chapter 4

Beast Behind the Beauty


It was a fine morning, the sky was clear, cloudless, and the sun rose from the east, brightening the ground. It was like an alarm for Eunhyuk when the bright light of the sun penetrated his room through the curtains and lightened illuminate the room thoroughly. He wasn’t please though, he was aware he wasn’t fond of waking up in early morning.

Let’s just sleep for another hour… He thought as he rested his head on the pillow and hid his body under the blanket once more. He failed though so he chose to drag his body off the bed.

He went to the bathroom, cursing a bit when he examined his swollen face through the mirror. His eyes were narrowed due to his swollen face and his hair was disheveled because he forgot to dry his damp hair last night. I shouldn’t have eaten before sleeping… He thought remembering some snacks that he consumed right before he went to sleep before.

Eunhyuk stepped outside his room and went downstairs to his mansion’s terrace only turning back to his room for putting on his white bathrobe to hide his pajama. He remembered being scolded by Kyuhyun for only wearing pajama on their breakfast, saying that he could catch a cold for wearing a thin layer of clothes.

Walking pass some maids, he flashed his boyish grin before he was greeted by the home butler who was preparing his breakfast. “Good morning, sir.” The middle aged man greeted him politely as he stepped into the spacious terrace area, inhaling the fresh air of the fine morning.

A small dining table for four was placed on the left side of the terrace while a wooden swing was placed on the other side, facing the spacious yard of his mansion. The dining table was full with meal and two sets of cutlery were placed on the sides of the table.


“A coffee, sir?” The middle aged man asked and Eunhyuk smiled as he poured him a fresh black coffee to his cup, stopping immediately when Eunhyuk told him to. “Anything else, sir?” He asked and Eunhyuk shook his head before the butler of the mansion excused himself.

Eunhyuk filled his cup with a generous amount of milk to his cup, stirring it until the black beverage turned its color to light brown. He wasn’t a fan of coffee, it was bitter. He only needed the caffeine in its content, knowing perfectly that the perfect wakeup call for his sore body.

He looked to the empty chair across his seat. It wasn’t occupied and the cutlery on its side was unused yet. A set of newspaper also placed on the side of the cutlery, perfectly folded. Kyuhyun’s still asleep… He assumed but his assumption was proven to be false when the taller man joined him on the terrace with a small smile plastered on his face.

“You’re early…” Kyuhyun said as he settled himself across Eunhyuk’s chair while the smaller man rolled his eyes, trying to suppress his grin.

“Good morning to you too, Kyuhyun.” He said while the taller man let out a small laugh as he took his daily newspaper.  Eunhyuk on the other side poured Kyuhyun a cup of warm tea and added a block of sugar to his beverage before he settled back on his chair.

“Thank you…” Kyuhyun said and a shade of red spread on Eunhyuk’s cheek as his eyes caught Kyuhyun’s smile. He knew perfectly that Kyuhyun enjoyed his tea without much sweetener and he didn’t consume coffee. Something he learned after month of living with the taller man. It became daily routine for him to prepare Kyuhyun’s tea by himself, not that Kyuhyun complain either.

Eunhyuk took a slice of pancake before he poured a generous amount of honey on its top and sliced it into tiny pieces.

“You should eat more.” Kyuhyun said, taking a glance at his breakfast, gaining Eunhyuk’s attention for a moment. “You’re too skinny.” He said as he took another slice of pancake and put it on Eunhyuk’s plate, a pout appeared on the smaller man’s face.

“Eating has nothing to do with me gaining weight.” Eunhyuk mumbled but Kyuhyun could still hear him.

“Eat, Hyukjae. Eat.” The taller man ordered without bothering the smaller man’s complain. It became habit for Kyuhyun to shower Eunhyuk with attention. He would ask him whether he has eaten or not or just filled Eunhyuk’s plate and made him eat more. He sometimes would treat Eunhyuk with sweets or presents. Or just being concern with his health and others. Such a perfect husband…. people said.

“Look who’s talking.” Eunhyuk sulked, making the taller man chuckled.

“I get it.” He said, filling his plate with some slices of pancakes and added a small honey on top of his breakfast. “What are you going to do, today?” Kyuhyun asked, knowing perfectly that Eunhyuk was currently jobless with nothing to do in their mansion.

It had been month since they moved to the mansion that Kyuhyun’s parents bought for them as their wedding gift. The mansion was located near the seaside, just outside the city. It’s perfect… Eunhyuk thought. It wasn’t fun though since he had nothing to do in the mansion.

