chapter 11

Beast Behind the Beauty


    Lee Sungmin was the definition of perfection for Lee Donghae. His smile was intoxicating and his sole existences brought him joy. Those pure and round eyes that bore into his soul every time they shared a glance, or that alarming laughter that sounded like a melody in his ear. Lee Sungmin was just amazing.

    Lee Sungmin was an orphan when they first met and he was a wreck, it was when he was just seven, he remembered. Lee Sungmin was shivering in fear the first time he entered his house, he looked awkward but Donghae found it amusing.

    “You’re my new hyung?” He remembered himself asking the scared boy the moment he saw him walking behind his parents but they boy said nothing as he broke down to tears.

    “Donghae, you’re scaring him.” His father scolded as he coaxed Sungmin who was crying from behind his back and guilt started to eat him up. I’m a bad boy, he chuckled remembering his own innocent thought. He remembered that he started to sob in front of Sungmin and his parents. His mother rushed to calm him but he didn’t stop crying.

    “D-don’t c-cry…” He heard a small voice and he was sure it sounded better than angel’s voice. He opened his small eyes only to see little Sungmin stared at him from behind his father’s figure. His round eyes were wet but it sparkled, how blinding. Lee Donghae stopped crying at the very moment.


   They grew up together as brothers. Donghae learned that Sungmin lost his parents due to an accident and both of his parents agreed to raise the parentless child. Lee Donghae was more than happy to have a perfect brother like Lee Sungmin.

    Sungmin was a sweet and caring brother, an obedient child that always made both of his parents proud and he was the role model that Donghae always adored. Sungmin was always there with him, Donghae adored Sungmin’s patience for staying with him and childish self. Not even once Sungmin complained about him being childish or annoying, he simply smiled and stayed with him.

    It wasn’t that Donghae didn’t notice it but he chose not to make it a big deal that he sometimes heard Sungmin cried at night or most of his smiles never actually reached his eyes. Donghae noticed that there was something wrong but he kept it for himself. He knew Sungmin wouldn’t like it if he meddled to his personal business. Donghae kept his mouth shut but he never stopped watching.

    It was sudden, he thought. It was miracle that Sungmin somehow became very happy. He started to smile more often and it looked sincere. Donghae felt content but the fact that Sungmin changed so fast bothered him. He was just a boy and curiosity won when he decided to follow Sungmin around for a while.

    There he first time saw Cho Kyuhyun. Donghae was envious at first, Cho Kyuhyun was handsome and mature, and he was tall, way taller than him and Sungmin. Kyuhyun was quiet and cold, Donghae wondered why Sungmin loved to spend his time talking to him as if he was talking to stone. He watched how Sungmin always followed Kyuhyun around like a lost puppy. He couldn’t hide his jealousy when he saw sparks on Sungmin’s eyes. He was jealous, he wanted to be the one who made Sungmin’s eyes sparked and made him smile. He was jealous at Cho Kyuhyun.

    Sungmin never mentioned Kyuhyun’s name anywhere, he never told him or his parents about this special friend of his. He even lied when Donghae cornered him about Kyuhyun. Donghae was mad, it was obvious that Sungmin tried to hide something from them, not only him but also his parents.

    Donghae exploded when he found out that Sungmin sneaked out from their house at night only to see Kyuhyun. Donghae made it look like a fluke when he pounded Sungmin’s door and told his parents that Sungmin wasn’t inside. Sungmin said nothing when his parents found him sneaking in on the morning neither when his parents told him that he was grounded. He said nothing as he went back to his room. Donghae knew Sungmin never stopped sneaking out from their house to meet Kyuhyun.

    It was one night, Donghae saw him trying to sneak out from their house and Donghae tried to stop him. He wasn’t sure but somehow Donghae felt something bad would happen that night. Sungmin didn’t listen to him and Donghae found him dead by the morning.

