
But They Said Love Lasts

HanRi had been over working herself. She felt like she needed to catch up on every subject. Every night for the last three weeks she went to the library with Taeil who really tried to help, as difficult as it was. The lack of sleep was beginning to take a toll on both her health and her work performance, even the teachers were starting to get worried.

"I think you should go home. I can tidy up here for you,” Taeil said, taking the pen from HanRi's hand and gesturing to the clock.

“No, really it’s alright,” she insisted. “I feel fine.” Admittedly, she was really in need of a break, but was determined to finish at least the current maths topic. She had also worked into the late hours of the night praticing and trying to remember dance steps. She convinced herself that if she could do that, she was capable of a few sleepless nights for some work as well. Eventually, thinking with this mindset created a senseless determination in her to work as hard on her education ad she did when dancing.

Dizzyness overtook her and she began to stumble on her way back to the desk.

“Okay. It’s time for you to go home. Do you need a lift?” Taeil was really concerned about her, they had become pretty close over these last weeks and he had noticed she wasn’t herself lately. She sighed and nodded her head, making thier way out of the building and down to his car.

HanRi had to admit, it was a challenge to stay awake during the drive home, and she found yourself almost falling asleep beside Taeil at least twice. Sleepily, she waved goodbye to Taeil and agreed to text him in the morning for a ride to school. As he set off in the car, HanRi began to walk torards the door of the apartment. As she approached the door, she suddenly felt a heavy headache and sighed.

The dizziness in her head seemed to double with every step she took. By the time she reached the sofa, she could barely see through the blackness that was approaching her vision. As she reached to find the remote, her legs went weak and she fell to the ground.

Meanwhile, a few streets away, Minhyuk was still sleeping on the sofa at Kyung's. The sound of quiet knocking at the door startled him before he remembered that Yuri had gone food shopping, knowing her, there would be a lot of food. He smoothed down the crinkled fabric of his shirt and dashed to the front door, opening it and letting her step into the hallway. Yuri walked over to him, when seeing the same look on his face. "Why do you always look so ill? It's really worrying." She said while placing a hand on his head. He quickly slapped it a way and just shrugged in response. Assuming he was merely tired, she lead him to the kitchen and asked him to help put the things away. "You know you should find yourself a place, you can't keep living here." She sighed.

"Oh, I need to find myself a place do I?" He said sarcastically."You have been staying here just as long as I have and we both know you take some looking after." Her jaw dropped at his rudeness.

"Yah! You are just as bad as me!" Yuri snapped. It wasn't common for agruements to crop up between the two. But she wasn't used to him being rude and cold. He used to never wipe a smile off his face and you could often catch him giving people compliments and cheering them up. They had known eachother ever since she met Kyung and she could usually read him so well but for the last month, it's been difficult, infact, almost impossible. The harsh words were broken when Kyung walked in from the after school job he has been working his off to get money for all the food and things the three of them needed.

"You are both hard work to look after!" He laughed, deserving glares from the both of them. "So what are you cooking tonight Jagiya?" He said, walking over to Yuri and giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"Erm, I'm not eating tonight." Bbomb stuttered. "I need to take something back." He sighed.

"Finally!" The couple chorused. Minhyuk had taken a few things of HanRi's to keep the memories when he was moving all his things. They wern't big things, that she would need but little things that they shared, like photos and one of his tshirts that she slept in. Amongst the items was a sketch book. It contained all of HanRi's beautiful drawings, she was always a tallented atrist. She was talented at many things. Playing the guitar, writing, singing, dancing. But this was by far Minhyuk's favorite. And when he missed her, they would confort him. But it was the one thing out of the lot that was hers and only hers. No part of it was his so he had no right to keep it.  Kyung and Yuri had been telling him that it wasn't right and he needed to get it back to her, somehow.

He decided to walk, considering that it was a nice night and it wasn't far away. He carried the book under his arm, his hands slumped in his pocket and his eyes glued to the ground. He took one last flick through the delecate pages and placed it down on the front step. He gulped as he prepped himself to ring the bell. He could hear the tune sing through the halls, the tune they both picked out.

"Can we get a door bell? Knocking is too boring and takes too much effort?" HanRi complained from behind her boyfriend. They wondered the DIY shop for decor for thier new appartment. "Sure, anything that makes you happy, beautiful" Minhyuk smiled, placing a kiss on HanRi's lips.  "You are so greasy!" She laughed while picking up a small package and pressing a button on the box. A chirpy, happy song played, making HanRi giggle at how catchy it was. "This one!"

BBomb noticed that he was still standing at the door and imagined how aweful it would have been if she answered the first time. He pushed the button again and quickly ran behind a bush in the front garden. After the third try, he bagan to worry. Maybe she was asleep? He questioned. But not for long because he soon rembmered that he had a copy of the key. He didn't care that she had forgotten his name and thier past but he had to know she was safe.

As the lock clicked, he placed down the book next to thier bonsi tree. They named it Hongchan and he smiled, knowing that she didn't forget to feed it. When he walked into the lounge and found HanRi on the floor, he presumed that she had fallen asleep, just as she always did when watching the t.v from the floor. He hesitated at what he was about to do but he wanted her to be safe, comfy and happy. He wrapped his arms around her and carried her bridal style. This was the first contact he had with her since that day. Her warmth comforted him and he placed her on top of the covers. "Goodnight Jagiya." He whispered, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. He didn't think about the concequences of if she woke because all he could think of was how beautiful she was.


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Chapter 8: OMG I LOVE THIS STORY <3 Please update soon!!!
And... Keep up the good work! *two thumbs up!*
Chapter 7: Omg I loved this chapter. The final was great!
Chapter 5: This story is so sad, but I love it. I can't wait for the next update :)
Chapter 4: OMG This story is so sad but yet, so sweet! Please update soon!
ThebabyELF #5
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
tannear #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^