Sungjae's anger

High School Drama

“O-Oh Sungjae, ah why are you acting like this?” Tia said surprised but Sungjae stepped infront of her and pushed Minwoo harshly. “Who do you think you are? Touching my sister like this?” - “S-Sungjae what is wrong with you? Hyung I just..” - “YOU JUST WHAT? I saw what you wanted to do. Tia, go to your class, HURRY UP DAMNIT.” Sungjae yelled at her. I watched all that from the distance so that she didn't even notice me.

“Now to you my friend!” Sungjae still yelled and grabbed Minwoo on his arm, walking outside. “I am not even angry that you touched her but.. let's keep it as a secret. If you tell anyone about this, I will kill you, I swear I will Minwoo.” Sungjae continued and Minwoo nodded scared. “It has another reason why I didn't want you to kiss her. You're not as cool as you might look. You're an Minwoo. You promised Nami something a few months ago and you forgot it. What kind of best friend are you towards Nami? HUH?!” Sungjae slowly started yelling again. His voice lowered: “You're the worst best friend I know. She asked you to come to the festival because she's singing her song. But you just have eyes for my sister.” He was done with Minwoo and stared at him. “Come tomorrow, or don't come. It's your own choice. But remember what she said to you. She's not even sure if she's coming to the festival tomorrow. Why? Because she doesn't know if you would be there to listen to her.” Sungae walked towards Minwoo, hitting Minwoos shoulder with his and passed by.

// Did I do.. a mistake with Tia? // Minwoo thought to himself and he found himself almost crying in front of the school. His eyes were glossy because of the yell that Sungjae revealed to have. Also by Sungjaes words and slowly Minwoo thought about his movements and decisions he did just now.


The next day just started and I rolled over in my bed, grumbling something because of my tired and grumpy mood and slowly stood up, taking a look at my alarm clock. 10AM it said. I still have 2 hours to get ready and walk to school but my eyes were so tired and I lied down in bed once again until I heard my phone ringing. "Hmmm?" I just answered the phone without looking at the name, realizing it was Sungjae: "Just checking if you're awake." He laughed. "I AM.. awake.." I was a little pissed off by the early call and stood up, walking towards the bathroom. "Are you going to pick me up today?" - "Sure, if you wish to.." - "Y-you don't need to Sungjae." I said unsure but he smiled on the other side of the phone: "It's okay. I just don't know that you're so nice to let me pick you up Nami. Well. You better hurry." and he hung up. I chuckled a little and shook my head: "This idiot." my mumble was talking to the phone and I started showering.

My voice sang the song a little unsure, trying to remember all the lyrics even if I sung it a thousand times. There's just one thing that brought me out of control: Minwoo almost kissed Tia. This song was special for me, it revealed the feelings I have towards Minwoo but it's not longer important because h likes Tia now. All those thoughts were in my mind and I couldn't get rid of that because I had to replay that moment all over again in my head before finally looking at the lyrics again.

The doorbell rang, it was Sungjae and I opened him, staring on the floor. "Are you ready Nami? O-oh.. is something wrong?" he placed his finger underneath my chin to push my head up to him gently. "I don't know if I should sing it." - "Why not?" - "I keep forgetting the lyrics because of the kiss.." I mumbled. Sungjae grabbed my hand, closed the door and started walking: "Yah they didn't kiss okay?! If you don't want to sing the song for Minwoo, sing the song for yourself. Who knows if that will be there today." Sungjae grumbled and didn't let go of my wrist.


So I just stood there behind the stage and looked up. Sungae hugged me from behind and placed his hands on my flat stomach: "Just have fun while singing it. I know you're going to make it." Sungjae said supporting and kissed my cheek. "I will go to the viewer station, I want to see you singing." he continued and left.

"Now we hav someone special on this stage." Mrs. Kwon said loudly and continued: "She's a student of mine and I am really happy to have her on the school. She came to me about a half year ago and said she wanted to perform an own song on the school festival. She wrote the lyrics and wrote the notes for our piano player. She's a really talented girl to be honest, but let's not talk, let's listen to her Song!" She continued and clapped into her hands. Carefully I walked upstairs on the stage and stood in front of the microphone, seeing everyone in front of me, almost 500 people. I looked to the piano player and nodded to give him a signal to start playing and performed my song well.

... The guy I met years ago is now all grown up, my best friend but the secret inside of me tells more than only friendship ... My love, my love open your eyes I am tired of waiting ...

As I stopped singing and sand the last note, everybody grinned and clapped for me. To be honest, I was really surprised that i sang so well thatthe persons liked my singing. "Thank you." I smiled and bowed before leaving the stage. I smiled and looked down to the stairs I was walking on before I stopped downstairs in sudden.

"M-Minwoo." my eyes opened wide and I looked staright at the ground again. "I better go, I have a meeting." I continued but he grabbed my arm pretty harsh and pulled me closer to his body before finally hugging me. He did't say anything, he just hugged me and didn't let go for a little of time. In the view of my eyes I saw Sungjae walking towards me but as he saw Minwoo hugging 'his' Nami, he stopped immediately, scratched his neck and turned around with a sulk.

"Why are you here?" my sigh was loud and Minwoo let go of me. "You still have time to meet Tia, hurry up." continued and rolled my eyes. He just placed his hands on each cheek of mine and them carefully. "You sang so well." he just said and still smiled at me. "You think so?" I saidexcited, almost forgetting ehat happened, so my mood changed again: "You think so?" I said likeI wouldn't be interested in his mind. "Yah.. Come on. I know you like to see me here, listening to you." - "And I know that Sungjae brought you here Minwoo. You had only eyes for your mistake called Tia and forgot your promise." I said and started walking away, Minwoo followed me: "She's nice!" I stopped walking and turned around to find him really close to me. Minwoo stopped walking in shock. "How can you be so dumb Minwoo? She doesn't like you, the Minwoo I know for years. You're grown up by now but you're still the same Minwoo, my recent best friend. She doesn't like you, she likes the style, the Minwoo I created. The cool looking guy. If she would really like you. she would have liked you from the start like I did.. but she didn't."

I was done for this now and turned around, started walking ad I heard Minwoo saying: "I know that you worte the song because you like me.. you.. really like me."

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please update i want the next chapter I like it very much !!!
Chapter 7: aww.. this is heartbreaking.. :'(
Chapter 6: argh!!!
you're such a jerk no minwoo!!!
IT's cute I like the story
glasskun #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^