No, That's Okay

But They Said Love Lasts

"Can't you just hold my god-damn hand?" Kyung yelled at his girlfriend who was now in fits of laughter, his voice was serious and quite tight but his face said otherwise. His eyes began to crinkle and clenched further together as the corner of his lips formed a clear smile. Yuri could have just done as he said but teasing him had to be one of her favorite things to do. The people around had eyes locked on the play fighting couple and they were trying to hide the fact that they were watching but neither of them could care less, as long as they were both happy and occupied for the time being. He wanted to show his affection towards her and to show people that she was his, only his.

As she finally pulled herself back to a standing position, she wiped away an imaginary tear and held her lips together to trap the final giggles in. He gave her a 'really' look but could barely pull that off himself, the serious side of the pair wasn't exactly showing through. Just as a silence managed to linger for just a matter of seconds, they both broke down, falling into each others arms and suppressing the giggles that were turned into muffles by the hold that was kept on around them.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" She managed to get out as he took her petite hands in his. They began to walk home but took their usual backstreets rout. He sighed, over dramatically, as if he was actually offended by her words. "But you're my idiot." She said as she jumped in front of him. He puckered up his lips and gently tapped them, practically asking for a kiss. She smiled and went up onto her toes, closing her eyes like any normal person would. Maybe Kyung wasn't normal as he stood still, just gazing upon her.

"Wait." He demanded and her smile just became brighter because of his mind changing. "I love your smile baby," He hinted, not really expecting anything back. He just wanted to let her know. She laughed, this was one of her favorite things about him. The way he could take any sentence and make it sound flirty. "No, seriously. I would walk a million miles just to see it." Kyung stated, his eyes full of sincerity.

"So greasy Park Kyung"

They actually felt happy for the first time, young and so in love. On the other hand, back at home, Minhyuk tried to study and finish the work he'd missed. As the two walked in the door, still laughing and voiced filled with happiness,he felt his heart drop slightly and froze in his tracks. He remembered being like that, happy. But now, without HanRi, his life seemed not exactly not worth living. That would be overreacting but it wasn't like he had a reason to wake up anymore, he didn't have a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on. And that's really all he needed right now.

The next day at school, despite the shouting to wake Minhyuk up, he still slept in, so much that it ment he skipped first period. He opened his eyes wide but when realizing the suspicious silence he narrowed them, turning his head to get a view of the clock. "Oh god" He muttered and jumped up, flattening his hair and pulling on his jeans. He gathered up all the papers under his arm and grabbed a piece of toast from the kitchen. He held it in his mouth as he used his other hand to slip on his shoes.

He ran out the door and was just about to open the gate when he saw a few girls across the street. They were staring straight at him and giggling between themselves. He glanced down to see if something was wrong, only to see that he'd forgotten his t shirt. He sighed as he felt his face heat up. He quickly rushed back in and dressed him self properly.

Finally, he arrived at school, barging into second period. The class looked up from their work and he felt all eyes on him as he stumbled over to the teachers desk, slightly tripping over almost nothing on the way. A few giggled could be heard but he didn't care.

"Poor boy" HanRi muttered under her breath, full of sympathy. To her he was just another guy with a pretty face that all the girls liked and she could see why. She shook her head, pushing the thought back into her subconscious mind. Even if I were to like him, why would he go for me when there are all these others after him.

"Okay, class dismissed. HanRi, Minhyuk, can you stay behind for a moment." The teacher asked and they both nodded. She thought she was caught daydreaming and he was pretty confident he was getting a detention for being late. They both stood in front of her desk with worried looks on their faces. "Okay, don't worry you're not in trouble." She mumbled while looking over her glasses and the now a bit more relaxed pair. "I was just a bit concerned about HanRi's grades and Minhyuk, you seem to be doing well. Would it be okay if..." She stopped in her tracks, realizing who she was talking to. "Oh never mind, I'll ask someone else..." She muttered, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"No, its okay miss. I can help her."

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Chapter 8: OMG I LOVE THIS STORY <3 Please update soon!!!
And... Keep up the good work! *two thumbs up!*
Chapter 7: Omg I loved this chapter. The final was great!
Chapter 5: This story is so sad, but I love it. I can't wait for the next update :)
Chapter 4: OMG This story is so sad but yet, so sweet! Please update soon!
ThebabyELF #5
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
tannear #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^