My Romeo

You and I

*Ikumi Pov*

So today is my second day at this school. I'm not really sure whether I am excited to see my new friends or if I am dreading having to see Jiyong. Either way I wish I were still in Japan not here. I walked into the school parking lot to see that it was vacant. I frowned, where is everybody? Oh I bet they are off somehwere following around Big Losers and their stupid leader Ji-I'm a jackass-yong. I scoffed and walked into school. I have no clue what is the problem with the student body here. I mean come on they treat those boys like if they are idols or something!

I reached my locker and opened it when a note fell out. What's this? I bent down and picked up the note. I opened it and read.

      Hey Ikumi meet me at the roof of the school before school starts.


I frowned, what does that jerk want? I shook my head and threw the note away. I was going to just go to class, but the whole time my curiousity was eating me away.... Sooooo here I am climbing up the school's stairs to the roof of the school.

I reached the top to see at first no one, but then I heard loud murmuring. I turned around from where I entered to see a large crowd of people standing in front of the doorway with angry looks on their faces. Uh oh.... This isn't good. The girl who was playing with Jiyong's hair the other day walked in front of the crowd with an evil smirk on her face. I knew that hand writing on that letter was too much like girl hand writing. She placed her hands on her hips and gave me an intimidating look which  I answered with a confused look.

I coughed a bit. "Ummm what's going on?" The girl stepped forward more which caused my insides to flare in alarm that something was definitely wrong. She spoke with a thick attitude to her voice. "You are what's going on. Leave Jiyoing alone he is ours not yours. Did you really think you could come in and steal him from us?! No I don't think so!" I sighed in frustration. This is what this is all about? It's so stupid! I spoke instantly. "Well you guys can have him I don't like him or the rest of Big Losers. They are all jerkwads." They all gaped at me in shock. The girl in front spoke enfurriated.

"You are just mad that he doesn't like you since you are so ugly!" Ok that's it. I'm so not in the mood for this. I walked closer to her trying to get in her face. But she was taller than me because of her 5 inch heels. How the hell does she walk in those anyways? I spoke not even caring about what came out of my mouth. "You know what why don't you go bother someone else! Cause obviously he would have to think I'm good looking for you to be standing here acting all jealous that you have to splay your body everywhere just to get his attention! By the way are those real?" I said pointing to her obviously plastic surgery worked on chest. 

I think I must have pushed a wrong button cause then she was lunging for me with her long manicured nails. Great, right after that all of the crazy fans jumped into the fight beating me up. I couldn't really remember anything after that just the pain of people hitting me in every possible place you could think of. Soon I was just numb and all I could feel was just the wind blow by me, but then suddenly it stopped and everyone was gone. I could see someone coming closer to me in a rush, but my vision was fading out so I couldn't tell who it was. I could only hear a voice. "Ikumi? Ikumi wake up!" Then I was out.

I slammed my door shut and leaned against my door crying so hard that I could feel my chest crash in pain everytime I gasped for air. I could hear my mom yelling outside at my dad, but the words weren't coming to me all I coud here was just my own sobs. I crawled slowly to my phone laying on my bed. I desperatly reached for it and called the number I knew by memory.


"Hai.... They are fighting again."

"I'll be there soon."

"Please hurry Keiji.."

I instantly woke up. The dream played in my head over and over again. I never want to dream about that memory again. Never. I shook off the dream quickly focussing on what was going on now not my past. I saw a ceiling above me, ok so I'm not on the roof anymore. I tried to sit up, but that was a fail. I winced instantly when I tried. I laid back down when someone came into my vision. It was a very happy looking Taemin. 

"Yeah you're awake! Thank god I was afraid I might have to take you to the hospital." I frowned and looked down at myself to see a few bandaged areas, but not many really bad bruises. I looked back at Taemin in confusion. "Ummm what exactly happened?" He grimaced remembering I'm guessing what happened, he spoke intently. "Well the Big Bang fans were beating you up I just happened to come across what was happening and I scared them away, but you looked pretty bad and balcked out. I got us out of school and took you back here. My parents are doctors so they have books and medical kits laying around the house everywhere so I took care of you at the best of my ability, but you are not badly injured or anything. Jut some scrapes and a couple of bruises." Oh speaking of bruises. I spoke in shock. "Hey how is nothing wrong with you? I mean I saw Top's lip begin to bleed yesterday."I grimaced at the memory. He smiled and brushed himself off proudly as he spoke. "Yeah work of yours truly." I shook my head, show off.

