Trying To Forget

But They Said Love Lasts

Sleep less nights and resless days. Trying to forget, trying to understand why his whole world was taken away from him. Four weeks had passed. Minhyuk and Yuri had both kind of moved in at Kyungs. Things just hadn't been the same with out HanRi. Bbomb tried to visit her every day in the hope that they would let him see her, but every day it was the same. That day, he picked up a bunch of flowers on his way over and dragged himself up the stairs, just like he did the day before, and the day before that one. The nurses smiled at him on his way up and he peered in the window of her room. An empty bed was all he saw and paniced that he didn't see her. He swung back the door with a forceful pull. He rushed in and looked round, he dropped the flowers to the floor and ran to question a doctor.

"Where is she?" He said coldly, fear in his eyes.

"Who?" The doctor replied, a bit confused. He recognised the boy but had never spoken to him. Minhyuk grabbed his hair in fustration.

"HanRi, Lee HanRi." Bbomb stated.

"Oh she went home this morning."

Minhyuk started to turn away but was pulled back by the doctor. "Remember what we told you." He said softly, trying not to worry the shooken up boy infront of him. They told the group of friends not to push her into remembering things, let the memories come back to her on there own and for her to go back to her daily rutine. They also told Minhyuk to clear his things out of thier appartment. He would do anything to help her and didn't refuse. He would do anything to see her again, anything to know that she was okay. But he couldn't. Instead he had to sit back and watch her let the thaughts of him slip slowly further into the back of her mind.  Minhyuk mentally cursed himself for forgetting that he wasn't aloud to see her. "It's the only way." The doctor added, causing Minhyuk to swallow down the hurt and nod in agreement.

As he left the hospital, he pulled out his phone and opened the message

Kyung/Recived[9:24]: Were are you? First period has already started!

Minhyuk had been so caught up in all this, he forgot he had promised his friends that he would go back to University today. He sighed as he climbed in to the car again and as arriving outside, threw the bouquet in the bin. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and glanced over to the lockers.

"BBomb!" HanRi beamed, arms open. Minhyuk ran over, pulling her into one of his warm hugs. "How's my jagiya?" He whispered into her ear while taking hold of her hands. She genlty squeezed them, and smiled even brighter. "Better than ever."  His heart melted, knowing that she was happy. Thats all he needed, she was all he needed.

Minhyuk shook his read and took a hard swing at his locker. Being here just braught back more memories. He shook the pain off of his hand and knocked on the biology room door. As he swung it open, he took a glance round the room and at the other students expressions. Some were whispering to thier friends, some waved, a few girls flustered  meerly at his presence and some tried to get on with the work. He spotted Kyung in the back of the classroom, waving and beconing him over to one of the empty chairs to the right of him. He sluggishly walked over and the teacher nodded in his direction, knowing of the situation. In fact, the whole class knew. Once a few knew, it wasn't long and the 'rumour' spread like wildfire.

"Hey" Kyung smiled, trying to lift the weight off his sholders. BBomb just lifted one side of his mouth, making his dimple start to show. Despite the half smile on his lips, the pain in his eyes still held a tight glare. Minhyuk fiddled with his fingers under the table. He played with anything he could, it helped with the nervs.

He soon glanced over to the other side of Kyung. Yuri was sat with her head resting on her hands and her stare fixed out the window. Minhyuk nudged Kyung who flinched and tured his head from the teacher to his worried best friend. He nodded in Yuri's direction. "Is she okay?"

All Kyung could do was shrug. He tapped her on the sholder, and she jumped. She looked at him, pain in her eyes but managed to pull off a perfect smile. Kyung took hold of her hand under the table and smiled, in a hope to cheer her up. The four weeks were filled with no studying for her, she struggled to concentrate, even if she tried. Kyung hated it, it pulled on his heartstrings, he could see she hadn't slept for a while, even if she had him by her side, it was still difficult. "It's alright baby," He whispered, making her smile a little bit more. "Me and you are going to do something later, after school. We will find something. Just me and you, together." He smiled, making her heart melt. He was so good to her, he always knew when something was wrong and always knew exactly what to do to cheer her up. He placed a fallen piece of hair back behind her ear and she tightened her fingers around his.

"I'd like that," She nodded. "Thankyou Kyung, I love you." She whispered, she would have hugged him if she could, but not here. Not in the classroom.

"I love you too jagiya." Kyung smiled. And he did, truely, sencierly.

As those words came from thier mouths, Minhyuk suddlenly remembered what it was like to have someone be there for you. Through thick and thin. These little things made him want her so much more.



Why is this story so sad but so fun to write?!

Hope you are enjoying it, let me know what you think.

Not sure which poster I like?

Thanks for reading ^^

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Chapter 8: OMG I LOVE THIS STORY <3 Please update soon!!!
And... Keep up the good work! *two thumbs up!*
Chapter 7: Omg I loved this chapter. The final was great!
Chapter 5: This story is so sad, but I love it. I can't wait for the next update :)
Chapter 4: OMG This story is so sad but yet, so sweet! Please update soon!
ThebabyELF #5
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
tannear #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^