Present Day


"Sarang! Take the bread out of the oven and bring it here. quickly dear, our customers are waiting!"

Sarang quickly hopped off the bar counter and ran to get the bread. She placed the freshly baked bread on a steel plater, looked at the mirror at the side of the kitchen to check her appearance before rushing out to deliever the goods.

Sarang has grown in the past 14 years. She wore the clothing that men wore. A shirt and a pair of loosely fit pants but her hair was the only thing she kept the same. It was long and black, large curls that flowed to her waist. But she was still showered with compliments no matter what she wore, or how boyishly she tried to dress up like.

She guessed she looked alot like her mother because her mother was very beautiful. The thought of her mother saddened her. It was her eighteenth birthday today. It was also the day she lost everything she knew and loved, her family, 14 years ago.

She brushed away a tear that managed to escape from her eyes and put on a bright smile.

"Here you go Madam." She placed the steel platter in front of the customer.

"Is this your daughter? My gosh she's even more beautiful than what I have heard!" the customer exclaimed as she glanced at Sarang. "She's turning 18 today."

"Oh Happy birthday Sarang! You are at a perfect age to get married! Are you planning to get married because I have a son who's very-"

"No,Madam. I,m sorry and thank you for wishing me but no. I,ve no interest in getting married whatsoever." Sarang interrupted her and walked off to her room on the second floor.

Sarang lived with Mrs Lee since she was 4. Mrs Lee found herthat night and brought her home. She was like a mother to Sarang and she was like a daughter to Mrs Lee but she could never bring her heart to call her Omma. Mr Lee was a sweet man they ran a bakery together and Sarang would help out in return they gave her the second floor of the bakery to her as a bedroom.

Sarang sat on the bed and looked out of the window. Suddenly images of that night 14 years ago passed through her mind. The story, the knock on the door, the scream, the darkness, the fire... then the music, the sweet and beautiful music.

She leaped off the bed and crouched down. Under her bed was a small simple box. Sarang opened it and the beautiful music box was in it.

Sarang touched it gently, remembering what her mother told her, "Your great grandmother gave this to me and now I give this to you, protect it with your life okay Sarang?"

But protect it from who, Omma?

Sarang have yet to find out, But it was times like this where she reslly missed her mother, She twisted a little key on the side of the music box five times and then waited. Slowly like being awaken from a dream the music box opened up with five men twirling around and dancing as sweet, beautiful music trinkled in to her ears.

Sarang closed her eyes drifting off to sleep. She didnt worry if Mr or Mrs Lee had plans for her or anything. They knew she didnt like celebrating her birthday so they probably wont even disturb her,she thought.




"Sarang-ah!! Sarang-ah!!!"

Sarang  rolled to the side of the bed and stood up.

"Neh?" she asked.

"Sarang, quickly come down. We have something to show you!" Mrs Lee said from outside.

She sighed and got of the bed. Combed her hair, washed her face, kept her music box in her bedside drawer and went down.

Running down the stairs, she called out to them, "Mrs Lee? Mr Lee?"

But no one said anything.

Sarang walked down to the kitchen to see if they were inside but it was empty. When she walked into the hallway where the customers ate their food, it was dark. Sarang searched for the light switch and switched it on.

"SURPRISE!!!" Mr and Mrs Lee  jumped out holding a small birthday cake that was covered with baby blue icing cream.

Mr Lee placed the cake on of the table and lit the candles. Mrs Lee took out a camera and took a picture.

"Mrs Lee, this isnt really necessary I dont want to trouble the two of you." Sarang said, overwhelmed by the sudden celebration.

"What are you talking about Sarang? You are like my daughter, and turning 18 is a very special occasion. We wanted to, at least do this for you." Mrs Lee said.

Sarang sighed and pulled both of them in for a group hug. "Thank you. Thank you for being my Omma and Appa."

"It feels so good to hear you call us that Sarang." Mr Lee said.

Mrs Lee teared up and wiped the tears away quickly not wanting to dampen the mood.

"Quickly Sarang-ah make a wish." Mrs Lee urged her.

Sarang turned to face the cake and closed her eyes.

She could have made a million and one other wishes but for some reason...

I wish that I could free the SHINee Princes from the music box and break their curse.

She thought and blew the candles.

"WAHHH!!!" Her foster parents cheered and applauded. Sarang turned and gave thema bright smile.

But something wasnt right. For some reason she felt as if something bad was about to happen.

"Time to cut the cake!!!" Mrs Lee sang and went over to cut the cake. For some reason Sarang glanced outside the window and her eyes widened in horror.

She turned to Mrs Lee and pulled her to the ground. "Mrs Lee watch out!" She screamed and missing them by merely a few inches, a huge fireball came crashing through the window and into the bakery.