“I don’t know. Why?” He asked.

“I’m invited to have lunch with some people.” Kyuhyun said. “You should come to.” He continued.

“Important people?” Eunhyuk asked and Kyuhyun nodded. “But you have to work today.” He continued.

“I get a day off from my father.” Kyuhyun said.

“Okay then, lunch it is.” The smaller man said and Kyuhyun one more time showed him that dazzling smile of his.

“Good, dress nicely.” He continued. “I’ll be out till noon then we’ll go there.” He said, finishing his breakfast before he left the terrace. He gave Eunhyuk a light pat on his back before he went inside their mansion, leaving the smaller man alone with his unfinished meal.

It was almost immediately Eunhyuk pushed his plate lightly away from him, losing his appetite in mere seconds. He didn’t feel like eating anymore. He knew Kyuhyun would scold him for not finishing his breakfast but he didn’t mind it since Kyuhyun wasn’t there.

He knew Kyuhyun would go to the town, spending his time with the kids in the town market like before. He wasn’t scared with Kyuhyun cheating on his back or playing around with some girls because he learned that Kyuhyun really didn’t have any interest to his own love life. He was just sad because Kyuhyun hardly spent times with him.

Kyuhyun was perfect… He was caring and sweets. A good company and Eunhyuk, on the other side, was overwhelmed by the attention that he got from the taller man. But it wasn’t enough. He wanted to be loved, not only to be showered with attention. He wanted Kyuhyun to acknowledge him as his partner, not only a company. Ironic indeed, because Kyuhyun did treat him like his brother.






“Ready to go?” Kyuhyun asked as he saw Eunhyuk joined him on the living room of their mansion, his eyes were sparkled with joy and his smile carved wider than before. He looked really happy and Eunhyuk assumed that he had a good time before.

Kyuhyun was a born philanthropic, something that Eunhyuk learned after they moved in together. He had a strong desire in helping people and he loved to spend a generous amount of money for donations. Eunhyuk lost count on how many fundraising party that they attended and he chose not to calculate how much money that Kyuhyun spent there. He wasn’t surprise to see Kyuhyun directly give a hand for those people in needs. It was a joy for Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk was proud, he really was.

“I see you really had a great time. What were you doing?” Eunhyuk dared himself to ask while Kyuhyun only flashed him his boyish grin as he led Eunhyuk to the front door of their mansion, the chauffeur was waiting patiently by the side of our vehicle.

Kyuhyun let Eunhyuk stepped inside the vehicle first before he followed after, telling the chauffeur where to go. The ride was quiet and it only took a moment for Kyuhyun to drift to the dream land. His body was exhausted but a small smile crept in his divine face. Oh how envious Eunhyuk to those who made that precious smile.

Kyuhyun stirred his body a bit, letting Eunhyuk knew that he was uncomfortable with his current position. Eunhyuk gently guided Kyuhyun’s head and rested it on his shoulder while the taller man unconsciously adjusting his body by leaning closer to the smaller man before he hummed. Better… Eunhyuk thought as he watched the taller man from his window side.

Eunhyuk felt their vehicle started to decrease its speed as it went pass a tall gate and a big mansion came to his vision. He didn’t have the heart though to wake the taller man up. “Kyuhyun…” He whispered as he patted the taller man’s lap, only gaining a grunt in return. “Wake up, Kyuhyun. We’re here.” He said one more time as he shook the taller man’s thigh.

He could see Kyuhyun opened his eyes before he pulled his body away from his slender one, blinking his eyes twice or thrice to clear his blurred vision. He groaned in discontent as he turned his attention to his surroundings.

“We’re there?” He asked while Eunhyuk let out a chuckle as he saw Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes in sleepiness. Kyuhyun run his fingers through his hair as he fixed his suit, missing the crumpled part of his collar. Eunhyuk leaned closer, stopping Kyuhyun’s hands before he moved his own to fix Kyuhyun’s collar. They were close and he could feel Kyuhyun’s body stiffened a bit but it was nothing compared to his shaking hands or his sweaty palms or his rushed heart.

“There, better…” Eunhyuk said as he leaned away and went out from the car, Kyuhyun following behind. They were great instantly by a couple that Eunhyuk assumed as part of the royal family. His assumption was right this time, as Kyuhyun introduced him to the couple without missing their knighted which they proud of.

