The Troublemaker

High School Drama

Nami, Minwoo is outside!“ my mom yelled as she stood in the kitchen and you were running down the stairs. „Let him in ha!“ I said as I almost fell from the stairs in hurry and sat down in front of my breakfast. „Good morning mom.“ Minwoo grinned and steppen in. He was calling your mother Mom because you both were so close into a friendship for 12 years now. „You're late Nami..“ he sighed and ruffled through my hair as I had the spoon in my mouth. „Aish, I know that. I am not as punktual as you are, my little Nerd ha.” I smiled at him but continued my food in a hurry. “Minwoo, will you please take Nami's school food for her? You both will be late otherwise. “ My mom said and had placed the food next to the sink. She gave me a kiss on my cheek and left the house.

Your mom.. isn't she missing your dad?” - “She is Minwoo.. I can't handle it well either. Dad has been so busy the past couple months..” I sighed and looked at Minwoo. “Are your glasses necessary?!” I asked as I saw some huge nerdy glasses on his nose. “They're pretty.” he sulked and moved them in place again since I tried to remove them. “Aish, no wonder that the others bully you.” I mumbled. Miwnoo was not an easy kid, he used to be bullied for so many times and people still hurt him with words and sometimes with fists. How to say it but, Minwoo was a nerd. Always the best marks at school while me.. I was okay though. Pretty popular to be honest but never a really clever person. “Hurry up stupid.” Minwoo flicked my forehead and I hit his arm a little: “let me eat in peace or go alone to school!” I kindayelled at him but he knew I didn't mean it that bad. “Alright if you mean so..” Minwoo stood up and walked to the door in silent. “Okay okay wait, I am done.” I placed the bowl into the sink and grabbed my bag out of Minwoo's hand.



“Good morning love.” Sungjae smiled at me in the school hall as I passed by. “Oh, you call me love?” I was surprised by that but he just smirked: “I know you're mine.” - “I-I am not Sungjae..” I stuttered a little but I knew his behavior towards me already, he was trying to win my heart. Even though it's in a bad way. “You and Minwoo, how close are you?” Sungjae asked me as he placed his hand on my shoulder. “Friends, best friends.” I answered proud and walked a little forwards to not have his hand on my shoulder anymore. “Well, I better hope so for him. You know what will happen if someone is touching my girl, Nami.” Sungjae said and took a look at Minwoo before he left the hall and walked into the class.

Nami, what does he mean with that?” - “Nothing Minwoo. Just go to your class.” I answered quickly. I knew what would happen if Sungjae sees us pretty close. He would bully Minwoo again, like he used to do a week ago.

“Oh, you again? That you still come to school is a relief.” Tia said as I entered the class. Tia.. hates me. Well she sees me as her rival because we both are pretty popular.It's just the fact that she has such a bad character, while I am such a loyal person. Yepp, I am talking good abaout myself. You'll see why I told you, she has a bad character. “Sure, I am always here.” I said without any expression in my face and sat down. “It's a shame that you don't have any close friends except for .. how was your nerd friend called again?” - “Minwoo, Tia. He's called Minwoo.” I rolled my eyes and slammed my books on the desk. “Just shut up.” I looked at her with a cold view and opened my books with anger in my fingers.


Nami?” A head showed up at the door frame, it was Minwoo, calling for me at the begin of the school break. “I'm coming.” I grinned and placed my books into my bag before I stood up. Unfortunalety, Tia placed her leg in my way so I fell over it. “Whoa, sorry, that.. wasn't my..” I cut her words down because I know she did that on purpose: “God, did you really do this just now? Go and fu..” - “No bad words in school!” the teacher yelled at me when I was just about to say something mean. “Fine!” my anger built up and I grabbed Minwoo harshly on his arm to take him with me to the place where we used to eat.

“Yah, what's with your mood?” - “What with my mood is you ask?! Minwoo didn't you see that she placed her leg in my way to let me fall on the floor?” I asked him loudly as he placed his finger on my lips: “Shh, stop. Let the others not see that you're angry.”

That was a bad choice to place the finger on my lips – Sungjae saw that.

“Not close huh? What is he doing to you then?” Sungjae said angrily as he looked down at us. “Well he was just..” Sugjae cut my words off: “You better tell me the truth Nami!” - “I am just his friend! Nothing more than that. But if you really want to win my heart, tell Tia to not bully me anymore, understand?!” I yelled at Sungjae who was pretty surprised now. “She's .. bullying you?” he asked with a surprised expression and I nodded: “She's your sister, you better have a conversation with her if you want me to like you.” Sungjae left and he let us alone on the grass, eating our meal.

Yah why didn't you say she should stop bullying me as well?” Minwoo asked a bit disappointed and looked on the floor. “Because Sungjae would never do that.. You know him.” - “Right..” Minwoo mumbled. “I really didn't mean to hurt you Minwoo. It's just that..” - “I already understand Nami, it's okay. You're my best friend and you always want the best for me. I know that..” Minwoo answered with a small smile and I hugged him out of nowhere. “See, that's how much I like you.” I laughed a bit and he placed his hands on my back. “Even though we're 18, we act like childs.” Minwoo laughed a bit and tried to tickle me. “Yaah stoop!” I smiled and slightly hit his arm.




What we didn't know was that Sungjae was watching us all the time, you'll see what happen if Sungjaee get's angry..

“I better go to class now.” Minwoo said and I sighed: “You still have another school lesson this afternoon?” - “Yepp, sadly.” Minwoo said and I mumbled: “Well, I have to go somewhere too.” - “Somewhere?” Minwoo asked me. I just smirked: “It's a secret! Just go to your class ad come home savely.” Minwoo hit me: “Yah! Tell me that secret. Are you going to meet someone?” - “Actually, yes, I will meet someone Minwoo.” - “Whooaa who is it?” Minwoo asked curious but I just walked away with a smirk on my lips. “YAH, NAMI. ANSWER ME!” Minwoo yelled after me but I walked to the secret meeting with that 'someone'...

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please update i want the next chapter I like it very much !!!
Chapter 7: aww.. this is heartbreaking.. :'(
Chapter 6: argh!!!
you're such a jerk no minwoo!!!
IT's cute I like the story
glasskun #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^