Let's play nice


Jonghyun sighed, “You know what? Shinee Princes group talk, NOW!”

Everyone hurdled into a circle and waited for Jonghyun to talk. “Guys, Let’s be nice to Sarang from now onward. Come on guys, why can’t we try? We are being selfish here. It wouldn't hurt to be friends right? I mean she was the only one who opened the music box everyday, talked to us like she really believed we could here her. Talking to us about her dreams, we used to listen to her everyday and we watched her grow.

She filled us with hope. Even Soo Young, the girl we gave everything for didn’t even open the music box after meeting that guy. She gave the music box to her daughter instead. Come on guys, yeah we were heartbroken but that does not mean we can break her heart instead.” Jonghyun said looking at the boys.

“The last time we trusted you, we ended up chasing after Soo Young and in to that horrible music box.” Minho said frowning.

“Jonghyun is right. I can’t be mad at a girl who has never wronged us.” Key agreed, nodding at Jonghyun.

“I dunno. I don’t think I can be able to bear another heartache.” Taemin said pouting.

The four boys turn to their oldest waiting for his answer.

Onew chuckled, an angelic smile spreading across his face. “Let’s give this a try then. I mean what do we have to lose. But I do warn everyone here, there is still someone out to get us and Sarang. So when you are out with her make sure you have your guard up, If anything is to happen to Sarang, I’ll make sure all of you will regret ever being born.”

The boys became silent, afraid of their Oldest. Onew looked unfazed by their silence or the fact that his threat had such an effect on them. He simply ruffled Taemin’s hair and walked away.

“Onew hyung is just so weird.” Taemin whispered to the rest.

“I HEARD that!” Onew yelled out from the room.


The whole day Sarang did not leave her room. It came to the point where everyone became really worried, considering the fact that she did not eat breakfast and lunch, and it was already passed dinner time.

Minho – who although looked and talked coldly was the one who cared the most – went up and knocked on Sarang’s room door.

“Yah! Sarang-ah. Please come out, take your medicine and eat some food.”

But there was silence from the other side.

“Please Sarang, don’t make us worry like this.” Minho tried again, trying to sound as gentle as possible.

“Go away!” Sarang yelled from inside.

The others failed to control their laughter as Minho tried not to look flustered.

“Fine.” He mumbled and walked away.


Soon night fell and the boys went to sleep. Sarang where else was wide awake, I wonder if Mr Lee and Mrs Lee are alright, she thought tossing and turning, trying to get a comfortable spot.

Sighing, she sat up and opened her bed side drawer, only to find it empty. She face-palmed herself. Right! I’m not in my old house anymore and the music box is no more.

Frustrated, she buried her face in her pillow. Just then, she heard a knock, Sarang immediately froze. She was giving the boys the cold shoulder by staying in her room all day, but she was sure everyone was asleep. She could hear the snores from where she was.

“Sarang, please open the door.” A sweet voice echoed from behind the door.

She remained silent, hoping he would go away.

“ Yah Sarang, I know you’re not asleep, so get your off that bed and open the door... please?” Sarang recognized the voice to be Onew’s.

“Park Sarang, open the door.” He said, this time gently and alluring. For some reason like in a trance, Sarang stood up and opened the door slightly and looked up at Onew.

Onew raised an eyebrow at her, she was wearing a big baggy white T-shirt and long pants, her curly hair tied into a messy bun.

“Why on Earth are you wearing such clothing on such a warm night? And why are you not wearing a night dress?” Onew asked pushing the door open and walking into her room.

Sarang frowned following after him. “What do you want?”

“Lie down.” Onew commanded, ignoring her question.

Sarang looked at him clearly uncomfortable and folded her arms across her chest, when she caught him smirking.

“Just lie down you pabo. I know you can’t sleep without listening to Orgel every night, so I’m here to sing to you, so you’ll sleep. So stop having dirty thoughts.” Onew said pulling Sarang who was blushing on to the bed.

Sarang finally gave in and laid down beside him.

“That’s not the only thing keeping you awake, now is it?”Onew whispered.

“It’s nothing really.” Sarang mumbled looking away.

“Oh, you can’t lie to Onew, I know when someone’s lying. So there is no point hiding.” Onew mused resting his back on the bed frame.