"Mr Lee gwenechana?" Sarang asked pullimg Mrs Lee up.

Mr Lee fortunately was not hurt but the bakery had caught fire.

"We need to get out of here!" Mrs Lee souted and pulled Sarang along to the exit.

Mr Lee was right behind Sarang hurrying along with them.

But he kept mumbling, "My bakery, my precious bakery."

Sarang rushed out without second thoughts... But... Suddenly she remembered what her mother had told her, "Your great grandmother gave this to me and now I give this to you, protect it with your life okay Sarang?"

Sarang gasped and started running back into the burning bakery until someone stopped me. "What are you doing Sarang?!"

Mrs Lee had grabbed her by the hand and was looking at her with teary eyes.

For some weird reason Sarang felt like it would be the last time she was gonna see Mrs Lee. Sarang pulled her in for a hug and whispered to her,"You have always been like my Omma to me. I'm sorry I never called you that.. Saranghae Omma. But this is what I wished for. Take care of Appa neh?"

Sarang pulled away from her but Mrs Lee still held on to her. "You wished to die?"

"Aniya, I wished for freedom."

"But don't you already have that?"

"Freedom for someone else, freedom for them to love again. One day you will understand what I mean."

With that Sarang pulled away from her grip amd ran in to the burning building.

It was everywhere, the fire, she could barely breath from all the thick black smoke. The heat was unbearable but she ran through the hallway and up the stairs, Sarang ran to her room door but it was on fire. The door was on fire.

So this is where all the years of morning jogs and learning how to kick a guy's came in, she thought. Sarang took a few steps back and ran forward and gave a swift kick to the door using all her strength.

Surprisingly, the door fell open but the heat contained inside of the room came out along with tonnes of smoke.

Her eyes teared up and she coughed. Each breath felt like her lungs were burning. 

No, I cant give up now.

Sarang dragged herself to the bedside drawer. There it was, her music box. Thankfully unharmed.

She looked around and noticed that all four walls including the ceiling and the bed were on fire.

So this was how Omma felt like.

Tears fell from her cheeks which were stained from the soot and ashes.

Sarang stood up desperately in need for a support and placed the music box close to her body protected,and away from the fire.

But before she could get out of the room the ceiling collasped in front of the door blocking her way to the exit. 

Sarang couldnt feel her lungs anymore, it hurt too much that it became numb.There were spots in her vision. But she still tried to stand. Sarang was desperate to get out and the first thing that caught her attention was the window. It didnt matter if she had to jump out of a two storey building, as long as the music box was safe. Sarang reassured herself.

"AAAHHH!" Sarang screamed in fustration and pain as she heaved herself up and used all her strength and broke the window. The glass cut into her arm and more spots filled her vision.

The thick smoke that was trapped inside the room started to escape out of the window choking her once more and blocked her vision.

Just when she was about to jump she saw it. Heading straight for her, through the smoke, from the outside, another fireball. Sarang had no time to jump.

Where the heck were these things coming from anyways?!

Sarang crouched down below the window ledge hugging the music box.

This is it. the end. I wouldnt be able to help break the curse.

A tear escaped her eyes. Just then the words echoed in her mind. 

Curse of the five pronces can be broken... whena girl at the age of 18... falls in love with the music box, so in love she would give her life away to protect it...

At that moment, memories flashed through her mind, Everytime she was troubled, she would listen to her music box, she would talk to the five dolls dancing around like they were her friends even though she knew they wouldnt reply back, When she missed her parents she would listen to the music box. Sarang realised that it was the only thing left of her family.. 

And I love it so much.

As she felt the heat of the fireball that was about to crash into the room she kissed the music box and whispered,

"I love you, SHINee.''




The room exploded as the ceiling came down completely. The entire bakery went down in flames. Mr and Mrs Lee watched in horror, screaming and sobbing.



















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Sya-wol97 #1
Chapter 7: Well, yeah dont leave your fic hanging for a year .. I remembered this chapter though, surprising it may be. BTW, is Onew's song frm a real song, or made up?
Sya-wol97 #2
안녕하세요 막내야 ... Aigooo its been months since u updated
Chapter 4: HOW. It's even more brilliant *-* and it feels like a Disney movie or something; magical.
Chapter 3: How brilliant!! *-* you've got all my love!
Kitty16 #5
Chapter 4: ooohhh so good!
Sya-wol97 #6
Chapter 3: Yeahhh :) Hahahaa she broke da curse ;) Happppyyieee ^^
seems interesting~
Sya-wol97 #8
Chapter 2: Wahhhhhhhhhhh, daebakkkkk !! I miss reading this... :) 오르걸!! ;) Thank u so much for updating ^^
Sya-wol97 #9
Yayyyy u updated :)))) i is happy ya ;)
SheaLovesYou #10
Chapter 1: It's soo good *cries*