    He was terrified when he saw Sungmin lying limp on the ground. He thought he was going to die looking at the fresh wounds on Sungmin’s body. He was mad when he heard Sungmin mentioned Kyuhyun’s name before he finally let out his last breath. Donghae couldn’t accept the fact that his only brother had died.

    It haunted him every night, the image of Sungmin crying in pain as he held him that night. His only brother that he adored so much. It was unfair how the world took him away that easily, he couldn’t accept it. But he blamed Cho Kyuhyun for what happened. He knew it was Cho Kyuhyun who needed to be punished and he would make sure that he saw it with his own eyes. Cho Kyuhyun would suffer the way he did.



    Eunhyuk was anxious, it was only an hour away from their arrival and Hyukjae felt like sinking by each minute that passed. He wasn’t ready… He knew he wasn’t ready to go back to their lives. He wasn’t ready to share Kyuhyun with anyone else, he didn’t thought these past days was enough for the two of them. He still wanted Kyuhyun all for himself, in their bubble.

    It would be different, he knew it. Everything would change and Hyukjae knew it would be better. They would come back to their mansion and Hyukjae was sure that it would felt like home by now because Kyuhyun was there with him. Kyuhyun was his home, everything would be fine when Kyuhyun was around.

    “What are you thinking?” His mind was interrupted when he felt a pair of hand around his middle and a ticklish breath on his nape. His back came in contact with a board chest that belonged to his husband, he smiled as he leaned his body closer to the taller male’s warmth.

    “Nothing particular.” He answered as he felt Kyuhyun’s lips on his nape. He learned that Kyuhyun really loved to hug and kiss him, he was used to it but it always suffocated him. He wasn’t lying when he said each kisses Kyuhyun gave him brought him to cloud nine.

    “We’re going home.” Kyuhyun said and smile appeared on his face. Yes, home. They would be coming home, their home. He couldn’t wait.

    “It’ll change, right? Everything will change starting from now.” He said and he felt Kyuhyun tightened his hold around his body.

    “It is, and I can’t wait to spend it with you.” The taller male said.

    “So do I.” Eunhyuk confessed as he turned his body to give Kyuhyun a proper kiss, the port was close and they would arrive anytime soon.




    Heaven… Eunhyuk thought as he glanced at Kyuhyun who was sleeping on his side, his hands lingered around his slender body and half of his face was buried in the soft pillow that they shared. His eyes were lidded and his hair was tousled but he looked as perfect as he always does. Eunhyuk was envious.

    His surroundings were dark, the curtains were closed to block the sunlight and all sources of lights were turned down when they went to bed by the night before, Eunhyuk wasn’t used to it. He got up from the bed with one more glance at his sleeping husband before he went to the windows and opened the big curtains to let the sunlight in and illuminating the whole room, he heard a groan from behind. A smile appeared on his face when he looked at his husband who was turning his body to avoid the piercing lights of the sun, he looked childlike and immature. The smaller male was amused.

    He looked around his surroundings, he couldn’t believe it that he just spent the night in Kyuhyun’s bedroom. It used to be off limits for him to step inside the room and he felt his heart flattered when Kyuhyun opened the door wide for him the night before. The room was smaller than his but somehow it looked better than Eunhyuk’s room, it wasn’t empty like his room. There was a small fireplace facing their bed and a pair of armchairs were placed facing the said good. A big desk was placed back facing the big window that would lead them to the balcony, a big bookshelf was placed on its side and it was full with hundreds of books.

    Eunhyuk admitted Kyuhyun had a good taste of literatures as he looked at the books in his bookshelf, some of them weren’t written in Korean but Eunhyuk recognized some great names on the pile of books that Kyuhyun had. His attention went back to the bed when he heard a groan once more. His husband had just woken up.

    “Good morning.” He said with a big smile on his face as he rushed his way to the bed and launched himself to the taller male, Kyuhyun huffed a bit but he managed to chuckle as he gathered the smaller male in his arms.