The couple guided them to their living room and Eunhyuk was surprised when he saw both of Kyuhyun’s parents were invited too. “Hyukjae, you came!” Kyuhyun’s mother beamed as he pulled him into a hug while Kyuhyun scowled on his side.

“Not even looking at her own son…” Kyuhyun commented jokingly while his mother scowled at him. Kyuhyun does take a lot from his mother.

“Such an envious boy.” His mother as she hugged her son. Kyuhyun’s father followed in tow, smiled sweetly at Eunhyuk as he pulled Eunhyuk into a hug before shaking his son’s hands. Both Chos were just too stiff at each other.

Kyuhyun was standing by Eunhyuk’s side all of the time and sat on his side as they had their meal. The taller man always paid him attention for his slightest move. It made him felt loved every time Kyuhyun asked him whether he enjoyed his food or not, or whether he was tired or not… Kyuhyun once again turned his heart into a puddle of goo.

“So Kyuhyun, how’s marriage life?” The host asked as they started to eat their dessert and Eunhyuk’s body stiffened as he saw every pair of eyes turned to them. “Tiring.” He joked and the room instantly filled with laughter while Eunhyuk could only feel a pang in his heart.. Does he really think that it’s tiring to be married? He thought.

“I was just kidding, I’m fortunate to be married to such a caring and sweet person like Hyukjae.” Kyuhyun said once the laughter died down. “I feel blessed.” He continued and Eunhyuk felt flowers blossomed in his heart and darker shade of pink appeared on his cheek.

“How’s honeymoon?” He asked again, eyes blared with curiosity.

“We haven’t gone on a honeymoon, sadly.” Kyuhyun said. “I was so caught up with works.” He continued, making himself the one to be blamed.

“Such a pity…” The man said and Eunhyuk could see Kyuhyun’s father stiffened a bit, glaring at his son.

“A-actually, Kyuhyun had asked me whether I want to go on a honeymoon or not. I told him that I don’t want to.” Eunhyuk said and he could see Kyuhyun’s eyes widened a bit but on the other hand Kyuhyun’s father seemed to be more relaxed on his chair.

Eunhyuk was a bit uncomfortable with how Kyuhyun and his father interacted. It was awkward and fake. Despites Kyuhyun’s father treated him nicely, he sometimes caught his glares towards his own son. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to mind his father at all. It just didn’t look right in Eunhyuk’s eyes.

He did realize it before though… But still he chose not to interfere.






It was late afternoon when they left the mansion and headed back to their own. Eunhyuk was exhausted with all the talks and others, his stomach was also full with the meal. He yawned a bit but quickly closed his mouth with his palm when he caught Kyuhyun staring.

Kyuhyun chuckled. “Amusing…” He commented and Eunhyuk creased one of his eyebrows. “I was just saying.” He said defensively as he caught Eunhyuk’s eyes. “Hey, how could you say things so convincing like before?”

“What does that even mean?” Eunhyuk asked, slightly offended because it sounded like Kyuhyun addressed him as a liar.

“It’s just amusing when you said that out of the blue.” He said. “I was ready to be scolded by my mother.”

“I’m not worried about your mother. It’s your father that makes me concern.” Eunhyuk said bluntly.

“What about him?” Kyuhyun asked, quiet menacingly.

“He was throwing a dagger at you.” Eunhyuk said and Kyuhyun chuckled once more, yet it sounded bitter this time.

“It’s not him if he’s not throwing a dagger at me.” He said. “There’s nothing to be concern about.”

“I still am.” Eunhyuk said and Kyuhyun smiled at him.

“Do you really defy the idea of going on a honeymoon?” Kyuhyun asked out of the blue and Eunhyuk’s eyes widened in a mere seconds.

“Why do you ask?” Eunhyuk asked back.

“Just enlight me with your answer, Hyukjae.” Kyuhyun said.

“I would love to go to one. It’s after all a holiday.” Eunhyuk answered.

“Let’s go to a honeymoon, then.” Kyuhyun said and Eunhyuk’s eyes widened even more. “You said we should try to work this relationship out. Let’s start with a honeymoon, shall we?” He said and he showed Eunhyuk his boyish grin once more, while the smaller man only blushed as he turned his attention back to the road.






Kyuhyun wasn’t joking when he said he would take Eunhyuk for a honeymoon. As the week reached its end, Kyuhyun brought back the topic on their dinner, this time he came up with a date. He told Eunhyuk that in two days, they would start their honeymoon in a cruise ship. The cruise ship would bring them to the land of Spain in five days and as they stepped aside on the western basin of the Mediterranean sea, they would have a whole week in land before they went back to the homeland for another five days.

