What was Just a Game

You and I

*Jiyong Pov*

OMO! I can't believe she just kneed me in my sanctuary!

I hunched over as I clutched on to myself in pain. I yelled out. "AISH! I was just kidding!!" She then seemed to grow some heart towards me and leaned on me and placed her hand lightly on the small of my back. Hmmmmh maybe I should stay like this. . . I smiled to myself as I began fantasizing. ~~~ Aish~ stop being y Jiyong! She spoke with worry thick in her voice. "I'm so sorry. It was just instinct." I looked up at her as I spoke with deep sarcasm. "Well you have really strong instincts." She smiled and turned away blushing.

Oh Yeah! Score I got her to blush! "In your face Taemin!" She looked back at me with a confused look. "Huh?" I grimaced. Ooooopps did I say that out loud? I looked at her face again. Yup I did just say that. I blushed lightly as I turned away. "Umm nothing." She frowned, but let it go. She spoke again apologizing. "I'm sorry again. I just know how to fend for myself.." She grew quiet for a while I was about to ask if something was wrong, but then she began speaking again. "Yeah umm do you want me to take you to the nurse's office or something?" I smiled at her as I spoke sarcastically. "Yeah I think that would be helpful."

She laughed a bit as she encircled her arm around my waist and wrapped my arm over shoulders. I felt my stomach churn as I felt her hand grasp on to my hand. I looked away making sure she didn't see the blush that must have reached my face. This girl is making me go crazy. I turned back to her to see her staring at me. She smiled *again* and looked back forward as we began walking. Hmmmh I wonder if she likes being this close to me? In my heart I really was hoping she did.

She spoke out of nowhere. "Jiyong do you eat anything?! You weigh like nothing!" I smiled and spoke back to her. "Neh. I'm just naturally thin. But what about you? You are like half of me." She blushed a bit *again* and looked away as she spoke. "Not evennnnn. It's more like you are half of me." I shook my head and looked away for a second smiling to myself. If only walking to the nruse's office could take us forever. Aish shut up Jiyong! I looked back at her and gave her a look with my eyes trying to make her swoon. But I didn't get the reply I wanted. "Is something wrong with your eyes?" I spoke as I looked away *again*-_- trying to hide my blush. "No." She shrugged and looked forward again. I swear I am on square one with this girl... I felt like face palming myself as she began laughing. I turned to a Ikumi almost in tears.

"What's so funny?" She looked up at me still laughing. "You are just soo cute when you are all flustered."

*Ikumi Pov*

Holy crap. . Did I just say that? As I looked at him I could tell that yes, I did just say that. A smile bloomed on to his lips as he spoke in a casual tone. "Soooo Ikumi... you think I'm cute?" I looked away from him blushing hard as I spoke. "That's none of your buisness." He began laughing as he spoke loudly. "You do!!! Admit it!!" I grunted as I let go of his arm and began pacing while speaking frustrated. "Fine! I do! But that doesn't change anything cause I still hate your attitude. And that matters to me more than looks." I turned to look at Jiyong, but no one was there. I frowned. "Jiyong?"

I heard him. "Ahem~ down here." I looked down to see Jiyong splayed out on the floor. Oopps I was the thing holding him up. He smiled though as he looked up at me with the most adorable look on his face, yeah he would never let me live this down. "I knew it." I shook my head as I helped him up. "Didn't you hear me, I just said that I hate you attitude and that matters to me more than looks." He looked at me with a slight glint in his eyes as he spoke. "Hate is a strong word." I pulled him into the nurse's office shaking my head. He just won't get the idea. "Whatever."

Once we entered a small plump women entered the room. "How may I help you?" I smiled sweetly at her as I spoke. "Umm my friend here got kicked accidently in his private area and we think he needs to ice pack it or something." She began laughing loudly as I spoke.. Hmmh I didn't think I was that funny:P She wiped away a tear as she spoke. "Wow the girls must be fiesty here. This is the third case this week  of a boy getting kicked there." Jiyong smirked and looked at me. "Yeah they are fiesty nowadays." I shook my head annoyed as I helped him sit one the doctor's table (A/N: Sorry don't know the name for the sdoctor's table things you now what I'm taking bout though:P) I looked at the nurse as I helped him on to it. "Do I have to stay with him?" She turned to Jiyong as she spoke. "Would you like for her to stay?"