Sarang took a deep breath, “I don’t know where to begin.”

“Hmmm, how about we start with why you came here all the way to the city, instead of going back to the village where your foster parents live.” Onew mused again.

Sarang gaped at him. Onew glanced at her and chuckled “I have a way of reading people, go on.”

Sarang gave him one more weird look before beginning. “Well  I told you guys already this is my real father’s house. And I came here to take care of all of you. Mrs Lee found my parents’s will a few years back and there was actually a house that my parents had written under my name. I didn't live here because I wanted to save up some money first. But now since my foster parents’s bakery burnt down, I sent them a letter to tell them I was fine and am living here.”

“Something tells me that’s not the only thing you sent them.” Onew interrupted eyeing Sarang.

“Fine. I send them half of the savings I had in my bank so they could repair the bakery.” Sarang blurted out.

“What were you going to do with your savings Sarang?” Onew asked looking curious.

“I was going to try entering a school, I have been home-schooled my whole life. So all I ever wanted was to know how it felt like to be in a class with so many students.” Sarang’s eyes sparkled but then she sighed.

“Guess that won’t be coming true.” She whispered.

“Why not?” Onew asked.

“Cause, I have five boys to take care of. The money would be a great help in taking care of all of your daily needs until I find a proper job.” Sarang said smiling at Onew her eyes full of love and kindness.

He swore his heart began to race faster.

“Listen-“ Onew started.

“You should smile more, your smile is magical it can light up a whole room.” Sarang suddenly interrupted touching his face gently.

Onew felt his cheeks turn warm and he cleared his throat.

“Her name was Soo Young.” Onew said.

“ You don't have to..” Sarang tried.

“She was beautiful, did you know how she got married and had a daughter? And how we watched her age and her daughter grow? Soon her daughter became a mother. A mother to a young girl and that girl grew up too. We watched ourselves get passed down and passed down until you.” Onew said his voice trembling.

“Onew-ssi I think –“ Sarang spoke but got cut off.

“Call me Oppa, call us all Oppa.” Onew said smiling brightly again, hiding all traces of his sorrow but Sarang knew better.

“Onew Oppa! Would you please sing me to sleep now?” Sarang asked hugging him and gave him a cute pout.

He laughed and brushed a loose lock of hair away from her face, Onew started singing his angelic voice touching her very heart.

“I’ve never said this before
To tell you the truth, I felt my heart beating on that day

 Since the beginning, I knew
I wasn’t sure but it felt like our fate was already decided

 Love is coming to me
It leads me toward you
It feels like a dream that I’ll never wake up from
It really seems like a dream

I remember the day we first met
You came to me on a dazzling and bright day
Thank you for coming to me


You are smiling at me
On this beautiful day
But why are tears forming
In my eyes?

I hope this is a dream that I’ll never wake up from
I hope things will never change

I hope the place where love lingers
Can be somewhere we can be together
It feels like a dream that I’ll never wake up from
It really seems like a dream

I remember the day we first met
You came to me on a dazzling and bright day
Thank you so much for coming to me”

As Onew finished the song, Sarang was already fast asleep, he smiled and stood up, leaving the room and closing the door.

“Thank you Sarang. Thank you.” Onew whispered before heading to his own room to sleep.













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Sya-wol97 #1
Chapter 7: Well, yeah dont leave your fic hanging for a year .. I remembered this chapter though, surprising it may be. BTW, is Onew's song frm a real song, or made up?
Sya-wol97 #2
안녕하세요 막내야 ... Aigooo its been months since u updated
Chapter 4: HOW. It's even more brilliant *-* and it feels like a Disney movie or something; magical.
Chapter 3: How brilliant!! *-* you've got all my love!
Kitty16 #5
Chapter 4: ooohhh so good!
Sya-wol97 #6
Chapter 3: Yeahhh :) Hahahaa she broke da curse ;) Happppyyieee ^^
seems interesting~
Sya-wol97 #8
Chapter 2: Wahhhhhhhhhhh, daebakkkkk !! I miss reading this... :) 오르걸!! ;) Thank u so much for updating ^^
Sya-wol97 #9
Yayyyy u updated :)))) i is happy ya ;)
SheaLovesYou #10
Chapter 1: It's soo good *cries*