    “Good morning to you too.” He said as he planted a kiss on Eunhyuk’s lips. Eunhyuk was mesmerized once he saw Kyuhyun opened his eyes. Those dazzling eyes never failed to make him melt. “How’s your sleep?”

    “Never better.” Eunhyuk murmured as he rested his head on Kyuhyun’s chest and inhaled the manly scent of his husband, Kyuhyun awarded him with one kiss on his forehead, he was pleased with the answer. “I’ve never been to your room before.” He said.

    “It’s our room, Hyukjae. Starting from now on.” Kyuhyun said and Eunhyuk felt his inside just exploded in happiness.

    “Sounds perfect to me.” He murmured as he felt his cheeks heating, the taller male hummed as he rubbed Eunhyuk’s arms.

    “Come on, breakfast’s waiting.” Kyuhyun said as he forcefully dragged his feet to the ground and stood up, Eunhyuk whined as he hid himself in the blanket.

    “Not hungry yet.” He whimpered as Kyuhyun pulled the blanket off him, he curled himself to a ball making the taller male chuckle.

    “Breakfast’s important. No excuses, princess.” Kyuhyun said as he dragged Eunhyuk out the bed but the constant whines from his spouse still gave him a hard time. “I thought I made it clear that I don’t want to hear any excuses.” He said in valiant voice, Eunhyuk gapped when Kyuhyun lifted him up with effort and carried him on his shoulder so now he was facing Kyuhyun’s back, upside down.

    “Kyu- KYUHYUN!” He wailed as the taller male tightened his hold on his foot and carried him out of the room, his punches on Kyuhyun’s back didn’t affect the taller male at all. “Put me down!” He demanded as he caught a glimpse of some maids watching their childlike demeanor, his face was burning in embarrassment. The taller male finally let go of his hold once they reached the terrace.

    “I’m so pissed at you.” Eunhyuk said as he settled himself on his chair, throwing an unfriendly glare at the taller male.

    “You’ll be thanking me for looking after you and your eating habit.” The taller male said with a boyish grin but he said nothing in return. He turned his face to avoid the taller male’s gaze. “Oh, come on. Don’t be mad.” The taller male said in defeated as Eunhyuk refused to look at him, the smaller male paid him no heed.

    “I don’t like to be carried like that.” He said and the taller male chuckled in return.

    “You certainly like it when last night I carried you to bed an-“

    “SHUT IT!” Eunhyuk’s eyes widened as he heard his husband’s words and rushed his way to the taller male to close his mouth with his palms. His face reddened once more as he glanced at their butler and the other maids, the taller male laughed from his closed mouth. He pulled his hand away when he felt Kyuhyun’s tongue his palm.

    “I hate you.” He said as he went back to his chair but Kyuhyun’s grip prevented him from walking. One pull from the taller male and he landed on Kyuhyun’s lap. He whined when he felt Kyuhyun’s hands around his waist and the taller male’s lips on his neck.

    “Don’t be mad, please.” The taller male said softly as he kissed his collarbone, Eunhyuk melted in the sweet gestures. “I’m sorry, okay? But you really need to eat.” Kyuhyun said and Eunhyuk sighed in defeated as he nodded his head a bit.

    “Okay.” He murmured as he leaned closer to his husband, the taller male chuckled as he rubbed Eunhyuk’s middle. “Kyuhyun, let me go.” He said after a while but the taller male shook his head in return.

    “No, let’s eat like this.” Kyuhyun said stubbornly as he tightened his hold around Eunhyuk’s body, the smaller male sighed as he stuffed Kyuhyun’s plate with food. It looked like they were going to share a plate again.

    “But we have to eat breakfast, you said it yourself.” He said, Kyuhyun’s stubborn refusal answered him.

    “Feed me.” The taller male said, making Eunhyuk laughed in return. He just couldn’t help it.

    “Such a baby.” Hyukjae said as he cupped Kyuhyun’s cheeks and planted a kiss on his lips, Kyuhyun’s boyish grin greeted his eyes.



