Jiyong’s scandal stayed on top of national news.  His reappearance in public with his new girlfriend caused turmoil amongst netizens.  YG was able to lessen the impact of Jiyong’s immoral behavior.  He convinced the girl to accept a proposal no one would refused.

YG laid his plans in front of Jiyong and Dara.  He knew it would be difficult for both of them but, they don’t have any other choice. 

Dara stayed calm and civil while YG explained the setup.  Jiyong protested against YG’s idea, but Dara immediately agreed.  It must be done.

She only asked for several conditions which YG wholeheartedly accepted.

Nobody should speak about her and Jiyong’s past .  Jiyong’s “girlfriend”  doesn’t have to know about her.

YG should prohibit Jiyong’s “ girlfriend” for entering YGE.

Those were just  simple things Dara wanted.  The rest she can handle.

Since the girl officially became Jiyong’s “girlfriend”, she was always seen with him wherever he goes.  Always following and clinging onto him.

It was during YG Family concert when Dara met the girl in person.  They were putting on their makeup in 2NE1’s dressing room when Jiyong came.  The girl glued beside him.

All of them stood to greet the couple.  Dara subtly stepped behind Bom.  It didn’t escape Jiyong’s eyes.

“Are you ready, girls?”  Jiyong asked.  He always do a pep talk to the girls before a performance whenever he had a chance.

“Yes, sunbae-nim.  We’re ready.”  Everyone chorused.  With the new girl’s presence, it felt awkward.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to them?”  The girl butted in.

Jiyong cleared his throat before speaking.

“Um- Girls.  This is Kiko.”

“You know 2NE1, right?”  He turned to the girl.  She was smiling proudly.

“This is CL, the leader.  Bom and Minzy.”

“I thought there are four members.  Where’s the other one?”

Tension built up in the room.  The girl waited for Jiyong to speak, but before he could, Dara stepped in front of Bom.  She extended her hand to Kiko.

“Hi, I’m Dara, the fourth member of 2NE1.  Nice to meet you.”

Kiko looked at Dara from head to toes.  She ignored Dara’s hand hanging in midair.

“You’re Dara?”  She asked instead.

“I heard things about you.” 

Dara pulled back her hand.  Her chest started heaving.

“Really?  I must be popular.” Dara said sarcastically.


Kiko was about to say something when the door opened.  One of the production assistant entered.

“Ten minutes, guys!”  He announced.  Everybody returned to their work.

“They need you in the boy’s dressing room, Jiyong.”  The PA said.

“I have to go, girls.  Have fun tonight.”  He said before leaving.

“It’s nice to meet you, Dara.  I’ll see you around.” Kiko gave Dara one last meaningful look.



GOD! I miss her so much. It hurts like hell.

I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs.

There she is standing just feet away from me. Smiling at everybody else except me. Avoiding looking at my direction. Avoiding contacts with me like a plague.

I wanted to confront her. I wanted to tell her how much it hurts to see her and yet I can’t touch her.

I wanted to hug her tightly like I used to. For her warmth melts away all my weaknesses and insecurities.

How much I wanted to hold her hands that perfectly fitted mine.

How much I wanted to kiss those luscious lips of hers.

How much I wanted to hear her say my name once again.

For her voice soothes my heart and soul.

But, I can’t. I should not.

I must stay away from her.

For it’s the only way to keep her.

It’s the price I have to pay.

“Ji-“ Kiko’s voice woke me up from my reverie. I quickly diverted my eyes from Dara. I don’t want Kiko having indifferent thoughts towards Dara.


I hate this girl. She’s the cause of all my miseries right now. If I could just send her away. If I could just tell her not to cling onto to me like a leech. I would do anything just to vanish her from my side.

I cringed everytime she touches me but, I have to endure it. My insides turn upside down everytime she gets close to me.

If only I could turn back time. If only I was not a ing bastard.


The concert was about to end. Everyone was happily dancing and jumping around the stage during the final encore.

I tried to catch Dara’s attention. Following her subtly around the stage. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was still beautiful despite the sweat trekking down her face. I wanted to come to her and wipe those sweats.

