“He did it again.”  Dara’s tears fell like waterfall.  Bom looked at her with pitiful eyes.  She already knew what happened.  Only one person can make Dara cry like that.  Bom opened her arms to share Dara’s grief.

“He said he wouldn’t do it again.  I shouldn’t have believe him.”  She said between sobs.  Bom couldn’t say a word.  She doesn’t want to repeat herself.  She can’t remember how many times Dara came running to her everytime Jiyong made her cry because of his womanizing.

“I’m the dumbest person to always believe him.  I’m such a loser.”  Dara blamed herself.

“But you are the strongest person who stands by him even he keeps hurting you.”  Bom retaliated.

“Bom, why am I like this?  I always fell for the wrong guy.”

“Because you listen to your heart.  Because your heart knows that despite Jiyong’s faults, he’s still the one who completes you.”

“But, I’m tired.  Bom, I don’t want to cry anymore.  I don’t want to be a pathetic loser who keeps waiting for him until he lost interest with his latest fling.”

“You said that a million times already, Dara.  And you already know what you need to do. It’s up to you.”

“Help me, Bom.  I can’t do it alone.”

“Don’t worry, Dara.  I’m here with you.”

Dara cried her heart out until dawn.  She promised herself she will not let a single drop of tear fall again when the sun rises.  She will face the new day with a new attitude.  With that thought, she fell asleep.

The sun was already up when Dara stirred from her sleep.  She couldn’t open her eyes.  They were swollen from too much crying.  Her phone started ringing.  She ignored the caller.  It was her day-off.  She doesn’t have any appointment.  She was planning to visit her mother later in the evening.

Her phone keeps ringing.  The caller was persistent.  She lazily searched for her phone with her eyes half-closed. 

“Hello?”  Dara answered with hoarse voice.  She couldn’t see the caller ID.

“Hey, good morning.  Did I wake you?”

Dara’s heartbeat stopped upon hearing the voice over the phone.  It was a very familiar voice. 

“Hello?  Are you still there?”  asked the caller.

Dara swallowed hard before answering.

“Yes.  I’m still here, Jiyong.  What do you want?” 

Jiyong smirked.  He could imagine Dara trying to be sarcastic, but still cute.

“Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?  Why is your voice like that?”

Dara breathed deeply.  She had to keep her cool.

“What do you want?  You woke me up just to annoy me?”  She asked coldly.

“Do you want to go out?  I know it’s your day-off today.”  Jiyong said.  A smile never left his lips.  He had planned something special for Dara.

Dara didn’t think twice.  She had to refuse him before she broke her promise to herself.  “I’m busy.  I have lots of things to do.” 

Jiyong straightened.  He didn’t expect Dara to refuse him.  Something is not right.

“But, it’s your day-off.”

“I’m sorry, Jiyong.  I already have plans for today.  Let’s meet some other time.”


“Bye, Jiyong.”

Dara pushed the end call button.  She couldn’t stand another minute talking to him.  She tossed her phone somewhere and laid on the bed face down.  Hot tears escaped her eyes.  She quickly wiped it with her hands.

“Damn you, Jiyong.  I hate you for doing this to me.”  More tears came out from her still swollen eyes.

I miss you, Jiyong. Dara’s heart said otherwise.


“Damn!  What’s wrong with her?”

Jiyong was still staring at his phone.  He couldn’t believe Dara hanged up on him.  He wanted to call her again, but his ego told him not to.  He pocketed his phone and returned to his seat next to Teddy.  He didn’t notice the meaningful glances the other members were giving each other.  They heard the whole phone conversation. 

“Let’s do it again from the top.”  Jiyong demanded.

All four members hissed.  They had to suffer once again under their leader’s bad mood.  But, they can’t blame the person who ruined Jiyong’s mood.  In fact, they were secretly applauding her.  Jiyong deserves it.


Dara came out from the shower refreshed.  Her eyes were still swollen, but not that much.  She used ice to lessen the swelling.

