P2 - Youngbae , Daesung & Seungri


Dong Youngbae :

You arrived at the party a little later than expected, but you wouldn’t miss it for the whole world. A bunch of your friends were going to be there, not to mention your best friend that you hadn’t seen for nearly 24 hours. That was getting to be a little bit too much for you to take.


You ran into Youngbae a few times, but you were meant to mingle with more than one person the whole night. His eye caught yours, and it was really nothing. It was just a sideways glance, but he held your gaze. He smiled at you, and the look in those eyes was so caring it made your heart hurt. He was looking that way at you. You didn’t want to dare to hope but…


You returned the smile to him, that kind you felt with your whole self, where your eyes smiled with you. He dropped your gaze and it forced you to turn back the conversation you were in. Your phone began buzzing, and you grabbed it to check the new message. You raised an eyebrow, remembering that you got twitter updates to your phone. You smiled when you saw Youngbae’s name, but furrowed your eyebrows when you read it. “My heart breaks every time. Just… perfect.”


You quickly turned to look up at him again, but he was gone. You scanned the room, starting to get nervous. You briefly caught the back of his head move into another room, and you excused yourself to follow him. You rounded the corner, eyes peeled for him.


You noticed a figure leaning against the wall down an empty hallway, and you whispered his name. He turned his head, moving to get a better look at you. You approached him, still a little worried. You could feel your eyes soften, staring into his. “Youngbae…” you mumbled, ignoring the normal amount of personal space between people. “What hurts so bad it breaks your heart? Youngbae… are you okay?” You reached for him.


He watched your hand rest on his forearm before sighing and turning his eyes to yours. It was quiet for a time, as if he was battling with himself inside. The two of you stood there while the pounding music echoed in the background. He let out a long breath again, as if he had come to a decision.


“You,” he said matter-of-factly. You felt your heart stop for a moment, terrified that you caused him pain. “I… I know this is gonna sound crazy…” he rubbed the back of his head, words beginning to spill from his mouth a mile a minute. “I know we’ve been friends for a long time… but I don’t think I can handle us being like that anymore. Every time I see you smile… it’s the most perfect thing in the world. You’re perfect. I… I like you. …A lot. …As more than a friend.”


You stood stunned for a short time before looking down and chuckling quietly. “If that’s crazy… then I guess we both are…” you peeked a smiling eye up at his. He nearly beamed, his looks implying that he wanted to ask if you meant what he thought you meant, but the words wouldn’t come out right. You laughed, biting your lip in a smile and nodding. He looked so happy he didn’t know what to do with himself. Before you knew his heart-shaped lips were pressed against to yours.


It would have been impossible to measure the amount of happiness that coursed through you at this moment. Your arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace, arching yourself into him while your lips moved together. “Do we… have to go back out there?” you asked tentatively. He laughed softly, intertwining his fingers with yours.


“I don’t want to if you don’t want to.”


Kang Daesung :

You sighed, swinging your feet over the edge. You tossed another small pebble over the side and leaned back, resting your head on your arms. This is what you missed about everything: this simplicity in life. You closed your eyes and felt the wind on your face, hoping it would blow away all of your worries.


Whenever you had a lot on your mind you would come here. You turned off your phone and for a brief moment in time, it was like you were unreachable; lost from the world. Somehow you loved being alone, in a place no one would find you or contact you. For once, you were on your own.


You let out another sigh, getting up and leaning against the railing. Sometimes, it was just easier to let everything go. You closed your eyes again, listening hard. What surprised you was the sound of footsteps nearby. Shocked, you turned around to find a familiar figure coming towards you. His expression was hard to read. “Dae....sung?”


Before you knew it he had pulled you into a tight hug. You made a small noise, surprised at the sudden contact. He pulled you in tight, a hug that rendered you breathless. He buried his face in your hair, letting out a long breath. “Don’t do that to me…” he mumbled, gripping you tighter. “Don’t do that to me ever again.”


You stood in his arms, completely stunned and unable to move. “Do… what?” you somehow managed to get out.


“You didn’t answer your phone… no matter how many times I called… No one I talked to knew where you were… Nowhere I checked…” he held you in front of him, his eyebrows pulled together. “Do you have any idea how worried I was?” You could feel your face soften, his concern piercing you. “It’s a good thing you told me about this place or I would have completely gone insane.”


He brought one of his large hands up, cupping your face. His eyes traced yours, soft and caring. He breathed your name, placing his forehead against yours. “I can’t lose you…” He closed his eyes, biting his lip as he paused.


“I love you.” You felt your heart skip a beat, and soon it was pounding double-time. “I love your laugh. I love your smile…” he paused again, wrenching his eyes tighter. “I love everything about you. Please… don’t leave me behind again.”


You could feel his breath on your face, and bit by bit he moved himself closer to you. Automatically, you felt your eyelids close and softly your lips met. He moved his lips slowly in time with yours, and you felt yourself melt into him. You gripped him tighter, giving him enough of an answer right then.


Lee Seunghyun

It wasn’t long after you met Seungri for the first time that you knew you would be really close. Not long after that, the two of you had basically become best friends. You lived in the same apartment building and it wasn’t uncommon for you to just sit around and while away the hours together.


Lately though, life was getting in the way. Neither of you were in the same place at the same time it seemed. Days seemed longer without having him there. One day as you were leaving, you found a little post-it stuck on the outside of your door. You frowned at it, pulling it off and staring.


A grin instantly spread across your face as you looked it over. It was in Seungri’s handwriting, simply asking you how you were. You read that little sheet over and over, smiling every time your eyes passed over the words. You went back inside, grabbing your own and writing one to him and placing it on his door. When you got back home that night there was another post-it from him.


The correspondence lasted for a few days. Your heart got used to fluttering every time you saw a little yellow sheet of paper. “I miss you,” the latest post-it read. You clamped your hand over your heart, probably audibly making an ‘aw’ sound.


You pulled out a sheet for your reply and posted it on his door, informing him that you missed him more. When you returned, you found one asking for you to come over that night at seven. You immediately hurried to his door and left him a note reading yes, in big bold letters.


You got yourself ready, excited to actually see him in person after so long. When you had settled everything and you figured you wouldn’t be too early, you headed for the door. You had grown so used to the little sheet of paper on your door that you didn’t even realize there probably shouldn’t be one if you were on your way to see him. You locked up and then lifted your head to read the note.


“I love you.”


You stared at it. You read it over and over and over again. Slowly, you lifted a shaking hand up and peeled it off, not believing what you were reading. You heard his voice speak your name softly, followed by him reading the words to you out loud. “I love you,” he repeated, coming close. “I’ve missed you so much it hurts…” You turned to him, still stunned. “I… I don’t want to be just friends anymore.”


You felt like your eyes were going to start watering but instead you let him pull you into a tight hug. He squeezed you tightly, wrapping a hand around the back of your next. You couldn’t even find the right words to say. You reached into your bag, pulling out your post-its and scribbling on one. You smiled, sticking it straight on his chest as you pulled away. He looked at it, reading it upside down. “Me too.”

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Yumi-chan #1
Chapter 10: Great Stories ^-^. I like it
~3~oh yeah XD
great story!
mehmehme #4
Love this story!
Chapter 9: Aww... Ji's so cute!!!
ShineeBlack #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;