P2 - Choi Seunghyun


“We can’t be friends anymore.”


What the hell was that supposed to mean? You stared at the text message long enough that the letters didn’t even look like words anymore. You couldn’t bear the thought of ever being without him. What had you done wrong? What was even going on?


You were curled up on your side in bed, eyes tired from just staring at your phone for hours. He wasn’t even answering your texts. You didn’t want to seem desperate but really, there was only so much one person could take.


You two had been best friends for longer than you could even remember. You didn’t even know if you knew how to function without him being there. You were clinging to the vain hope that this was some joke; that one of his friends had decided to steal his phone and ruin your life or something. And yet… it seemed highly unlikely. 


You wanted to cry. You shot up in bed, upset with everything. Irrationally, you threw your phone against the wall, not even reacting when it clattered loudly to the ground. “YAH! CHOI SEUNGHYUN!” you screamed at the top of your lungs, as if the message would reach him. “NOT BEING FRIENDS DOESN’T MEAN WE CAN’T TALK!” you collapsed back onto the mattress, not fighting the tears that burned your eyes now. “Tell me what’s wrong…” you nearly whimpered.


You turned over, burying your face into your pillow. “Do you have to be so blunt about everything?!?” you screamed, kicking your feet angrily. You went limp, sighing hard.


A loud knock on your door brought you back to reality. Your eyes shot open, darting around the room for no reason. You groaned, dragging yourself out of bed. Whoever it was sounded desperate, for the knocking continued rather forcefully. “Coming!” you yelled at the door. The frantic knocking continued.


You opened the door, only to find a frazzled Seunghyun on the other side. Your eyes widened, and you had to physically stop your jaw from dropping. You frowned, ready to yell but you got a better look at him. He looked haggard, breathing hard and a little sweaty. “Did you… did you run here?”


“We can’t be friends anymore because I want to be your boyfriend instead,” he blurted out, still panting. “My phone died so I couldn’t tell you—-” he tried to catch his breath but he was still having a hard time. “What I meant—-” another heave. “I love you.”


You had already wrapped him into a hug. You honestly didn’t care if he was covered in sweat and could barely breathe. You squished him close, forgetting any anger you had just a few minutes ago. “Seunghyun…” you smiled into his shoulder. He hugged you back, almost collapsing into your arms. You laughed a little. “You couldn’t have just found a charger?”


Gonna post Youngbae tonight alright ! (: 

- Hana 

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Yumi-chan #1
Chapter 10: Great Stories ^-^. I like it
~3~oh yeah XD
great story!
mehmehme #4
Love this story!
Chapter 9: Aww... Ji's so cute!!!
ShineeBlack #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;