She knew what I was trying to do. And she kept avoiding me.

Everytime I’m just a step away from her, I could feel my heart bursting. I don’t know why I suddenly felt nervous around her. Her coldness was intimidating. It’s scaring me.

We started taking pictures. I positioned myself behind Dara. But I saw YG motioning me to move away from her. He must have noticed I kept chasing Dara on the stage.

I pulled Minzy to stand between me and Dara. But my eyes were always glued on her.

We had to say goodbye to the audience who kept asking for more time with us. We lined on the main stage to take our final bow.

I was supposed to be standing with the boys. But I found myself standing next to Dara. She ignored my presence. She kept waving and posing for the cameras.

When the cue was displayed, everybody grabbed each other’s hand. Dara couldn’t refuse to take my hand.

Her hand felt cold. I stole a glance at her. She just kept staring at the audience. Trying very hard not to look at me. She was smiling but, I could feel the stiffness in her body.

It was a foolish thought. I wanted to grab her small frame and embrace her like I used to.

Is this how we end our story? Will we be able to surpass this obstacle that making us distance ourselves from each other instead of facing it together?

I felt her hand let go of mine. She started walking away from me. I followed her every step until she disappeared like a wind from my  sight. I tried to come after her but a certain hand held my shoulder.

“Jiyong. Don’t.”

It was Dongwook hyung. He was shaking his head.

“Let her be, Jiyong. Let her breath for a while.”

I bowed my head. A sign of defeat and submission.

I clenched my fists tightly and shut my eyes. For hot tears were trying to escape from them.





I ran as fast as I could when I finally reached the backstage. Tears uncontrollably escaping my eyes. I grabbed my personal things from the dressing room while ignoring the curious stares of the staff inside.

I kept my face hidden from the people crowding the hallways of the stadium. Everyone was celebrating at the success of the concert. Everyone else was happy except me.

I should be celebrating with my friends and family. It was a joyous day. And yet here I am. Desperately trying to escape the festivities around me. Desperately trying to escape the only person I dreamed of spending the rest of my life with.

I searched for my car in the wide parking lot.  There were too many cars. People were starting to leave the stadium as well. I hid myself more inside the hooded jacket I was wearing.

I sighed in relief when I finally found where my car was parked. I quickly climbed in and locked the doors. Switching on the audio system on the process setting the volume to the fullest. The sound vibrating the whole car.

I leaned my head on the steering wheel. Not bothering to remove the hood on my head.

I stayed still as long as I could. Numbing my senses. Emptying my mind of everything happening around me.

 I don’t want to think. I don’t want to feel. I don’t want to see.

If I could just switch off all of my senses. Then, I wouldn’t be hurting like this. I wouldn’t be longing for him like this. I wouldn’t be running away from him like this.

If only I was stronger. If only I was not afraid.

Then, maybe I wouldn’t be here in my car. Alone. Grieving at my own expense. Drowning myself in sorrow.


My heart was screaming his name.

How much I missed him.

How much I wanted to hold his hand longer and never let go forever.

But, I can’t. I should not.

I  must stay away from him.

For it’s the only way to save him.




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bumweh #1
Chapter 9: update please..u write such good stories
wenkie0414 #2
Chapter 9: update please
maria4smith #3
Chapter 9: Authornim I missed you!! Thank you so much for updating!!! More pls :D
piratess #4
Chapter 9: oh my........yes thanks for update authornimmmmmm........
corrine #5
Chapter 7: jj jaejoong please
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 7: JaeDara,woot woot,cant wait more updaTe please:)
myjoyce1986 #7
Chapter 7: jaedara please dara deserve him and he will be a very big rival for jiyong
yen_wcsc #8
Chapter 6: Jaejoong please! i love hyori..lol...update more please!
chuuubbbyyy #9
Chapter 6: Jaejoong? This guy obsession dara :-D
Tabimuchere #10
Chapter 6: waaa........i think its Jaejoong,OMG!i love this story already,thank u for the update,more update please,let Jiyong jealous here,have a nice day:):):)