From Bad To Worse

But They Said Love Lasts

"Kyung!!" Bbombs voice echoed through the now shared apartment. Kyung panicked when hearing the tone of his best friends voice. He slowly removed his arms from round his sleeping girlfriend and could see her tear stained face. Yuri was stressed with the pressure of school and the fact that she missed her best friend. He remembered the previous night when her and Minhyuk got into and argument after he came hime and it brought her to tears. He remembered the way he held her while hearing her cries.

He carefully placed a kiss on the top of her head, trying his best not to wake her as he knew how much she hated to be woken too early. He quickly ran into the lounge where Bbomb sat on the sofa, still wrapped in his covers. "What?!" He half yelled, so that he could show his anger but not cause another argument.

"I have decided to treat you two to say sorry for yesterday" He smiled. Kyung knew something was going on because of the cheeriness of his voice. Minhyuk was just pleased with himself for having a chance to see HanRi even if she was asleep it still made his heart jump, the way he got to hold her.

"Oh, sounds good. Is it okay if we wait till princess wakes on her own. You know how quickly she gets angry if we woke her." Kyung said, earning a laugh from his friend. It really ment a lot to Kyung, getting to see him happy and no matter how angry he was for the previous night, he wasn't going to waste anytime and he knew Yuri would feel the same.

HanRi was woke suddenly to the beeping of her phone. Her eyes shot open and she sat upright, propping herself up on the weight of her arms. She looked around for the source of the noise and the saw her phone screen lit. She quickly answered it and pressed it to her ear. "H-hello?" She mumbled through her morning voice.

"Hey HanRi" A cheery Taeil replied. She instantly recognized the sound of his voice and her mood lifted straight away. He knew why he called and he was all of a sudden confident to ask her. Come on Taeil, it's just HanRi, the girl you've liked for almost ever. He gulped, prepping himself for what he wanted to say. "I-I was just erm, wondering if you might, maybe, want to catch up for coffee this morning?" He stuttered, smiling to himself that he finally did it. Finally asked her out.

"Sure," She smiled, whats the worst that could happen? He couldn't believe that he finally had a slight chance with her. A chance to convince her that it was him she needed from the very beginning. It wasn't that he didn't like the fact that she was with Bbomb and he wasn't necessarily jealous because when he saw how happy they were, he knew that they were supposed to be together. Everyone knew.

"Okay, I'll pick you up in twenty minutes?" He suggested and she didn't hesitate to agree. They both put down thier phones and were both exited to have something to do. HanRi threw back the covers and slipped on a pair of skinny jeans and a adidas t-shirt. She pulled out the creases in her jacket and threw it on, not caring how casual it looked. Her hair flowed down the the top of her waist and the luscious curls bounced as the skipped into the kitchen and preparing her noodles. The door soon rung and she opened it, greeting her shy friend and slipping on her shoes.

They decided on walking to the café as it was only a few streets away. She wasn't exactly over fussed on walking but at least she had company to keep her busy. They talked about university and a lot about each other.

"So you have lived here all your life?" She asked, surprised that he was still in one place when there was so many places to go, things to see. Although HanRi could persure her dream in Korea, she still always wated to travel.

"Yep, I guess I just like it here" He smiled as he held the gate to the park open. It was a nicer view to walk this way, rather than through the streets.

"But what if you wanted to-" HanRi began to say but was cut off by someone knocking into her, she stumbled but luckily the boy grabbed hold of her shoulders to stop her from falling. She was embarrassed and didn't want to look up at him. Her beanie covered most of her hair and it was difficult to recognize her meerly from the top of her head.

"I-I'm sorry" He said and now she decided to look at him, to show some form of respect.

"Oh, don't worry about it." She blushed when noticing that she recognized him, how beautiful he was. His eyes, a deep shade of chocolate brown and they glistened in the morning sunlight. And his lips were perfectly shaped, like they were something on a model. She gulped, remembering that she was here with Taeil. Minhyuks heart pounded louder as his eyes met with hers for the first time in a long while. He quickly let go of her shoulders and turned round to his friends that had also decided to would be better to walk through the park.

"Come on HanRi, we should really get going." Taeil spoke up, encouraging her to take her eyes off of the other boy and bring her attention back to him. He wasn't being selfish in anyway but he didn't want to lose something that was only just beginning.

"Hm" She mumbled in response, walking round the three familiar faces and trying to go back to conversation with Taeil.

I know I'm going to regret this in a minute, Yuri thaught to herself. She closed her eyes for a moment and let out a deep sigh "WAIT!" She yelled, causing the others to turn round. Kyung tightened his grip on her hand and his eyes widened. She kept making these mistakes. Always pushing it just a bit too far. It may of been what she thought she wanted but was it fair? Should he let her do this to herself, to them? HanRi turned back and paced a few meters closer. "Erm, Where are you two going?" She questioned, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Taeil was just taking me to try coffee." She smiled sweetly.

"What?!" Bbomb choked slightly from behind.

"Yeah," Taeil rushed, trying to get her away from the questions.

Minhyuk suddenly didn't feel so pleased with himself. He suddenly didn't want to treat his friends. He complained and decided to go back to the apartment and stay in all day. The afternoon soon arrived and while the couple layed together in their room, watching T.V, bbomb sat in the lounge. With his head in his hands and an awful headache. He did well to hold beck the tears, as difficult as it was. Soon enough, Kyung came down to get snacks and to check on Minhyuk. When he walked in and saw him, his heart sank, seeing him in this state. He sat beside him and nudged his shoulder, he mumbled only in response, not even giving eye contact. "She doesn't even like coffee, she never has." Kyung said, trying his best to lighten the mood. Bbomb sighed at the thought of her with another guy.

"She never has loved another guy but me before either." His eyes began to tear up but this time he managed to hold them back, clenching a fist and tapping his feet. "But," He said, trying to trow the thought away and concentrate on the opposite side. "She's never going to like the coffee, it's awful according to her. Apparently it smells like it tastes and tastes like it smells" He said, laughing to himself and at the memories. As much as he tried to let this one thought avoid his mind and tried his hardest not to think about it, this time it stood out more that before. Just over this little thing, but it wasn't little, it was one of the things about her that he loved, the way she could make him smile and make him happy anytime and any place. But it's time to admit it, he thought. I really do miss her.

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Chapter 8: OMG I LOVE THIS STORY <3 Please update soon!!!
And... Keep up the good work! *two thumbs up!*
Chapter 7: Omg I loved this chapter. The final was great!
Chapter 5: This story is so sad, but I love it. I can't wait for the next update :)
Chapter 4: OMG This story is so sad but yet, so sweet! Please update soon!
ThebabyELF #5
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
tannear #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^