarcastic or anything. He was being real. I liked this Jiyong. I looked down unsure *again* of what exactly to say to have him stay longer. Soooo I winged it. "Do you want to come in?" He looked up at me smiling. With the smile I was coming to love A LOT. I smiled unkowingly as he spoke. "Sure."

*Jiyong Pov*

I walked onto Ikumi's house. It was huge on the outside and enormous on the inside. Oprah would be jealous. The walls were covered with fancy paintings and the house was full of luxurious furniture. But it was so quiet you could probably hear a pen drop. The house was full of expensive items yet it was so empty. I could tell no one was home. I felt bad for Ikumi having to be alone hear practically all the time. I don't think I would last a day here. She turned to me suddenly and spoke.

"Would you like me to get you anything?" I shook my head stiffly dumbfounded. I had no clue of what to do so I just stood like a complete doofus. She laughed at my awkward movements. She motioned to the couch. "You can sit down you know. I promise you won't die." I nodded and laughed also at my own silliness. I mean I've been in tons of other girls' houses what's so different this time?

Ikumi is what's different this time. I'm not here to do the things I planned on doing with those other girls. Now I'm here trully just to be in her company. I sat down on the couch and she sat on the one opposite of me. At first it was quiet, but then I remembered something. "So why weren't you at school today?" She frowned, but looked away. "It's nothing really." As she turned I noticed a bruise on her right cheek that I hadn't noticed earlier. I gaped at it for a little while, but instantly stood up after I was done being in shock and rushed over to her side.

"That doesn't look like nothing." She pushed my hands away from my face as she turned around facing her back to me. "Well it is." I sighed and out of a little bit of habit.... and want...... hugged her from behind. "Come on just tell me I'm only asking cause I care about you." I couldn't believe those words came out of my mouth, but shook it off since obviously that's what got her to speak. She whispered softly. "I got attacked by your fans before school, but Taemin came and saved me. He took care of me at his house so I had to leave school." I felt a mixture of shock and anger.

"What??? Who? Which fans? Give me names. I swear I will have them . . ." She interrupted me instantly. "No I don't want you to do anything just let it go." I shook my head in disbelief. How can she let this go so easily? "What are you crazy? And let them get away with dong this. I think not." She sighed deeply and escaped from my arms and walked to the fireplace keeping her back to me. "Please I just don't want to start anything. . . I don't want to cause any fights." I was about to say no again when I remembered her diary.

Oh yeah.... She probably doesn't want to have anymore fights. She already gets that here she probably doesn't want to experience that at school too. I suddenly understood more. I stayed quiet for a while, but finally spoke. "Fine.... I'll let it go this time. But I'm serious if it happens again I'm doing this my way." She turned around happily and ran up to me tackling me with a bear hug. Which I must admit I liked a lot^.^ She spoke in my now wrinkled up school uniform. "Thank you so much!" She looked up at me and smiled. Oooh yeah~ what made it the best smile I have ever seen from her was that it was for just me. Not Taemin, not Mi Young. Nope just me! "Thank you again Jiyong I really appreciate it." I smiled and carrassed her in my arms. "Yah no problem. But member if this happens again I'm taking matters into my own hands."

She laughed softly in my chest. "Yes mother." I laughed also. Coming here turned into such a great idea. Maybe winning her heart is by being myself?

*Ikumi Pov*

Jiyong and I afterwards had so much fun. We were just hanging at my house. At first we just talked, but now we were playing hide and seek. Hehehehe have fun trying to find me in my huge house Jiyong>.< I was hiding in the closet in the game room. When I heard footsteps. No freaking way?! How does he know?? Time to switch hiding places. I slowly opened the closet door and crawled out quietly. I was almost out of the room when suddenly I heard an ammused voice. "Ikumi. The point of hide and seek is to hide dumb ." I turned to see Jiyong standing in the corner of the room. I stood instantly and stomped my foot like a 3 year old. "Yah! How did you know I was there?!" He chuckled at my childness. "I walked past the closet on purpose and waited out here to see if you would try to go find another hiding spot." Eh smarty pants.

I pouted, but then smiled. I ran up to him. "Tag you're it!" I ran off as fast as I could, but I could hear him close behind me. Ayah! Why is he so fast?! I ran down stairs quickly and took a sharp turn around my couch right about to go behind the coffee table when I felt strong arms encircle around my waist. I yelped a bit as I was pulled back on to the floor. "Ayah! Jiyong why did you have to do that I was going to win?" I pouted as I looked at him noticing suddenly his arms still held me to him. I blushed deeply as he didn't let go for a while. But he smiled and poked me on the nose. "You're it!" Then he ran off. Ayahhhhh this boy he's got everything I thought of him once now flipped upside down>.< 

Pleaseeeeeee can Discovery Channel have an episode on boys??? 


Heheheheh yessssss hide and seek, and yes tag:P I guess I am just a kid at heart:) And I say that Discovery Channel should have an episode on boys!^.^ they are too confusing for me to understand what goes on in their minds-_- anywayssss please subscribe and comment! Also check out a story I work on with my friends who also use this username. It is called Boys Over Media!<3 it is Big Bang bias sorry Shinee fans!:) hehehehe yeahhhh so *again* please comment and subscribe love to hear your thoughts!:D



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lollipopzoupa #1
I like this story
flowergirls #2
I know hah:P
UMakeTheSunComeOut #3
Tsk..tsk... JIyong! Why did you have to go and ruin it with your big mouth??
flowergirls #4
hahah I know Jiyong is.... we'll have to see if that works out for him lol. And I don't know whoes team i'm on yet either hah:) Thank you for commenting by the way! For warn you next chap you get a better look see into Ikumi's life so please keep reading and commenting! ^^
UMakeTheSunComeOut #5
Whoa, Jiyong sure is confident! <br />
Haven't decided which team I'm on yet... <br />
flowergirls #6
hahah thank you:) i know poor jiyong:P but sweet taemin! oh and chapter 3 will get even more interesting so please keep reading and commenting!:)
Azmaria_Rizz #7
Aw...kwon ji [email protected].... so.so.so...amazing! Love The chap 2!aaaahhh!
Azmaria_Rizz #8
AHH! TAEMIN_AH...G-dragon!!! ahh
flowergirls #9
willl do:D thank you for commenting!
Azmaria_Rizz #10
please update soon...