"Hey Taemin you and Top seem to have bad blood? Is there a certain reason?" He grimaced and looked away suddenly not so happy go lucky anymore. "Let's just say he and I have history." He ended it with that. I didn't question him, he though went back to normal instantly. "Hey I know this great barbeque place want to go eat? My treat." I frowned and looked at the clock. Oh crap! It's like already time to be out of school! Though I was too hungry to care. I looked at him and smiled. "Sure." He happily stood and began to help me up the way I had to Jiyong yesterday. Oh yeah Jiyong... I wonder what he's up to right now?

*Jiyong Pov*

I was driving home after school. Hmmmh Ikumi didn't come to school today.... I hope it wasn't because of what happened yesterday. My phone then began to vibrate. I picked it up to hear Taeyang. "Hey Jiyong wanna go eat at this barbeque place with the guys and I?" He read my mind I was STARVING. I yelled into the phone. "Neh! Where is it ?"

*Ikumi Pov*

I was sitting at a corner table with Taemin. He was looking at his menu while a light shined through the window landing directly on him. Coincidence right? He looked like a beatiful angel just sitting there contemplating what would go into his wonderful mouth. Woahhh... Did I just say that? Yeah I think I did. But I couldn't help, but stare. He was just too perfect. He looked up to catch me staring at him like a doofus and smiled sweetly. He spoke charmingly. 

"Ikumi did I tell you that you look beautiful today?" I shook my head while a blush grew on my face. He leaned forward and tucked a stray hair behind my ear as he spoke. "Well you look beautiful today." I smiled and spoke quietly. "Thank you." He nodded and closed his menu and looked back up at me cutely as he spoke. "So Ikumi how do you like it here so far? Different from Kagoshima huh." I nodded, but smiled. "Yeah it's very different, but I like the new friends I met here." He smiled and leaned forward and whispered in my ear like if people were trying to listen. 

"Let me guess the person you love meeting the most is. . . . Minho hyung." I laughed at his joke. I mean I was happy to meet all of them, but he knows who I was happy to meet the most. I leaned forward and whispered back to him. "Actually it's not.... I must admit. It's Key." He burst out into laughter almost in tears and leaned back in his chair as he stared at me. I found my cheeks flushing as he did so. How can someone like him not have a girlfriend? He's too. . . Taemin. He is the perfect prince charming. He's the perfect Romeo. He's just *sigh* Taemin. I found myself sigh in real life outside of my thoughts and just stare back at him. He's soooooo Amazing. I found myself staring at him like some kind of fangirl just letting our silence sit as we stared at each other.

I randomly looked over his shoulder when the people who walked in caught my attention. The worst thing happened while I was on this what I called "date" with Taemin. Ji-I'm a jackass-yong and Big Losers walked in.


My "date" is ruined.

I hope you liked that chapter:) some Taemin and Ikumi action! Hah of course Big Bang had to walk in! It wouldn't be a date without them:P by the way thank you for the comments! Love ya guys! So please keep commenting I love to hear your thoughts on my chapters:D So yeah no silent readers pleaseeeeee . Subscribe and comment please!^.^


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lollipopzoupa #1
I like this story
flowergirls #2
I know hah:P
UMakeTheSunComeOut #3
Tsk..tsk... JIyong! Why did you have to go and ruin it with your big mouth??
flowergirls #4
hahah I know Jiyong is.... we'll have to see if that works out for him lol. And I don't know whoes team i'm on yet either hah:) Thank you for commenting by the way! For warn you next chap you get a better look see into Ikumi's life so please keep reading and commenting! ^^
UMakeTheSunComeOut #5
Whoa, Jiyong sure is confident! <br />
Haven't decided which team I'm on yet... <br />
flowergirls #6
hahah thank you:) i know poor jiyong:P but sweet taemin! oh and chapter 3 will get even more interesting so please keep reading and commenting!:)
Azmaria_Rizz #7
Aw...kwon ji [email protected]....! Love The chap 2!aaaahhh!
Azmaria_Rizz #8
AHH! TAEMIN_AH...G-dragon!!! ahh
flowergirls #9
willl do:D thank you for commenting!
Azmaria_Rizz #10
please update soon...