Jiyong is glaring at anybody who makes eye contact with him.  You can see the fume coming out of his nostrils.  Anybody who stood a meter close to him will burn at the fire emitting from his body.

He is mad.  Raging mad.

In his mind, he is killing one specific person.  He had thought about killing that person a few times already in his mind.  Miraculously, he survived in his every attempt to kill him. 

Jiyong stormed to the office of his target.  He slammed the door behind him.  It was rude, but he has no intention of being nice to anybody at the moment.  Even to the CEO standing flabbergasted at his sudden intrusion. 

“What the f@ck, Jiyong!  Don’t you know how to knock?”

“No.  But, right now I just want to knock you down cold on the floor.”  Jiyong retorted.

YG’s brows knitted.  His whole face turned red.  Still, he held back his anger at Jiyong’s disrespectfulness.  He knew Jiyong must have a valid reason.

“You can try, but would you mind explaining to me the reason of my untimely death?” 

YG laughed.  It made Jiyong more pissed.

“Why the hell did you accept that stupid freaking show?  Why did you allow Dara to be in that pathetic show?  Why didn’t you tell me all about it?” 

Jiyong’s voice vibrated inside the CEO’s office.  He was shaking with rage. 

YG sighed.  He already knew this would happen once Jiyong learned about Dara joining WGM.

YG stepped closer to Jiyong.  He tried to put his hand on his shoulders to sooth him down, but he brushed his hands away.

“Don’t f#cking touch me!  I will kill you.”

YG shook his head.  It was the first time he saw Jiyong get really furious.  And he doesn’t like what he’s seeing.

“Calm down, Jiyong-“

“Calm down?!  You want me to calm down?  How?  Every time I imagine that guy touching Dara, I see red.  Every time I imagine Dara smiling at that guy, my blood boils.  And you want me to calm down?  You know what’s going on my mind now?  I’m deciding who to kill first.  You or that guy.  And you know that you have the bigger chance of dying first with my bare hands.”

“Can’t you be a little considerate of Dara’s well being?  Why don’t you give her a break?  She’s been suffering and holding it all in.  And it’s because of you.”

YG’s tone became serious.  He cannot fight Jiyong’s anger with his own. 

“And Dara joining WGM will make her feel better?”  Jiyong said with bitterness in his voice.

“It will distract her from you.”

YG’s statement turned Jiyong frozen.  He stared blankly at the CEO.  His words keep echoing in his head.

“I-I thought she doesn’t care anymore…”  Jiyong fell weakly on the leather couch behind him.  His furious face became more agitated.

“Dara still cares for you, Jiyong.  She’s trying very hard to protect you in her own way.  The least you can do is letting her be.  For the sake of both of you.  Stay away from her, Jiyong.  It’s the least you can do for her.”

“I can’t.”  Jiyong bolted from his seat.  A determined look was visible on his face.


“I won’t let any man touch Dara.  I will stop this nonsense once and for all.”

“Don’t do anything stupid, Jiyong.  You have yours and Dara’s career to protect.”

Those were YG’s last words before Jiyong left his office.  Jiyong is desperate.  He could sense the young man’s resolve.  Nothing can stop him now.  No one can get on his way anymore.

YG picked up his phone and dialed a familiar number.  After a couple of rings, a woman answered his call.

“Yes, Sajangnim.”  The woman’s voice was expectant.  She has been waiting for his call.

“We did it, Hyori.”  YG said.  A victorious smile playing on his lips.

“We did?!  That is great news , Sajangnim.”

“I hope everything will turn out the way we wanted.  These kids are giving me headaches.”

“It will be over soon.  Jiyong and Dara deserve to be happy.  They are the nicest kids I have ever met.”

“Those two were inseparable since they knew each other.  I have witnessed how they tried to survive their feelings for each other.  I have decided to give them my blessings if Jiyong can fix the mess he made.”

“Thank you, Sajangnim.”

“I think it’s you who deserves the credit.  You have been helping Dara ever since.”

“It’s because I love her like a sister.”


From YG’s office, Jiyong went straight to Kiko’s hotel.  She kept insisting to stay in his apartment, but Jiyong wouldn’t hear any of it.  If she stayed with him in one roof, there would be no way out.  He doesn’t want to give Kiko any more reason to bind him to her.

“I’ve been calling you.  Where have you been?”

Those were Kiko’s greetings to him when she opened the door.  Despite being well-dressed and her face fully made up, Jiyong still found her unattractive anymore.  He always dislikes girls with heavy makeup. 

“I was busy.”  Jiyong answered unceremoniously.  He noticed the luggage on the middle of the room.

“Are you going back to Japan?”  Jiyong got excited at the thought of Kiko leaving. 

“Would you mind celebrating once I get on the plane?  I’m going to be late.  Let’s go!”

“I can’t send you off, Kiko.”

“Am I hearing it right?  Are you trying to play a joke on me?  I don’t have time for jokes right now, Jiyong.”

“I’m serious.  This is our last goodbye, Kiko.”

“Are you sick or something? 

Jiyong sighed.

“Why are you clinging on to me, Kiko?  Don’t tell me it’s because of love.  I know you don’t love me.”

“Love?  Don’t be ridiculous, Jiyong.”  Kiko laughed bitterly.

“You are the most selfish person I’ve ever met.  And to top it all, you’re a coward.”  Kiko continued.

“You love yourself too much.  You value your career more than anything else.  You don’t deserve Dara.  You don’t deserve to be loved.”

“You’re a weakling, Jiyong.  You allow people to manipulate you on their hands, because you’re afraid to lose your status.” 

“Poor Sandara Park.  She still loves you despite your cowardice.  You can’t even fight for her.  You’re career is all that matters to you.”

“You’re a big joke, Jiyong.  I thought I loved you, but you were so easy for me.  I want my man fighting for his love.”

Kiko picked her luggage and started for the door.

“I’m not saying goodbye, Jiyong.  Expect me to drop in anytime I want.  And I will be expecting you to accommodate me as I please.”

Kiko turned around before closing the door.

“Oh, Jiyong.  Before I forgot, that picture of us.  That’s supposed to be a joke.  I didn’t know you don’t have any sense of humor.” 

Kiko have long been gone, but Jiyong was still staring at the door where she disappeared.  He kept repeating Kiko’s words on his mind.

She was right.  He’s an .  A pathetic bastard he is.  Dara suffered because of his weakness.  He suddenly felt very small.  He has too much to apologize to Dara.

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bumweh #1
Chapter 9: update please..u write such good stories
wenkie0414 #2
Chapter 9: update please
maria4smith #3
Chapter 9: Authornim I missed you!! Thank you so much for updating!!! More pls :D
piratess #4
Chapter 9: oh my........yes thanks for update authornimmmmmm........
corrine #5
Chapter 7: jj jaejoong please
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 7: JaeDara,woot woot,cant wait more updaTe please:)
myjoyce1986 #7
Chapter 7: jaedara please dara deserve him and he will be a very big rival for jiyong
yen_wcsc #8
Chapter 6: Jaejoong please! i love hyori..lol...update more please!
chuuubbbyyy #9
Chapter 6: Jaejoong? This guy obsession dara :-D
Tabimuchere #10
Chapter 6: waaa........i think its Jaejoong,OMG!i love this story already,thank u for the update,more update please,let Jiyong jealous here,have a nice day:):):)