A Deal

High School Drama

There we go.” A familiar voice said as Minwoo walked out of the class as the last person. “Oh, S-Sungjae.” Minwoo stuttered and tried to pass by but Sunjae grabbed Minwoo's shoulder harshly: “Where are you going little man? We need to talk.” Sungjae said and continued: “Follow me.” The cool guy walked with hands in his pockets out of the school, Minwoo following him. As they entered another building, Minwoo looked around and he knew, something was going on. It was a small hall, nobody in here. “What do you want Sungjae?!” Minwoo yelled but he became quiet as Sungjae turned his body around to Minwoo. “You know what I want, your girl, Nami.” - “Fine, you could have her if you wouldn't act like an ! She's not my girlfriend though.” Minwoo said angrily and Sungjae grabbed Minwoo on his shirt. “I know you're not telling me the truth, No Minwoo! I know you both are in love!” Sungjae yelled pretty loud in front of Minwoo and lifted Minwoo up onto the wall. “I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HER, I TOLD YOU THAT!” …


After that little meeting I had, I walked back home to eat my lunch there since I forgot to eat at school. When I just started to eat, someone called me and I heard my phone ringig on the other sied of the room. “Damn, I am really hungry..” I murmured angrily and walked to my phone. “Hello?” - “Yah.. Nami.. where you with Minwoo this afternoon?” It was Minwoos mother who called and asked me that. “No, why? Didn't he come home just now?” - “He did but..” the mother stopped and sighed. I heard her sobbing a little so I asked: “Dear.. what's wrong?” - “he has wounds all over his face.” the mother said and I opened my mouth widely. “I-I'll be there in a minute!” I said in hurry and hung up.


I just walked in hurry to the house, I didn't want to run, it would look totally weird and the neighbours would have something to talk about. “He's.. in his room.” The mom wiped away some last tears as I entered the house and I nodded. “Don't cry dear.. it'll be fine..” I mumbled and she smiled a little. I knocked at the door of Minwoo's room. “Minwoo-gah.. may I come in?” I said really calm with a sulk on my liüs and Minwoo said with a shaking voice: “Come in..” My shaking hand opened the door and looked at Minwoo who wasn't facing me. He sat on the bed, with his back towards me. Slowly I closed the door and said: “Your mom called me.. She said you have wounds all over.” - “It's not true. She lied.” - “Minwoo-gah.. turn around.” I mumbled sadly and touched his shoulder but he moved a little: “That hurts.” Minwoo whispered. “Now finally show what you look like..” I pleased him and he turned around.


I was shocked, his lips bled, also he had wounds on his cheek and a wound on his vorehead like someone hurt him with a knive there. His eyes were okay, that someone must have done enough already so he didn't hurt Minwoo's eyes. “Ouch... yah. Who did that to you?” I asked Minwoo caring and looked at him from top to bottom to notice another wound on his arm. “You're bleeding ..” I mumbled and stood up to get some cloths to stop the blood but he took my hand: “Stay.. Where are you going?” - “I'll be right back.” I just said and went to the kitchen. I came back with some medicine stuff and also that cloth I wanted to get, sat down on the bed and had to disinfect his wounds. Minwoo clenched his teeth because it was hurting so much, the wound was fresh and he placed his hand on my arm to grab something for the pain. “Stay still Minwoo..” I sulked a little and he mumbled: “But it's hurting.” - “I know it does, I mean you're grabbing my arm pretty harsh huh.” I laughed a little and looked at his hand on my arm, still grabbing. “Just continue..” Minwoo whispered.


Who did this to you?” I asked him for the second time now but he kept quiet. “Yah, I asked you something.” - “Just pormise to not tell anyone.” Minwoo pleased me and I looked at him caring: “Do I know the person well?” - “You do. So please.. don't tell anyone about this.” he looked on the floor and mumbled: “Please..” - “Alright. Now tell me, who was this?” I really wanted to know the truth behind that.

You know I finished my class and walked out as the last person and then Sungjae appeared and..” - “SUNGJAE? SUNGJAE DID THIS TO YOU?!!” I started yelling but he covered my mouth quickly with his hand. “You said you won't tell anyone, Nami!” - “Sungjae.. ah why did he do this..” I mumbled and looked on the floor. “He didn't believe that we're just friends.. that's why.” he answered and I wanted to hug hin, to let him feel my sorry but I wasn't sure if it might hurt him so I just started crying. “N-Nami. D-Don't cry.” Minwoo stuttered and rubbed my back a little. “It's all ma fault..” - “It's not Nami.. calm down..” he really tried to calm me dowm but instead of stop crying I just cried more and more tears. “Nami..” Minwoo muttered and carefully came closer to embrace my body with the heat of his, and the arms he placed around me.


Shh.. Nami. I can handle this.” - “Should I better go out with Sungjae?” I asked out of nowhere. “G-Go out with him? You mean.. date?” - “Yes Minwoo.” I answered him and continued: “He would stop hurting you Minwoo.. that would be good for you.” - “No, no way. You won't do that.. Y-You don't even like him, or.. do you?” - “NO.” I slightly yelled at Minwoo who was shocked but then smiled at me: “Just live like you used to do.”



I will go to Sungjae.” - “Yah you.. You told me that you won't.” Minwoo said as we still sat on the bed but I stood up and kissed his forehead, on a place where he hadn't a wound: “Just let me go and talk with him.” before I even saw the smile on Minwoo's lips, I walked quickly to Sungjae's house and looked around.


Before I even arrived it, I saw him carrying his sister princess like unto the house because she fell asleep in the car. // Wow.. he can be nice too? // I thought to myself and was totally surprised. However, I ringed at the door after I waited some minuted and Sungjae opened the door by himself. “Oh, Nami.” He smiled at me and placed his hand on his neck, pretty shy to be honest. “Yah, how do you even dare to smile after hurting Minwoo so badly?! Was it only you or also other people?” my voice was strong, slightly yelling at him, but I knew he had troubles at home so I didn't want to make them worse with my yelling. “Yah.. I am... I just.. I couldn't help it. I am jealous okay?!” Sungjae closed the door and looked down at me with a sigh: “I really mean it.” he mumbled. “I think I would even like you when you were nice. But you're always making trouble, hurting my friend and sometimes you're acting like I would be yours, I am not Sungjae. I am really not.”




As I turned around, he said: “Let's have a deal.” - “A deal?” I looked back up to him. “Yes, a deal. Let us go on a date this Saturday. Today is Monday so you will not talk to Minwoo for the whole week. If you manage that.. I will not talk to you or Minwoo anymore and stop bullying him. Also you will be around me in school when we have break or such, alright?” Sungjae told me. “Can I trust you with this?!” - “You can.” he said and placed his pinky up in the air: “Promise.” - “Arlight Sungjae, promise.” We crossed our pinkies and I walked back home with a weird feel in my stomach.

// Now I am really going to date him.. Even if it's just that evening.. I just can't believe that I really did that.. //

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please update i want the next chapter I like it very much !!!
Chapter 7: aww.. this is heartbreaking.. :'(
Chapter 6: argh!!!
you're such a jerk no minwoo!!!
IT's cute I like the story
glasskun #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^