I already knew what he was going to say once I met eyes with him. He looked very amused. "Of course." The nurse nodded as she gave him an icepack. "Ummm here for your...... Issue. Just leave whenever you take care of your... Issue." With that she left me alone with him. Noooo! Don't leave me alone with him! I sighed and turned back to Jiyong icing his.... Yeah you know what I mean. I blushed slightly and looked away. Sadly he caught me. He smirked and spoke in a sly voice. "Don't be shy Ikumi. I can do other things that would make you more nervous." I turned back to him now a bit irritated. I should have left him to suffer when I kneed him. I spoke annoyed. "Well I'm very hard to break." He stood up and began limping towards me. "Well I'm always up for a challenge."

I retreated into the corner of the room trying to get far away from him. I began to cuss myself out as I noticed that I just made this way easier for him. Smart Ikumi SMART. He finally reached me and place both his hands on either side of my head and leaned into me leaving only a centimeter of space between our bodies. He whispered in my ear. "Nervous yet?" I swallowed hard trying not to break even though it was like the Fourth of July was going off in my body. I looked dead into his eyes once I gained the courage to speak. I luckily didn't have a shaky voice  when I spoke. "Nope." He smiled and leaned in closer now pressed against me as he brushed his lips against my cheek and rubbed them up and down softly. It's official I stopped breathing at that point.

He whispered on my cheek. "How bout now?"

I looked over his shoulder as I spoke. "No."

He smiled against my cheek as he spoke. "Then why don't you look me in the eyes when you say it?" I sighed inwardly and gained the guts to look him in the eyes. I turned my head to him to see our faces were only a few centimeters apart. I could feel the heat rush to my face as he looked into my eyes with the most seriousness that I thought I was going to start to melt on the inside out. I probably did. Suddenly this wasn't a game anymore. It was real as he then suddenly closed his eyes and began to lean in slowly. HOLY CRAP! What am I doing?! He's probably just using me! I have to stop him. How did my first day of school turn into this??? I quickly and swiftly ducked under his arm as I walked out I spoke quickly. "You win.." I walked out the door quickly and let out a breath of relief once I was far away. *Whew*. "That was too close."

*Jiyong Pov*

What was I just doing? I believe you were about to kiss her. I hit my head in frustration. "Yeah I noticed that ." I sighed as I went back to the table to finish icing. Once I was done icing my package I stood up and walked out of the nurse's office. Alone. Wow what a great feeling.  Man I can't believe what I am saying, but I like her..... Man I'm so stupid! How could I let myself fall for her? I don't know it just happened. But now I felt like I was going crazy without her. I mean I don't like her like how I "liked" those other girls I hang with. This is real. I can feel it. No shut up! I can still stop this. Right? Oh who am I kidding? I'm already in deep.

I sighed deeply as I stuffed my hands into my pockets. I can't help myself. . . I have to win her over. If it's the last thing I do. I have to win her over.

I am Kwon Jiyong leader of Big Bang and if it's the last thing I do! I will win Ikumi Yamaguchi's heart!


Hah yeah we'll just see about that Jiyong:P By the way thank you for the comments! Like I said I love to hear what you think:) please comment and subscribe! Love ya!


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lollipopzoupa #1
I like this story
flowergirls #2
I know hah:P
UMakeTheSunComeOut #3
Tsk..tsk... JIyong! Why did you have to go and ruin it with your big mouth??
flowergirls #4
hahah I know Jiyong is.... we'll have to see if that works out for him lol. And I don't know whoes team i'm on yet either hah:) Thank you for commenting by the way! For warn you next chap you get a better look see into Ikumi's life so please keep reading and commenting! ^^
UMakeTheSunComeOut #5
Whoa, Jiyong sure is confident! <br />
Haven't decided which team I'm on yet... <br />
flowergirls #6
hahah thank you:) i know poor jiyong:P but sweet taemin! oh and chapter 3 will get even more interesting so please keep reading and commenting!:)
Azmaria_Rizz #7
Aw...kwon ji [email protected].... so.so.so...amazing! Love The chap 2!aaaahhh!
Azmaria_Rizz #8
AHH! TAEMIN_AH...G-dragon!!! ahh
flowergirls #9
willl do:D thank you for commenting!
Azmaria_Rizz #10
please update soon...