So So Perfect

But They Said Love Lasts

"Happy Anniversary Jagiya.." Minhyuk sang while snaking his arms around his girlfriend, HanRi and giving her a gentle kiss. She had just come home from her dance classes after university. They had been together for three years, exactly. "I have a surprise for you."

He smiled and picked her up bridal style. She wriggled and squeeled, trying to escape from his strong grip. It was safe to say that they were madly in love, if they had eachother nothing else mattered.

"B-Bomb! Put me down!" She giggled, playfully hitting him on the chest. He smiled, noticing that she was wearing the necklace he baught her when they first met. HanRi never really takes it off to be honest. He carried her to just outside the  the sitting room, he put her down and carefully placed his warm hands over her eyes. As he sat her down on the sofa he slowly began so remove his hands. When her eyes adjusted from the dark, six bright faces popped up and threw streamers into her face. All her friends were there, even Zico who was extra busy with all his exams this week. In fact, they had all been busy and it touched her that they all made an effort to make it.

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!" They all yelled, making her slightly jump. Her eyes filled up and she couln't wipe the big smile off of her face.

"Omo, who did all this?!" She laughed while looking round at the highly decorated room. 

"It was Yuri." The boys chorused and Kyung wrapped his arms round Yuri's petite frame from behind.

"GUYS! You are supposed to tell her it was Minhyuk!" She laughed and then felt HanRi launch herself onto her, making Kyung suddenly let go and fold him arms.

"You're the best unnie" HanRi whispered in her ear. They had been best friends since nursery when they swapped a chocolate bar for a biscuit.

"I know, it's just the way I am." Yuri beamed. They all ordered Chinease take away, HanRi's favorite. And ate every single bite. Zico and Jaehyo picked up a cake on the way over and U-Kwon was in the kitchen decorating it.

"How come this is thier anniversary but we are here?" P.O asked but was shushed by Zico.

"Shh, don't complain. We get food and cake." Jaehyo laughed. An hour passed rather quickly, they filled it by playing board games and basically just having a laugh. Just as HanRi thaught that the night was over, it got even better.

"Bye guys!" She waved out the door.

"Bye!" P.O blushed and sent a wave back.

"Watch it flirty!" B-Bomb joked, with his arms round HanRi's sholders from behind, making them all laugh and P.O go a deeper shade of pink.

"We love you two." Yuri smiled, giving them a hug.

"Stay happy." Kyung said while taking hold of his girlfriends hand.

When they had all gone, Minhyuk closed the door gently.

"Finally, alone at last." He sighed.

"Yeah come on, I'm shattered. Let's go to bed." She started to walk away.

"Nope, the surprises still havn't ended." He re-opened the door and bowed, "after you" he smiled. HanRi giggled at her boyfriend's cuteness and couldn't refuse. They strolled round to the back and dropped when she saw the beautifully decorated garden.

Fairy light's hung from the trees and there were blankets and pillows layed out on the floor. There was also small candles placed on all the little rocks. And lastly a huge projector screen with a film home screen on it. 'A Moment To Remember' was HanRi's favorite movie, her and Minhyuk always watched it together. Her eyes widened and reflected the light from around her, making it look as if her eyes were sparking. Minhyuk was always mesmorised by her beauty and it made him happy that she seemed to like it. By now he was already layed on one of the blankets. HanRi walked over to him and sat on his toned stomach,

"You've really out done yourself." She said while placing a small kiss on his lips.

"Anything to make my girl happy" He smiled.

"Where are the snacks?!" She said while frantically serching for them.

"Dammit. I forgot, I'm so sorry. Movie's are not movies without snacks."

"Don't worry, I'll drive to the corner shop." She smiled and placed little kisses on the side of his face. He offered to drop her off but she refused.

"Aha, my stubborn Jagiya." He said while giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Don't be long." He waved.

