New Style

High School Drama

AND? How was the date?” Minwoo called me pretty early in the morning. “Minwoo... Yah.. it's .. what time do we have?” - “6AM, Nami.” - “SIX IN THE MORNING? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Ah why are you calling me?!” I got angry and just hung up the phone but I couldn't fall asleep anymore because Minwoo tried to call me. “The date was fine Minwoo, got it? It was great! Now let me sleep!” I said in anger, not noticing that Minwoo didn't like to hear that: “So.. he really seemed to be nice to you.. you like him?” - “I do. Let me sleep!” I slightly yelled at him before I heard his sigh and he said: “Have nice dreams..” Minwoo hung up and rolled over on his stomach as he lied on the bed. // She really likes him ha?.. Lucky him.. So lucky.. // Minwoo thought to himself.



They day passed and it was Monday, Minwoo waited in front of my house as I finished my breakfast and wasn't too late this time. “Good morning.” I hugged Minwoo lovely what I usally didn't do. “O-Oh, A good morning to you as well Nami. Since when are you hugging me again?” Minwoo laughed a little and started to walk with me next to him. “I just have a good day. The sun is shining, it isn't too hot AND I woke up early to not be late.” I told him honestly and continued walking. “Also Sungjae isn't going to bother us aymore. He will be nice from now on.” I said and Minwoo stopped walking. “Eh? What's wrong Minwoo?” - “Didn't you say he would leave us alone?” - “Well but.. he has his nice situations as well.” I sulked a littleand grabbed Minwoo on his arm. “Come on. As long as he will be nice..” - “Are you both a couple now or what?!” I heard a little anger in Minwoo's voice. “A-Are you jealous?” - “ARE YOU OR NOT?” - “We're not a couple.” I muttered because I was scared of his behaviour. “Fine then.” Minwoo said and walked faster. “Wait for me..” I sulked and placed my hand on his arm: “Wait for Nami..” I muttered sadly and he sighed. “I am sorry it's just.. I really don't like him.” Minwoo said and I nodded.


I will move to your class Nami.” Minwoo told me in the school break. “I asked the head master to change the class since I don't have a friend in my recent class. I will be in your class, starting from tomorrow.” He continued and I smiled: “But, you will see Sungjae all day long.” I laughed a little but Minwoo hit me. “Ah.. don't hit me babo..” - “Alright alright, I am sorry my love.” He smiled at me. “LOVE? Yah, you're calling me love?” I laughed loudly and continued eating. “Aish.. I know you're jealous ha.” I answered him and continued: “Can we meet up this evening when the sun is still shining? Maybe going to the beach? I don't want to swim.. just sitting in the sand.” - “Sure, we haven't met out of school for a quite long time.” Minwoo said and ruffled my hair.



Wha.. the weather is still nice. You chose the day correctly Nami.” Minwoo grinned as we walked along the beach. This evening he didn't wore his glasses. “You're right.. it's not too cold or anything.” I smiled at Minwoo who placed his hand around my shoulder to keep me save. “I missed talking to you.” I muttered and stopped walking. Minwoo was a little surprised by my sudden motion and walked in front of me. “I missed you.” He said, placed both of his hands on my shoulder and kissed my forehead. “You still have a little wound on your lips hm? Your forehead.. it's going to be a scar if you continue scratching Minwoo.” - “I know, MOM.” Minwoo smirked and sat down in the sand, as well as I did. “Do you think our friendship will last forever?” I asked him and leaned my head on his shoulder. “I don't know.. I really hope so.” Minwoo placed his head carefully on mine and my back.


The project I am working on.. the secret I haven't told you yet.. It's a song. I will perform it on the next school festival. It's.. a personal written song Minwoo. Mrs. Kwon is going to help me out with this. She was the one I was meeting all the time, and I still do.” I told him honestly and he was relieved: “So it wasn't Sungjae huh?” - “It wasn't.” I laughed with this and continued: “Someone will play the piano for me when I perfom my song.” - “You have a nice voice when you sing, I will be there to listen to it Nami.” Minwoo removed his head from mine and looked sideways down to me. “What I know for sure is, that I will never forget you.” Minwoo mumbled and I looked up to him, realizing his view intom my eyes and I just smiled, kissing his cheek. “You're right, that's something both of us won't forget.” I answered him and just looked at the sea again.



To be honest Nami? I need your help.” Minwoo sighed, sitting in the school break next to me on a table. “My help? I better need your help, my marks are getting worse!” I laughed a little and he smiled: “I will help you out with this if you help me to change me.” - “To change you? You're good the way you are Minwoo. Don't change.” I sighed a little and looked at the book in front of me. “I want to look.. cool.. handsome. If you know what I mean..” Minwoo said and I burst out laughing: “You really said that?! Ahh Minwoo-gah.” I still laughed but he hit me. “I really mean it!” - “Alright alright Minwoo. First, take off your glasses. You don't need them. The one who's wearing the glasses is the geek.” I told him honestly and he removed them sulking. “What's next? Ah.. your hair. We will go to the salon to help your hair out.” I ruffled through his hair a little and made it into a mess. “Yah don't.. aish too late, you ruined my hairstyle.” Minwoo sighed but I laughed: “What hairstyle? You mean washing and blowdying? Yepp such a nice.. style.” Minwoo hit me for that sentence but laughed. “Let's better go Nami, I would really like to change as soon as possible.” Minwoo grinned and we walked to the hair salon to change his hairstyle.



I look.. different... cool though.” - My eyes turned wide when I saw him and stuttered: “Handsome Minwoo, you look handsome..” - “I do?” He smiled at me and checked himself at the mirror again. “I might really do.” he continued unsure. “It really suits you.. we should see what kind of clothes you haveat home. The style you're having now is just too..” - “Clever?” - “Exactly Minwoo.” I laughed a bit but he sulked: “You are right though. Let's better go.”

After the salon, New hair:


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please update i want the next chapter I like it very much !!!
Chapter 7: aww.. this is heartbreaking.. :'(
Chapter 6: argh!!!
you're such a jerk no minwoo!!!
IT's cute I like the story
glasskun #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^