She was alone in their four bedroom apartment.  CL, Bom and Minzy were already gone to their respective appointments.  After eating a light brunch, she decided to walk outside along the Han river.  It’s a week day.  It’s not too crowded at this hour.

She had been brisk walking for half an hour without a definite destination in mind.  She just found herself entering a market place.  She slowly walked around without being noticed.  She was not wearing any makeup or weird clothes.  Besides, most people in the market were older who doesn’t give a to artist like her.

She was enjoying herself too much.  She didn’t notice the time passing.  She even bought some fish and vegetables.  When she saw fresh shrimps, she decided to cook her favorite Filipino dish.  Sinigang na hipon (sour shrimp soup with vegetables).  She was busy looking for the ingredients.  She still didn’t notice a group of high school student snapping pictures of her.

She was smiling from ear to ear with bags of fish and vegetables on her hands.  She hailed a taxi to take her back to their apartment.  She completely  forgot about Jiyong.

The packed lunch was ready.  The girls are recording in YGE.  She will surprise them as well as Teddy.  She carefully placed the warm lunch at the backseat of her Range Rover.  After dropping by YGE, she will be seeing his brother at his dormitory.  She also packed some lunch for Chundong.

Dara scanned the whole parking lot for Jiyong’s car.  She was thankful when it was not on it’s usual space.  She took the heavy lunch box on her arms and headed to the elevator.  She was looking down when the elevator door opened.  She just stepped in without noticing the presence of another person inside the elevator.

“First, you hanged up on me.  Now, you’re ignoring me.”

Dara jumped in surprise.  She almost dropped her belongings.  Jiyong helped her balance herself.

“You scared me!”  Dara said.  She can still feel her heart beating fast.

“Maybe if you focus al little to your surrounding, you will start to notice the little things happening around you.”

“I’m sorry.  Did I miss something?  Did something already happened while I was enjoying half of my day-off?”  I asked sarcastically.  I earned a smirk from Jiyong.

“Are you having your period?”  He asked.

“No.  Why?”  Dara said.  She batted her eyebrows at thim.

“You’ve been so grumpy since morning.”  Jiyong stepped closer to Dara.  She stepped back.  Jiyong’s forehead creased.  He’s starting to lose his patience.

“Why is the elevator not moving?”  Dara asked.  Jiyong keeps coming closer to her.  They were circling the small space.

“Because nobody pressed the button.”  Jiyong said.  He leaned towards Dara while his hand reached for her back.

Dara tightly closed her eyes.  She was already cornered.  She can’t move back anymore.

A minute passed, but nothing happened.  She slowly opened her eyes.  Jiyong’s smirking face welcomed her.  She can feel her cheeks burning.  She felt more embarrassed when Jiyong pinched her cheeks and kissed her forehead.  Dara avoided his gaze until they reached the floor which Jiyong pressed while he leaned towards her.  He took the lunch box from her arms and led the way to Teddy’s studio.

Everybody were surprised to see Jiyong and I entered.  They were having a break from recording.

“Hi, guys.  I brought you lunch.”  I excitedly announced.  I’m still  red from embarrassment.  I ignored the girls’ questioning look.  Bom quickly helped with the luch box.

“What are you doing?  Why are you together?”  Bom whispered under her breath.

“We met in the elevator.”  I whispered back.  I don’t want to give her the wrong idea.

“Why are you blushing?”  Bom asked.  She pinched my waist.

“I’m not blushing.”  Dara denied the obvious.

“You are.”

“I’m not!”  Dara yelled.  All eyes turned to her.  Bom stopped teasing her.

“Let’s eat.  I’m hungry.”  Bom broke the awkward moment.  Everybody went back to their business.

“We’re not done talking yet.”  Bom reminded Dara.


Dara bid Teddy, Kush and the girls goodbye after eating lunch with them.  When she faced Jiyong who stayed and shared the lunch she prepared, he got up and said his goodbyes as well. 

They  were alone again inside the elevator.  Dara could have just taken the stairs or used the toilet as an excuse just to avoid being with him alone.