    It wasn’t an empty word when Kyuhyun promised him that he would try to open up to Eunhyuk slowly, he meant it and Hyukjae felt his heart melt as he saw the taller male trying. He knew Kyuhyun was struggling but the taller male was determined and Hyukjae couldn’t be more grateful. He was desperate to be part of Kyuhyun’s life, he knew he already had but he wanted to know everything about his husband. He was touched at the thought that Kyuhyun also wants the same thing.

    It was noon when Kyuhyun dragged him out of their mansion, he was clueless but he let his husband took him out as he saw the boyish grin on the tall guy’s face. There was no way he could grow tired looking at those playful grins. “Where are we going?” He asked as he gazed at his husband’s eyes, he was answered by a smile, Kyuhyun’s eyes disappeared in the process as he curved his lips.

    “Secret.” Kyuhyun said as he let out a whole-hearted laugh, Eunhyuk pouted in return.

    “You know I’ll find out sooner or later, right? Why can’t you just tell me now?” The smaller male asked stubbornly and Kyuhyun could only chuckle at his eagerness.

    “That’s the point. Why can’t you wait for just a bit more?” Kyuhyun asked back and a fist landed on his tight.

    “You’re really annoying, you know that?” He spat at the taller male but he couldn’t help his lips to purse when Kyuhyun pulled him closer and kissed him tenderly.

    “And you’re just to die for.” The taller male said, Eunhyuk felt his cheeks burning as his husband nibbled his bottom lip.

    “When do you start to be this amazing?” Hyukjae asked more to himself as he leaned closer to his husband, his heart thumped when he saw sparks in Kyuhyun’s eyes. How lucky he was to have this man in his life.

    “I wasn’t before?” Kyuhyun asked as he faked a hurt expression, he earned a kiss for apology.

    “You’re amazing to everyone. But somehow I think it’s only for me now.” He said as he traced his finger on his husband’s arm, the taller male hummed at him.

    “Is it that obvious?” Kyuhyun asked playfully, making the smaller male whined in embarrassment while another fist landed on his fist. “Well, I love you. That answers everything, right?”  Hyukjae felt his inner exploded at the words. “I meant every word said and you know love is a really strong word.”

    “It’s like only yesterday you fought hard to stop the wedding.” Hyukjae murmured as he enjoyed his husband’s warmth. The taller male smiled at him.

    “I did. Only because I thought we both won’t be happy with it.” His husband said. “I know I was wrong because you make me the happiest man alive.”

    “You and your sweet words…” Hyukjae said as he chuckled at his husband, the taller male sure knew how to use words. Damn literatures, he cursed.


    The vehicle stopped after a while and Eunhyuk was a bit startled to see the crowds around them, Kyuhyun brought him to the town by the centre of the kingdom. His surroundings were filled with citizens, walking by the pathway, passing tons of merchants and vendors who were selling choices of goods. Eunhyuk recalled they were back at the place where he met Kyuhyun for the first time.

    Kyuhyun was somehow anxious as he led him out of their vehicle, Eunhyuk could tell. It wasn’t common for noble like them to mingle with common people like this. To be seen in such a low place and blend with the mob would only cause them bad image among the other nobles. Kyuhyun probably thought that Eunhyuk would judge him, he didn’t know that Eunhyuk wouldn’t mind it at all.

    “Please tell me that it’s okay for us to be here.” Kyuhyun said in mere whispers as he glanced at his spouse and Eunhyuk felt his heart melted as he saw the anxiety on his husband’s eyes. “You don’t mind, right?”

    “Why are we here?” Eunhyuk asked as he looked at his surroundings. People started to pay an attention to them and he felt somehow awkward.

    “I thought you want to know everything about me.” Kyuhyun said and Eunhyuk melted at the sentiment. “I want you to see this, but if you don’t want to, we could always go home.” And he could hear disappointment on his husband’s voice.

