Back To School

But They Said Love Lasts

Everyday didn't just seem like a bore. It was. Minhyuk dragged himself to school everyday, just to please his friends. But it was one
day inparticualar that wasn't the same as all the others. HanRi woke that morning, with a headache. As usual. She was sat in the
kitchen, eacting her rice with the t.v on when her phone alarm blared.


She cursed and quickly rushed to finish her breckfast. On her way out of the hospital, she was given a small booklet of her daily
routine. One page of weekdays and one weekends. She threw back the page and scammed her eves down the notes. She ran into her room, the bed still wasn't made and the blinds were closed. She swung open her wardrobe and spotted a striped pair of leggings, a cartoon t-shirt and a denim jacket.

"Simple but I guess it's cute." She muttered to herself after getting dressed and looking in the mirror. She had a battle with the tangles in her hair and framed her eyes with a light eyeliner.

On entering the school, she breathed a heavy sigh. "Here goes." She gulped, nevously and clenched the notes tighter in her pocket. The school receptionist handed her a timetabe and gave her a cheery welcome.

"It's great to see you're back and healthy HanRi" The receptionist said, placing a hand on HanRi's sholder. HanRi bowed and thanked
her with a smile. She walked over to her locker.

112...113...114...115. She muttered the numbers to herself while tracing her fingers over the carvings in the metal doors. She could
feel the stares of other students fixed on her as she struggled to remember the combination. She had it written on the page in her
pocket but didn't want to draw over attention.

Meanwhile, down the corridor, JaeHyo spotted her and nudged the others. He pointed out in the direction of her and light gasps were
heard. Yuri, BBomb and Kyung were still on their way over but they were soon to find out she was back at school. Teachers had warned the students of HanRi's situation and they all agreed not to force things upon her.

The constant feel of eyes watching her was always there, everything she did, everywhere she walked. Maths class wasn't the best
lesson to go back to on the first day but she did so anyway. Looking at the time on her phone, she picked up the pace as she hated to
be late. Her warm hands carefully pushed down the cold metal door handle and as the door opened, eyes were all on her. She could hear whispers and gasps from the other students and tensed up. She slowly walked to an empty seat at the back, the tap of her shoes were all that could be heard in the silent classrom, until the squeeking of chair legs make HanRi cringe. A girl with her hair just below
her sholders quickly rushed passed her. HanRi could see that the colour in her face had dropped and her eyes were welling up with
tears. As the girl closed the door, Minhyuks fists clenched tightly. The teacher spotted his discomfort and knew he needed some time.

"Lee Minhyuk, go and see if Yuri is okay." The teacher spoke, hoping to calm him down.

Minhyuk placed his shakey hands on the table and pushed himself up. She held his breath before tesnsing up and as casually as
possible walked past HanRi. Thier sholders briefly touched on his way past. HanRi took a seat next to Kyung who was also struggling.
She smiled at him and he sent a shakey wave back.  

"Hi, I'm HanRi" She whispered while gesturing for him to shake her hand. Kyungs eyes quickly scanned the room in panic and then
reality hit him. She really doesn't remember does she? His hands were clammy and his heart was racing. He quickly shook her hand and then turned his head to the teacher. The door opened again, "such an eventful morning." HanRi whispered to herself.

"Sorry I'm late sir." The boy was looking down at his feet and played with his hands.

"It's okay Taeil. Do you want to go take a seat next to HanRi?"

Taeil's heart stopped when he heard her name and he had to take a double glance to make sure he heard correctly. And he did, the girl
that he fell for, years ago was sat right there. Sure, he knew she was waaaay out of his league but he couldn't help his feelings
right? He felt his face go bright red when he saw her beautiful smile. He slipped on his glasses and took a seat next to HanRi.

'A new start' He thught to himself. 'Be brave, be confident.'

"Hey HanRi, I'm Taeil"

He held out his hand, gesturing for her to take it. When she did, he held it for much longer than he would have ever dared to before.
His face flustered and she smiled sweetly as her head turned back to the teacher. Class dragged on as always, HanRi surprisingly
enjoyed herself. Taeil helped her with her books and bags and carried them out for her. She felt special, seen as though no one else
really made an effort to be nice. She stuffed her things into her locker and smiled at a note that Taeil handed her before scurrying
off. She copied the phone number into her phone and saved it with his name.

Meanwhile, round the corner, Kyung and Yuri were whispering small conversation.

"Please Kyung, just leave me to do this!" She whimpered while her glare seemed to pierce right through him. The two rarely got into
arguments and when ever they did it was always for a good reason.

"But, the doctors said" He stated, his voice raising slightly, making Yuri jump.

"Okay, what ever you say." She sang while wrapping her arms round his waist and he placed a small kiss on the top of her head.
Smiling to himself at the fact that he convinced her because it usually took a lot more work. As she pulled away, she pecked him on
the lips and smirked. What is she up to? Kyung thaught.

He narrowed his eyes in thaught and was ready to shrug it off when Yuri sprinted round the corner. "Yuri!" He yelled and ran after
her. He put his hands to his temples and shook his head. His eyes scanned the cramped hallways and landed on Yuri, smiling brightly
and introducing herself to HanRi. He approached them and s his arms round Yuri from behind, she pursed her lips and screwed up her eyes. "Jagiya? What are you doing?" He smiled falsely through clenched teeth.

"T-this is Park Kyung, my b-boyfriend." Yuri giggled. HanRi smiled, recognising him from earlier.

"Well, it's really nice to meet you both but I better be going. I hate being late to class." She chimed and started to walk away.

"Wait!" Yuri yelled and Kyung tightened his grip, just as HanRi glanced back, Yuri's heart tightened.

"Baby, stop, you're just huring yourself more." Kyung whispered in her ear. Yuri gulped and just waved to HanRi, her heart tearing
heven more. As soon as she turned the corner, Yuri spun around and pulled Kyung closer. Burrying her head into his chest and letting
tears fill her eyes.

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Chapter 8: OMG I LOVE THIS STORY <3 Please update soon!!!
And... Keep up the good work! *two thumbs up!*
Chapter 7: Omg I loved this chapter. The final was great!
Chapter 5: This story is so sad, but I love it. I can't wait for the next update :)
Chapter 4: OMG This story is so sad but yet, so sweet! Please update soon!
ThebabyELF #5
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
tannear #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^