Jiyong pressed the basement button.  She stood farthest away from him.  Jjiyong pushed the HOLD button.  He slowly walked towards Dara.

 She was avoiding his heavy gaze.  His next move caught her off guard.  He held her head and crushed his lips on Dara’s parted lips.  He was devouring like a maniac.  She tried to push him away, but he pressed her  to the wall.  He made sure she was immobilized as he kissed her relentlessly. 

They were both out of breath when he finally stopped kissing her.

“That’s for avoiding and ignoring me this whole time.” He breathed out.  “And this is for hanging up on me.”

Jiyong claimed her lips once again.  This time more tender.  More gentle.  It made her knees weak.

Her lips started quivering.  Tears came rushing from her closed eyes.  Jiyong stopped kissing  her.  He stared at my her tear streaken face.

“What’s wrong?”  He asked.  His voice full of concern.

Dara wiped the tears that kept falling.  She couldn’t stop crying.  She heard Jiyong sighed heavily.

“What did I do this time?  Is this about the rumors of my new so-called girlfriend?”  Jiyong’s temper was rising.  He hates it when Dara cries.

“Let’s just break up.  I can’t hold on anymore.  I’m tired, Ji”  Dara said between sobs.  Jiyong’s hands formed into fists.

“Are we talking about this again?  You know very well-“

“This is the last time we’re talking about this.” Dara cut him off.

“I’m tired, Ji.  I love you, but I also love myself.  It’s better for both of us to go our separate ways.”

“Is this what you really wanted?”  Jiyong asked after a  long silence. 

NO.  This is not what I wanted.  I want to stay with you forever.

Dara can’t stop her tears from falling.  She had not cried so much in her life before.

“I thought you believe in me.  You said you have faith in me.”  Jiyong said painfully. 

“I wish I coud keep believing in you, Ji.  But my heart weakens.  It can’t keep up with you anymore.  I can’t tell my heart to be strong as always.”

“Don’t do this, Dara.  Don’t leave me.  I need you.”  Jiyong pleaded helplessly.

“I can’t be of any use to you if I don’t trust you, Ji.  Let me go before I started hating you.”

Jiyong froze.  He must have hurt Dara so much to be able to say those words.


“Will you come back to me if I let you go?”

Dara couldn’t answer.  If she answered now, she would definitely hurt his feelings.  But, she doesn’t want to compromise either.

“Jiyong.  Please don’t make this difficult for both of us.”

“Answer me!”  Jiyong shouted.  His knuckles landed on the wall.

“Jiyong!  Stop it.” 

Jiyong hugged her tightly.  He started crying.

“I’ll let you go, Dara.  But promise me you’ll come back when you’re ready.  I will not lose you.  Promise me, baby girl.”

Dara hugged Jiyong back.  They cried together.

“I love you, Ji.”  Dara told Jiyong.

“I love you more, Dara.  I’ll wait for you.”  And he kissed Dara for the last time.  He wiped the tears from her face as well as his.  He fixed themselves before releasing the hold button.  He let Dara leave first.  He stayed inside the elevator until Dara left the building.


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bumweh #1
Chapter 9: update please..u write such good stories
wenkie0414 #2
Chapter 9: update please
maria4smith #3
Chapter 9: Authornim I missed you!! Thank you so much for updating!!! More pls :D
piratess #4
Chapter 9: oh my........yes thanks for update authornimmmmmm........
corrine #5
Chapter 7: jj jaejoong please
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 7: JaeDara,woot woot,cant wait more updaTe please:)
myjoyce1986 #7
Chapter 7: jaedara please dara deserve him and he will be a very big rival for jiyong
yen_wcsc #8
Chapter 6: Jaejoong please! i love more please!
chuuubbbyyy #9
Chapter 6: Jaejoong? This guy obsession dara :-D
Tabimuchere #10
Chapter 6: waaa........i think its Jaejoong,OMG!i love this story already,thank u for the update,more update please,let Jiyong jealous here,have a nice day:):):)