    “No, no… I want to see it.” Eunhyuk said as he offered Kyuhyun his best smile, his heart flattered when another smile reached his husband’s eyes. “Lead the way.” He said to his husband and Kyuhyun took his hand gladly.

    Kids were running towards them as Kyuhyun dragged him around the way. Kyuhyun was beaming, Eunhyuk was pleased watching how big Kyuhyun’s smile was. “You came here often?” Eunhyuk asked and Kyuhyun nodded his head ecstatically, he looked so young and carefree.

    Kyuhyun introduced him to some of the merchants and Hyukjae was blushing as the taller male addressed him as his spouse, Kyuhyun’s tight hold on his hand didn’t help either. Kids were laughing as Kyuhyun played with them and some came to play with Eunhyuk. He glanced at his husband in anxiety.

    “I-I’m not good with kids.” He whispered to the taller male remembering his very least encounters with people younger from him especially kids. He wasn’t used being surrounded with those bouncy balls of hype.

    “You’re doing well.” Kyuhyun said to assure him and he felt ease as his husband rubbed his back. It won’t harm him if he tried. He surely would enjoy the day as he saw how Kyuhyun playing with the little boys around him. “They like you already.” He added when kids started to drag Eunhyuk around.





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this is the story that I left in my LJ acc. I re-uploaded it here so I can continue the story here :)


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elaheh_dadvand #1
Chapter 12: Oh Gosh. Finally i read the another part of this fic. At first i read it in LJ amd i was waiting for new update. It's awesome. I'm really curious about the evile plan of donghae. Donghae has a negative role in this fic, i love it,it's different. Please update it again.
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 12: Oh my, is hae become villain here...
Poor kyu, he should honest toward hyuk and tell him about hae. It will be bad if hae try to do something when hyuk know nothing.
The story is great, hope you'll finish this. Good luck
This is such a good story! I had read it in lj and now here and... So sad it's not continued :(
Still for what it is, it's one of the best Kyuhyuks I had read. I love Kyuhyun's tortured character and Hyukjae's strenght and love and... Aw!
Haru_rin #4
Chapter 12: You should update ...>_____<
heyitstheduff #5
Chapter 12: Eonni please update soon~ been reading the storu for more than 10times i guess. Really miss the story. Hwaiting!^^
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 12: Wow, new reader here, and I'm quite surprised to read it because I actually never imagine kyu will be so affectionate and gentle to other than his minnie, and this story of yours, its started with kyumin, continue with kyuhyuk, but will it end with kyumin again? Or what? I'm sensing revenge from donghae, and probably anger and sadness from hyukjae when he learns the whole truth well I guess I just have to wait, right?
emma13 #7
Chapter 12:'re backkkk!!!
Glad to know it,i'm super exciting!! <333

Oh this chapy is not at all,i really missed it. It just i thought this will be a fluffy one,according to chapter11 you'll be nice to us and make another fluffy chapt..but you already put slight angst here with hae's warning..oh,i don't like him very much!!

And i found myself lil bit crying when kyu hurting his body by him self than having the heart aches. I can feel so much pain in him..I don't have a heart to watch him like that. But poor hyukkie too,your jealousy feeling can be heartbreakings for yourself and worst,for kyu..but,i kinda understand your insecurity feeling. I hope you both will be just fine.. And hae will do nothing stupid and bad!!
Now,i'm the one who feels unsecure >.<

Thankyu for the update autornim. I'll wait for another one later ^.~
hyukandauthorwant #8
Chapter 12: oh God... Ilove this story!!!!
Chapter 12: Its getting more interesting...
I hope donghae doesnt do anything bad...
Update soooon^^
heyitstheduff #10
Chapter 12: My heart hurts reading this. Its an unexplanable reason. I just really love this story~ but not disapointed at all^^

Just take your time in writing this^^ i do wish more tho eonni;) hihi~ please update again soon;)