This Isn't What Was Supposed To Happen

But They Said Love Lasts

Her lips to his was the most amazing feeling and her hands on his body felt like magic. He wanted to move on but at the same time he wished he could just make her open up her eyes to see what she's missing. He could take care of her so well and give her all his love, like he used to. It pained him so much to see her with someone other than himself. But he couldn't give up on her, even if he tried. She was the reason he held on. As Minhyuk stayed home, sulking, HanRi was still out with Taeil.

He sped up to catch up with her, a nervous smile shaky on his face. Taking in a deep breath, he tried to hold back the  with urge to hold her hand soon, excited impatience came over him and he felt pretty confident all of a sudden. She slowly adjusted her grip so that they were comfortably walking, fingers entwined and cheerful grins on their faces.

This was date number three, and they were really beginning to feel relaxed around each other.

"HanRi, I'm really glad you took the chance of spending time with me, thankyou" He muttered and she turned around to wrap her arms about him in a tight hug. He smiled, his eyelashes grazing her cheek. As she pulled away, for a moment he lingered, his face barely inches from hers. The moment was nearly unnerving, the two of them standing together with only the sound of thier breathing and the wind. HanRi stepped back, lowering her arms to her sides and shifting back and forth on her feet. Taeil seemed to shake away the moment with ease, cleverly hiding his equally as awkward of a response.

“Let’s go get something to eat then." He said, and she saw the ivory smile return to his expression. He took her to a restaurant she hadn’t tried before. It was small and tucked away, the perfect place for the two of them to be together without exposing themselves to people from school. The owners were understanding, and they saw to it that the both of them enjoyed a peaceful meal. While they waited for the food to arrive, his hand rested lightly on top of hers. It was funny, she thought, how comfortably they fit together.  

The food arrived, their conversation was lighthearted and enjoyable as they began to eat.  Outside, a few other people sat at round tables covered by delicate table cloths and lit by tiny yellow tea lights.

Her eyes wandered frequently for the duration of the meal. Between the beautiful scene, her steaming meal, and the smiling boy in front of her, it was nearly impossible to stay focused on one thing. He had no difficulty, focused only on her across the table. He watched how her lips moved when she spoke, how her eyes curled happily when she began to laugh.

When they returned home, the both of them lingered quietly outside her apartment door. The frosty air bit at her cheeks, bringing a rosy flush beneath her skin. Taeil shifted, pressing his warm palm against her face to offer her heat. She smiled, comfortable beneath his contact. Again he hesitated, opening his lips slightly as though stumbling over the beginning of a difficult sentence.

“This question is kind of weird,” he began, obviously nervous. “But can I kiss you? I mean, I know that might sound weird and everything but I just really like you and-”  HanRi smiled, nodding gently as her cheeks flushed brighter than before.

He placed a tentative hand on her chin and guided her lips up to his. He smiled, leaving a light kiss before tilting his head lower to look directly in her eyes. He felt a wave of guilt wash over him but couldn't do anything about it.

“I’ll call you tomorrow?” he promised, pressing his palm against the door as she opened it. HanRi smiled, waving goodbye as he walked back to his car. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, and he shuffled quickly to open the door. With his back turned she couldn’t see his face, but she would have seen a radiant and excited smile, nearly identical to hers.

As she closed the door behind her, she bit her bottom lip through a smile and carefully slid off her shoes. As she did she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. A book to be precise. She strolled over to it and let her fingers guide through the delecate pages. Her eyes widened as she was enticed in each drawing, becomeing more and more curious as to why this was here.

"I wish I could do something like this." She mumbled to herself while pouring herself a lemonade and sitting down on the sofa. She sighed as she reached the end of the book but couldn't help herself and flicked back to the start to have another look.

The next day, back at university all HanRi wanted to do was find out where the book came from. She thaught of the most obvious thing to do. The art department. During lunch, she took it upon herself to replace it with it's owner. She carefully knocked on the door, only to be greeted by one of the most friendliest teachers in the building. He was a popular favorite because of his sense of humor and kindness when it came to his students.

"Ah! HanRi, how can I help?" He questioned with his usual grin on his face. Because she had been back at school for a while now, she had been attending art classes regularly so she felt comfortorble talking to him.

"Can I come in for a while?" She suggested while holding up the book and his eyes widened instantly recognising it to be hers. "I've been trying to find the owner of this amazing book, I found it at my appartment and was instantly interested." She smiled and as did he, knowing that she had never really known how good she was.

"Ah, I know who will be able to help you." He nodded and stood back up. As soon as he was out of view, he ran to the photography studio and called on one of the students currenly working on a project in there. "Yuri!" He yelled through gritted teeth, trying to be quiet. She looked confused round the room to find her teacher, looking slightly out of breath. She laughed slightly as she got up and approached him.

"Hm." She said giving him an attentive look.

"HanRi is in my office, finally questioning about the book. Halelujah!" He beamed, making Yuri laugh at him. They both walked back to the art department, deep in conversation. "So he finally decided to give her it back, huh?"

"Yeah, me and Kyung had to do some pretty good convincing though." She admitted, remembering how tiring it was.

"Aw, well good for him. I really do feel for him. Poor boy." He said symathetically. He knew of all the happenings and wanted to help but he's only a teacher so there wasn't much he could do. Yuri sighed, everyone thaught of bbomb but not as much for her. She still pulled off a smile though, trying to convince everyone she was okay. Not that they asked.

"HanRi, it's good to see you again." Yuri beamed. She thaught about how she would tell her but then she thaught, just give it to her straight. "And I see you've braught your beautiful artwork aswell."

"Oh, no, this isn't mine" HanRi sighed, running her petite fingers over the design on the cover, she looked up to Yuri who had a fake confused look on her face. "It it?" HanR questioned in disbelief. Yiri meerly nodded in resoponse trying to convince the younger girl. She took a seat beside HanRi, who instantly got up.

"Wait, where are you going?" She quickly asked.

"I need to clear my head." She stated, tightening her grip round the book and rushing out of the room. But as she did, she collided with someone, she dropped the book and it landed on a beautiful sketch of a boy and girl, in love, gleaming with hope as if fate had braught them together. HanRi looked up, noticing that she recognised the boy. In fact, it was the same one she bumped into when she was out with Taeil.

"I'm so sorry," She said while stumbling over her words. "I really didn't see you there. I guess I wasn't concentrating." She appologised.

"No no, it was my fault I wasn't looking where I was going." He muttered, feeling a lump in his throught. He crouched down to pick up the open book and smiled as he did, noticing that she found it where he left it. "Here, you dropped this." He said while holding it out to her. As she took it, thier fingers brushed against eachothers briefly, making HanRi blush a pink shade and then quickly scurry off.

She left Minhyuk stood starstuck. Was it something I said, he thaught, his eyebrows creased in confusion. Am I not who she wanted to bump into?

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Chapter 8: OMG I LOVE THIS STORY <3 Please update soon!!!
And... Keep up the good work! *two thumbs up!*
Chapter 7: Omg I loved this chapter. The final was great!
Chapter 5: This story is so sad, but I love it. I can't wait for the next update :)
Chapter 4: OMG This story is so sad but yet, so sweet! Please update soon!
ThebabyELF #5
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
tannear #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^