InfiniteTeenFriend: REVIEW REQUEST

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InfiniteTeenFriend | 60 Days Babysitting | Review by  GRIMCHUCKLER and  SOHEESHUSBAND

Title: (5/5)
I like the way you presented your title. It was short and snappy, and summed up your story without revealing too much.

Your title was presented well in my opinion as well. Not only was it short and catchy, it immediately caught my attention. I wanted to know who was being babysat, why, and by who? So full points go to you for your title! 


Foreword/Description: (8/10)
I get it. 3 of the BtoB boys are forced to babysit. This brings new questions: who are the kids and why are the BtoB guys doing it? However, I think you shouldn't put: "Follow their adventure". Just a side thought.

Your description is a bit plain, but it lets readers know exactly what they're going to see in the following story. I actually think that it would be better to keep the "Follow the guys" sentence because it makes me a lot more interested in reading the story! If that last sentence wasn't there, I probably wouldn't have been as open about reading this story as I was. I also really love your poster for the story. Eye-catching and very nice! I suggest putting a nice background like this or maybe this.

Characters: (18/20)
For now, I can't say anything because it's only in the first two chapters. But I can see some hilarious characters developing! Minhyuk is the cute guy who's being vain and writing his name all over the place.

Same goes for me as far as saying a lot about your characters. You've only 2 chapters, so of course there aren't any character developing yet. However, I do see how you're setting each character up for his own development. And you're definitely doing it in a funny way, as grimchuckler said! I suggest that you keep moving at the same pace with your character development because it won't feel too rushed or too slow to the readers when your characters begin developing.

Plot Line: (15/20)
Well, because there's only 2 short chapters, there's really not much I can say about the plot line. I can see that it has really great potential to develop and grow based off your different characters and backstory. I'm really looking forward to see how you carry this on. Before you begin with it though, I really suggest outlining before you start writing. It helps with your pace. If you outline before you write, you can go back and see whether the plot is taking too long to develop or developing too fast. Then you can change some things easily before you sit down and write everything out.

Mechanics: (5/15)
Alright, you have misspelled "hyung" throughout the first chapter. The rest of your spelling looks fine throughout the story though. You lack a lot of punctuation: you're missing commas, periods, question marks. I'd really go back and look through the story again, and I'd correct the punctuation mistakes that you have. For example, in the first chapter you wrote:

"I don't know" MinHyuk said and looked away quickly

But it should really look like this:

"I don't know," MinHyuk said and looked away quickly.

If you keep leaving off punctuation, it's going to confuse your readers.

Writing Style: (10/10)
You get full points on your writing style from both grimchuckler and myself because you have been consistent with it throughout the story so far. You've been using the past tense and third person point of view. I didn't see you switch up suddenly or begin to use first person point of view. So, that's good! Keep this up!

Flow: (10/10)
Once again, you receive full points from both of us with your flow. I think you have a great flow going. You're developing the story line, characters, and problems at a great pace. Continue with this! I'll suggest the outline to you again. I also suggest that after writing a chapter, ask yourself if you were a reader, would you still be interested after what you just read?

Overall Enjoyment: (10/10)
I really want to see how this develops. How will the BtoB vandals react to the kids? And why is Seungjun alienated? Have fun, and good luck!

Full points again! You caught my attention, made me want to know what happens next, and got me asking a bunch of questions that I now want answered. Great job!

Total: 81 / 100 | B

Thank you so much for requesting, and please come again! :)

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Thank you in advance. :)
Chapter 1: requested a poster

[password: Nobody]
Chapter 12: thank you for the review! lol i'll make sure to fix my mistakess lol :D
Chapter 11: *dead, just plain dead*
whoa o_o i think you're me in male form
wondergirls was my first too and my bias is sohee :O
Chapter 5: :O your shop is so cool! I'm definitely going to request a review when I have more chapters out :D
Requested a review.

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