Eunhyuk was ecstatic, ever since he was still a boy, European land had been a dream for him. He lost count on how many times he visited China or Japan, but he was dying to see Europe. It was a dream come true for him and Kyuhyun, on the other hand, had became his genie.

He spent his remaining day, packing his needs in cruise because it would be a long journey for them. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, entrusted their butler on packing his needs because he still had to work in the last two days before their honeymoon.

The night before their trip, Eunhyuk was restless. After a countless time of tossing and turning his body on his bed, he finally gave up on sleeping. It felt like an eternity, listening to the sound of the clock ticking.

Eunhyuk took his robe and wrapped it around his slender body before stepping out from his room. He strolled on the corridor of the second storey of the mansion but stopped when he reached the stairs. He saw a dim light illuminated from the living room and as his curiosity rose, he dragged his body downstairs, glancing at the spacious room.

Fire from the fireplace brightening the room, so does the wall light and warmth could be felt throughout the room. Kyuhyun was occupying the fainting couch near the fireplace. It was a long couch with armrest only in one side of the couch. The backboard of the couch was also designed tilted to one side, shaped like triangle, only it was curvier.

Kyuhyun occupied the side that has an armrest, his arm on the armrest, propping his head by it side while his other hand was holding on to papers. His legs were rested on the table, near another pile of papers.

“What are you doing?” Eunhyuk asked, ruining the taller man’s attention on the paper.

“Just checking some stuffs.” Kyuhyun said. “What are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” He asked.

“I can’t sleep.” Eunhyuk said bluntly.

“Can’t wait for tomorrow?” Kyuhyun asked, smiling as Eunhyuk settled himself on the couch across his.

“Actually it’s today.” Eunhyuk corrected and Kyuhyun turned his attention to the big clock behind him. It passed midnight already. “But yes, I can’t wait for the trip.”

“It’s not a trip. It’s a honeymoon.” Kyuhyun said.

“It’s considered as a trip too.” Eunhyuk made his point. “Aren’t you tired of working all day? You should get some sleep.” He continued.

“I can’t sleep either.” Kyuhyun said. “And I have to finish this.” He said, swaying his papers.

“That too?” Eunhyuk asked, pointing at the thick pile of papers on the coffee table.

“I finished those.” Kyuhyun said and Eunhyuk gapped, making the taller man laughed a bit. “Come here…” Kyuhyun said, patting the empty side of his couch but Kyuhyun remained frozen in his place.

“Come on, Hyukjae.” He said. “You need some sleep.” He continued as he signaled Eunhyuk to seat on his side and the smaller man complied. Eunhyuk settled himself on Kyuhyun’s side and his eyes widened when Kyuhyun patted his own lap.

“Head here…” Kyuhyun ordered and after the man repeated his words once again, he finally rested the side his head on Kyuhyun’s lap, so now he was facing the couch that he occupied before. Kyuhyun shifted the papers on his hand to the other one that he rested on the armrest while his now free hand moved down south and settled on Eunhyuk’s hair. He turned his attention back to his paper but his hand never stopped on caressing Eunhyuk’s hair, tangling his long fingers with the soft lock while the smaller man felt his body stiffened in a mere second.

“Sleep, Hyukjae.” He ordered without looking at the boy on his lap. Kyuhyun’s touches were gentle and calming. As Eunhyuk hummed in sleepiness, Kyuhyun’s fingers trailed to his arm, softly massaging and caressing it.

“Aren’t you sleepy?” Eunhyuk mumbled while he heard Kyuhyun chuckled a bit.

“I’m okay, Hyukjae… Just sleep.” He said, whispering a bit. “Good night…” He said and Eunhyuk finally drifted to his dream land.






A shade of reddish color appeared on Eunhyuk’s face once his eyes opened in the morning. He was still in the living room, the flame in the fireplace was died already and the curtain was wide open, letting the stream of sunlight brightened up the room. He looked at his hand and saw his fingers were clasped with Kyuhyun’s and his head was still rested in Kyuhyun’s lap. Kyuhyun was sleeping but he managed to place his hand on the armrest and used it to support his head. His glasses was still hanging on the bridge of his nose as his eyes closed tightly on its behind.

Kyuhyun’s hold on his hand were tight and rather warm, Eunhyuk couldn’t tell how much he enjoyed it. When he heard a little voice came from the taller man, he closed his eyes, pretending to be sleeping. He didn’t know why he did that. Maybe he was just too shy to face Kyuhyun. A little act wouldn’t hurt him, he supposed.

