Stupid Games

But They Said Love Lasts

"Hi. You're Yuri, right?" HanRi asked, smiling softly, approaching the taller girl. Yuri turned to face that all too familliar face and meerly nodded, returning the smile.

"That's me." She spoke, taking a step away from her locker and closer to Hanri. "Is everything okay?" She gulped, noticing the faint blush on her face. Yuri pulled out her books for for the next lesson and kicked her locker door closed. Just one more period to go, they just had to get through one more and then it was weekend. Finally. Most people of thier age would probably go out clubbing, getting drunk and hoping to take a special someone home but not this particular group, they prefered pizza nights with stupid games like spin the bottle or truth or dare.

"Oh, erm- Yeah. Everything's fine." HanRi tried to avoid eye contact. "I was just w-wondering about Minhyuk." She added. Yuri's face lit up at the mention of his name. Was this real? Has she noticed him? Are they going to fall in love and ride into the sunset? Fangirl mode activated.

"Yes." Yuri quickly squeeled, hoping for some sort of miracle answer.

"Well, I know that you're pretty close with him." She pushed her hair out of her eyes and stuffed her hands into her pockets. "I dont know if he told you but he's supposed to tutor me and well..." She paused for a moment and took in a deep breath. "IdonthavehisnumberandIreallyneedit.Couldyoupleasegiveittome." She rushed to get the words out, feeling quite proud of herself after.

"Sorry, could you just repeat that please, slower." Yuri laughed, placing a hand on  the others shoulder.

"I don't have his number and I really need it. Is there any chance you could give it to me, you two seem pretty close." She repeated, followed by a nod.

"Oh yeah, sure." Yuri quickly pulled out her phone and a pen, pulling the top off with her teeth and quickly scribbling down the number and handing it over confidently. "I er- put my number on there too. Just in case you ever need me." She smiled a little, shoving her things back in her bag. HanRi thanked her politely and started to head to her next lesson. "Oh, and HanRi?" Yuri half-yelled causing her to shuffle back. "A few of us are getting together at my place tonight, if you maybe wanted to join us." She knew it was a long shot but it was worth a try, right?

"Sure, I'd love to" HanRi replied, with only a slight hint of hisitation in her voice.


What did I tell you? Pizza nights with stupid games? "My go!" P.O's voice echoed through the appartment, along with the music playing in the background. "I choose dare because there's no way you're asking me a stupid question like you gave Ukwon."

"I got one, I got one!" Jaehyo laughed, preparing himself. "You have to text Minhee right now and tell her how much you like her."

P.Os face dropped in shock and also due to emarrasment. They weren't even supposed to know that he has been in love with his litral 'other half' for at least two years now. He brought his hands up to his face and groaned. "I hate you so much." He simply replied, getting a few quiet chuckles from round the room. "But I'll do it because I'm not a chicken, like some people." He glanced over to Zico, hinting something. He then pulled out his phone and used his speedy skills to type out a short but sweet confession.

Just as he hit send and shoved his mobile back in his pocket, a knock came from the door. "Hey, maybe this is Minhee now, coming to kill you for stepping out of the friend zone." Zico smirked,trying to get back at the younger for his comment earlier. Po shot a glare at his hyung for being so ridiculous but he coupdnt deny that he did panic, quite a lot actually.

"I guess I'll get it then." Yuri spoke up, seeing that no one had bothered to move. She untangled herself from Kyungs arms and slugishly dragged herself over to the door. She yawned a little while unlocking it with one hand and attempting to tie her hair back with the other. She only just managed to finish it when she looked up to see a girl, her hair left down, curly as usual. "HanRi!" Yuri smiled, gesturing that she came in, which she did, gladly.

As HanRi followed closely behind her 'friend-with-complications' the others sat quietly, curious of who it was. They watched as she girl they once knew, timidly took a seat on the sofa. She didnt look comfortorble, nor did she look happy about the four sets of eyes that were locked on her. She cleared her throught and the all diverted thier gaze to somewhere else.

"Hey, HanRi, truth or dare?" Zico spoke up bravely, kind of just so he could talk to her again.

"Oh I love this game!" She smiled brightly, sliding on to the floor to sit at thier leval. Of course, they all already knew that. "Truth."

"Okay, would you rather eat a whole banana skin or...." He tapped his chin and screwed up his face in thought, " the bottom of my bare foot." He added with a laugh.

"Easy." She announced, confidently. "Your foot." She laughed loudly and everyone joined in. "That just proved how much I hate bananas" She concluded, folding her arms over her chest.

"Yes but it's just the sk-" Jaehyo began to say.

"I don't care, it has touched the banana, it smells like banana, it's gonna taste like banana." She nodded as everyone gave looks of agreement. Everyone fell slient as the front door clicked shut. They exchanged glances, obviously knowing who it was. I guess it wouldnt be so bad, coming home to everyone having fun with the one you love who can barely even remember your name. Okay, maybe that's a lie.

"I'm home" Minhyuk stated as he headed towards the main room. "I smell pizza, did you save me so-" He stopped himself, almost in confussion. "I-I" He stumbled, "Yuri, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked through gritted teeth. She slowly got up again and walked behind him.

"Wh-what is she doing here?" He asked in a shocked tone. His eyes were wide and his lips slightly parted, he fiddled with his fingers, avoiding eye contact.

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Chapter 8: OMG I LOVE THIS STORY <3 Please update soon!!!
And... Keep up the good work! *two thumbs up!*
Chapter 7: Omg I loved this chapter. The final was great!
Chapter 5: This story is so sad, but I love it. I can't wait for the next update :)
Chapter 4: OMG This story is so sad but yet, so sweet! Please update soon!
ThebabyELF #5
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
tannear #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^