
Hyori unnie exclaimed when she opened the door. Her expression changed when she saw my swollen eyes and big red nose.

“What happened?  Aren’t you supposed to be at the concert?” She asked.

“Which you just ditched.” I cut her off.

“I know. But, what are you doing here?” Unnie asked once again.

“Well, firstly, I need to borrow your shower. Do you have what I requested on the phone before I come?”

“Yes. It’s in my room.”

“Great!” I beamed at her. “I’ll just take a shower then you can help me put on that dress.”



“How do I look?”

I asked Hyori unnie one last time as I swirled around wearing the shimmering red haltered dress* I borrowed from her.  It beautifully accentuated my creamy white shoulders. The length didn’t reached the middle  of my thigh making the illusion of my legs becoming longer. Strands of hair fell from the messy bun. Unnie applied a very light makeup on my face.

“Perfect!” Unnie clapped her hands excitedly. She was wearing a skinny black leather pants with a matching black sleeveless blouse. It’s neckline was so deep you can almost see her belly.

“Shall we go?” I asked confidently. Smile never leaving my lips.

“Let’s go catch some fish in the ocean .” Hyori giggled like a teenager. She was too infectious. Her self-confidence was contagious as well.

The club where the after-party was being held was packed. Drinks were overflowing. Sounds blasting from the speakers. Everyone was having fun celebrating the success of YG family concert.

I dragged Hyori unnie to the middle of the crowd while grabbing a glass of champagne from a rounding waiter. People were starting to notice us. Nodding slightly as Hyori unnie made her way through.

“This is so fun!” I shouted at Hyori. I never knew being adventurous could be so exciting. I grabbed another glass of champagne from a passing waiter.

“Easy on the drinks, girl. We still have a long night ahead of us.” Hyori reminded me.

“It’s just champagne. A glass or two won’t get me drunk easily.”

I saw Bom making her way towards us. I waved my free hand at her urging her to come faster.

“Where have you been? Everyone was asking for you.” Bom doesn’t seem pleased.

“I dragged Hyori from her place. And we’re going to another club after greeting the others. Would you like to tag along?” I told Bom.

“Does jjangmae knows about this idea of yours?”

“Do I have to tell him everything? Our vacation just started tonight. And I plan to party ‘til I drop.”

I saw disbelief in Bom’s eyes. She must be wondering where I got the idea.

“Are you coming with us or not?’ I asked Bom once again.

“I’ll pass. I have an early flight tomorrow. I’ll see you after a week.” She nodded her head at Hyori.

“Please don’t do anything stupid.” Bom said before walking away.

I started mingling with everybody. I just laughed at the unanimous reactions I’m getting from the people in the party. Complimenting how gorgeous I looked and yet raising an eyebrow when I turned my back.

I was about to get my fourth glass of champagne when someone grabbed my wrist. My eyes darted to the person who came from behind me. I was ready to spat at him but, I got tongue-tied when I saw Jiyong’s scowling face.

“What do you think you’re doing?” His voice sounded he’s about to rip off my neck. His eyes travelled down to what I’m wearing.

“Oh, Jiyong. I thought you already left. Where’s Kiko?” I looked over his shoulder expecting to see his shadow of a girlfriend.

“Don’t avoid the subject. Why  are you dressed like that?”

“You don’t like it? But everyone said I look stunning on this dress.” I pouted at him. I was trying to act cute.

“Are you drunk?”

Jiyong leaned closer to me. I almost forgot how to breath when he sniffed my neck.

“What have you been drinking?” He asked impatiently.

“I just had three glasses of champagne. Nobody gets drunk drinking champagne.” I retaliated.

“ You’re hopeless, Dara. Why don’t you go home already? You’re already drunk.”

“What the F, Jiyong! I’m not drunk. And you can’t tell me to go home. You’re not my babysitter.”

Surprised was written all over Jiyong’s face. It was the first time he heard me cursed. He must be right. I’m already drunk. I can’t control my mouth anymore.

We started gaining attention from the people around us.

“You know. You’re right. I should leave already. This party is boring anyways.” I retrieved my hand which he kept holding the entire time. I pushed him a little to the side. I felt my knees shaking.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Jiyong pulled me once again. I almost tripped if he didn’t caught my waist. A cold shiver ran down my spine at his touch. His smell is getting me more intoxicated.

I scolded myself silently.

I tried to stand firmly on my own.

“What the hell, Jiyong. You just told me to leave, didn’t you? Why are you asking where I’ll be going then? And FYI. I don’t need to tell you anything. You’re not my guardian and I’m more than old enough to take care of my own .  You’re not even my lover! For God’s sake!”

I didn’t realize I was talking too loud. More like shouting. Everyone was looking at me and Jiyong.

“Why don’t you just go to your clingy girlfriend. She must be wondering where you are. Just mind your own business and off all you want. I don’t care!”

I hurt him. I could see it in his eyes. But, it doesn’t even compare to what I have been feeling all this time. Everything was bottled up in my chest. And I can’t stop pouring it out on him.

We stared at each other. I kept my head held high and willed my tears not to fall. Yet my lips were quivering. I felt my whole body shaking.  

“Let me go, Jiyong.” I finally asked of him. He understood what I was trying to say.

“I can’t.” He said despairingly. He shook his head.

I held his wrist holding mine. Pulling his grip from me. He resisted and kept shaking his lowered head. I felt something warm fell on my hand.  It was Jiyong’s tears. My heart started crying with him.

Oh, God. Please give me more strength. I have to do this.

“Let go, Jiyong.” I asked once again.

“NO!” He refused to release me.

“I must go.”

“NO! DON’T LEAVE ME.” He pleaded.








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bumweh #1
Chapter 9: update please..u write such good stories
wenkie0414 #2
Chapter 9: update please
maria4smith #3
Chapter 9: Authornim I missed you!! Thank you so much for updating!!! More pls :D
piratess #4
Chapter 9: oh my........yes thanks for update authornimmmmmm........
corrine #5
Chapter 7: jj jaejoong please
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 7: JaeDara,woot woot,cant wait more updaTe please:)
myjoyce1986 #7
Chapter 7: jaedara please dara deserve him and he will be a very big rival for jiyong
yen_wcsc #8
Chapter 6: Jaejoong please! i love more please!
chuuubbbyyy #9
Chapter 6: Jaejoong? This guy obsession dara :-D
Tabimuchere #10
Chapter 6: waaa........i think its Jaejoong,OMG!i love this story already,thank u for the update,more update please,let Jiyong jealous here,have a nice day:):):)