Kyuhyun groaned a bit as he opened his eyes and Eunhyuk felt the warmth on Kyuhyun’s hand disappeared as he let go of Eunhyuk’s hand and rested Eunhyuk’s hand gently to the couch. “Hyukjae, wake up…” Kyuhyun said as he patted his arm. “It’s eight already.” He continued as he gently shook Eunhyuk’s body.

Eunhyuk tried hard to look grumpy as he opened his eyes and all he could come up with was a whine as he sat himself back up, making the taller man chuckled on the other hand. “How’s your sleep?” Kyuhyun asked while Eunhyuk glared at him, faking a discontent look because the taller man had disturbed his sleep.

“Not so friendly with the morning, I guess…” Kyuhyun said as he laughed a bit while Eunhyuk on the other hand could only pout at the taller man.

“Come on, let’s have some breakfast.” The taller man said as stood up from his seat and ruffled Eunhyuk’s hair as he moved pass the smaller man, making his way to the terrace. Eunhyuk followed him in tow and soon he was greeted by their butler who was waiting on the terrace.

“I’ll move the baggage to the car, is that fine with you, sir?” He asked while Kyuhyun only nodded as he settled himself on his chair as Eunhyuk sat on his side.

Kyuhyun poured himself a glass of fresh orange juice before he poured Hyukjae a glass.

“I’ll just have a coffee.” Eunhyuk said.

“You’re not drinking a coffee, Hyukjae.”

“I still need the caffeine.” Eunhyuk answered as he sipped his juice.

“Caffeine is not good for your body.” Kyuhyun said while Eunhyuk chose not to talk back to the taller male. As always… the controlling husband… Eunhyuk thought.

Kyuhyun stuffed Eunhyuk’s plate with sausages and bacon, not forgetting toast bread and hash brown as he asked one of the maids to poach some eggs for them. Eunhyuk gapped as he saw the amount of food that he had to eat while Kyuhyun only answered him with a smile.

“Oh come on! I can’t finish this by my own.” He whined but Kyuhyun didn’t budge. “One day this food will be the death of me…” Eunhyuk mumbled as he saw Kyuhyun stuffed his plate with less amount of food compared to his.

“No fair! You don’t eat as much as I do!” Eunhyuk said, whining like a baby while Kyuhyun only let out a wholehearted laughter as he watched his spouse’s childish act. He stopped when the maid went back to the terrace with a plate with two poached eggs on it. Kyuhyun moved one of it to Eunhyuk’s plate with his spoon, placing it on top of Eunhyuk’s toast bread before he cut through its center and the yolk dripped to Eunhyuk’s bread.

“Looks delicious, isn’t it?” Kyuhyun asked as he flashed Eunhyuk his grin while Eunhyuk only sighed as he stuffed his mouth with his breakfast. As they finished their breakfast, Eunhyuk readied himself for their trip while Kyuhyun followed after, having a short brief with their butler since the middle aged man would be the one who take care of everything in their mansion once they were gone.

It was a half before ten when Eunhyuk stepped out from his room and he was quiet surprise to see Kyuhyun was waiting for him on the living room already.

“Don’t you take a bath or something?” He asked not bothering Kyuhyun’s damp hair or his fresh face.

“You’re the one who’s taking so much time in the bath.” He said. “Did you forget anything?” He continued and Eunhyuk shook his head. As usual, their chauffeur was waiting by the side of their vehicle and Eunhyuk could see their baggages were already loaded to the car.

“Ready to go?” Kyuhyun asked and with one final nodded, Eunhyuk settled himself in their car.






Eunhyuk was ecstatic as their car stopped on the harbor, right across their cruise ship and he couldn’t help but grin as one of the cruise ship attendants opened the car door for him and greeted both of him and Kyuhyun. Money sure can buy anything… Eunhyuk thought as he watched the other side of the small wooden stairs that connected the ship with the harbor.

People were racing to get inside the boat. Eunhyuk assumed they bought the ticket of the lower classes, different from him who got the most luxurious class in the ship. The attendant talked to Kyuhyun, letting him know where they could load their luggage and after telling the driver where to go, Kyuhyun escorted the smaller male to get into the ship.

They were soon greeted by another attendant who led them to the elevator that brought them to the main hall of the ship. The spacious room was a bit packed with the passengers that just entered the ship so both men chose to move to their room. They were guided by one of the attendants to one of the most luxurious area of the ship.