"I wont" she shouted out the window. Minhyuk smiled to himself realizing that nothing could possibly ruin his life. He had the most perfect girlfriend in the world and friends that would always be there for him, without a doubt. HanRi knew how lucky she was to have Bbomb for a boyfriend and Yuri for a bestfriend. She was singing along to the radio, everything was so perfect. She wanted to thank all of them for everything and buy them all something, just to prove how glad she was to have such a great, (what you could call) family. But it soon became too late. A large van pulled out from a side road, she swerved to avoid it and tightened her grip. She clenched her jaw and tried not to scream. She full-force slammed down on the breaks. Her car suddenly hit into a low wall and HanRi's head quickly hit the steering wheel with such a force that she was left unconcious. The lights on the car were flashing and the alarm was blaring. Luckily, a young boy on a motor bike noticed that something had happened and quickly rushed to see if the driver was okay. But she wasn't, she had a small tear of blood rolling down the side of her face from the top of her head. The young boy gasped and quickly dialled the emergency number. The ambulance arrived and got HanRi to hospital as soon as possible. They serched her phone for the most recent person she had contact with. Yuri. She got to the hospital as quickly as possibe in tears. She burst into the room were her best friend layed. She sat on the chair next to the bed, seeing that HanRi was still unconious. She put her head in her hands and thaught weather to call Bbomb or wait until she wakes up. Yuri knew it would be wrong to leave him waiting.

"Please don't be angry..." She whimpered down the phone.

"How could I possibly be angry, I get to spend the night with my beautiful Jagiya, cuddling and watching our film. I should go, she will be home soon." He smiled to himself, missing her already.

"That's the thing Minhyuk, she won't be coming home tonight." Yuri said, trying to hold back the tears. He laughed, thinking she was joking. "I'm at the hospital, HanRi crashed her car and was knocked out." The laughing soon stopped,

"Haha, very funny.." Minhyuk said bluntly.

"I'm not joking" Yuri stuttered and began to sob. She heard panicing from the other end of the line. "Minhyuk?"

He hung up and arrived 15 minuites later with Kyung, Yuri ran to him and he wrapped his arms round her in an attempt to stop her from crying. He hadn't seen her like this before as everything was so perfect and carefee before this and it was very difficult for him.

"Where is she?" Minhyuk said coldly. This wasn't like bbomb and he was scared, very scared. Yuri pointed in the direction of her room. "You two can go, I will stay. Kyung, let Yuri stay at yours tonight and keep her safe and happy." He tried to say without letting his shooken up friends get any more worried. When they finally left, Minhyuk ran to HanRi's room. He sighed, seeing the state that she was in. "It's just me baby, we are going to get you up and out of here as soon as we can. I can't wait to see your beautiful smile again." He said, his voice starting to quiver. "I love you HanRi, don't ever forget that." He placed a kiss on her cold hand.

He sat up for hours hoping that she would wake but had no luck and eventually fell asleep.

The next morning, he woke to HanRi slowly moving and opening her eyes. The nurse quickly came in and when realizing that Minhyuk was in there quickly beconed for him to get out of the room. He did as she said and left. He waited on the other side of the door for more than an hour. The time passed, but slowly. He got bored and impatient quite quickly. The nurse came out with a worried look on her face, Minhyuk jumped up rather quickly.

HanRi looked round the room. The white walls bored her and the small T.V in the corner was switched off. She glanced down at her shaking hands and blinked a few times to let her vision adjust. Her heart pounded quickly againt her chest, making her gulp. She was anxious for an unknown reason.

"Wh-What do you mean she doesn't remember..?" A startled voice shouted from outside. She suddenly felt dizzy, all the questions she had been asked were overflowing her mind. She could hear slight sobs from outside her room but didn't really think about it. Someone else's cries didn't really matter to her as she didn't know the person or the reason. She remembered what the people in white coats had told her.

"It's going to be okay darling, you were in a car accident but everything's going to be alright." They were exchanging worried glances which just made HanRi even more confused. "We can help you go back to your daily rutine and things will start to go back to normal as soon as possibe."

HanRi shook hear head bringing her back to reality, she didn't really think seriously about it and thaught just everything would come flooding back all of a sudden and things would just go back to normal. 





I know, it's dramatic. But it's just this chapter. They wont all be like this. I pwomise ^^


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Chapter 8: OMG I LOVE THIS STORY <3 Please update soon!!!
And... Keep up the good work! *two thumbs up!*
Chapter 7: Omg I loved this chapter. The final was great!
Chapter 5: This story is so sad, but I love it. I can't wait for the next update :)
Chapter 4: OMG This story is so sad but yet, so sweet! Please update soon!
ThebabyELF #5
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
tannear #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^