The said area was private for first class passengers and the room was less packed than the previous main hall. They soon reached their cabin. “Is it okay for you if we share a room?” Kyuhyun asked as he opened the door with the key that he got from the attendant while Eunhyuk nodded as the answer.

The cabin was spacious and luxurious. A king size bed came into sight as they entered the room and right on its side was placed a couch and coffee table on its front while a big wardrobe was facing the couch. A big window was designed just on the side of the couch and wardrobe so they could see what was out their cabin. It was beautiful.

“You like it?” Kyuhyun asked and without any doubt, Eunhyuk nodded his head as an answer. Kyuhyun smiled in content as he saw Eunhyuk went to the window to see what was outside their cabin before he approached the smaller male.

“You want to go to the deck?” Kyuhyun asked. “The ship will board any time soon.” He continued and Eunhyuk nodded vigorously as his answer. Kyuhyun guided him to the top deck which was connected from the main hall of the first class area. By the lower deck beneath them, people were packed as they tried to see the sea when the ship first boarded.

Eunhyuk could see people waving at them from the harbor but his vision glued to the open sea in front of him. It was beautiful and the ship started to move as if they were chasing the view.

“It’s just beautiful…” Eunhyuk commented as he went to the very end of the deck and leaned his body to the guardrail. “I love it already.” He continued as he smiled to the taller male while Kyuhyun only chuckled as he took a step closer to the smaller male.

“Glad you do…” He said, taking Eunhyuk’s hand by surprise. “Let’s just not being careless, shall we?” He said as he pulled Eunhyuk closer to his, away from the guardrail. “I still want you in one peace once we reach Spain.” He continued and Eunhyuk only blushed harder, not pulling his hand away from Kyuhyun’s grip.




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this is the story that I left in my LJ acc. I re-uploaded it here so I can continue the story here :)


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elaheh_dadvand #1
Chapter 12: Oh Gosh. Finally i read the another part of this fic. At first i read it in LJ amd i was waiting for new update. It's awesome. I'm really curious about the evile plan of donghae. Donghae has a negative role in this fic, i love it,it's different. Please update it again.
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 12: Oh my, is hae become villain here...
Poor kyu, he should honest toward hyuk and tell him about hae. It will be bad if hae try to do something when hyuk know nothing.
The story is great, hope you'll finish this. Good luck
This is such a good story! I had read it in lj and now here and... So sad it's not continued :(
Still for what it is, it's one of the best Kyuhyuks I had read. I love Kyuhyun's tortured character and Hyukjae's strenght and love and... Aw!
Haru_rin #4
Chapter 12: You should update ...>_____<
heyitstheduff #5
Chapter 12: Eonni please update soon~ been reading the storu for more than 10times i guess. Really miss the story. Hwaiting!^^
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 12: Wow, new reader here, and I'm quite surprised to read it because I actually never imagine kyu will be so affectionate and gentle to other than his minnie, and this story of yours, its started with kyumin, continue with kyuhyuk, but will it end with kyumin again? Or what? I'm sensing revenge from donghae, and probably anger and sadness from hyukjae when he learns the whole truth well I guess I just have to wait, right?
emma13 #7
Chapter 12:'re backkkk!!!
Glad to know it,i'm super exciting!! <333

Oh this chapy is not at all,i really missed it. It just i thought this will be a fluffy one,according to chapter11 you'll be nice to us and make another fluffy chapt..but you already put slight angst here with hae's warning..oh,i don't like him very much!!

And i found myself lil bit crying when kyu hurting his body by him self than having the heart aches. I can feel so much pain in him..I don't have a heart to watch him like that. But poor hyukkie too,your jealousy feeling can be heartbreakings for yourself and worst,for kyu..but,i kinda understand your insecurity feeling. I hope you both will be just fine.. And hae will do nothing stupid and bad!!
Now,i'm the one who feels unsecure >.<

Thankyu for the update autornim. I'll wait for another one later ^.~
hyukandauthorwant #8
Chapter 12: oh God... Ilove this story!!!!
Chapter 12: Its getting more interesting...
I hope donghae doesnt do anything bad...
Update soooon^^
heyitstheduff #10
Chapter 12: My heart hurts reading this. Its an unexplanable reason. I just really love this story~ but not disapointed at all^^

Just take your time in writing this^^ i do wish more tho eonni;) hihi~ please update again soon;)