The Fanboy's Request Shop | CLOSED

jaxxon | We Got Married?! | Review by SOHEESHUSBAND

Title: (4/5)
The title definitely fits the story since it's about the variety show, We Got Married! I only deducted one point because it isn't really original or eye-catching. There are many stories with titles similar to this.


Foreword/Description: (10/10)
The foreword and description were both neat, colorful, and descriptive. The background and the poster were both very eye-catching and colorful, so that was a really nice addition to your foreword! The character descriptions were a nice touch too. If you aren't using the ulzzang Won Jong Jin, I suggest you just delete that instead of crossing it out. It looks a little sloppy because of that. The teaser to the story under your foreword is good too because it lets readers see how Fany got onto the show and why. It made me more interested in reading the story! Full points for this! 


Characters: (16 /20)
Okay, your characters are a little stale. They aren't perfect, which is good. But they haven't really developed much. Everyone seems really happy a lot, and if they do get upset, it's not for a long time. I only deducted 4 points for this because your story is really only on "Episode 4" on there's still time for everyone to develop. I like that you bring in YG Family and SM Town, because that's what the real show does. However, I think you should have a few chapters where you work on character development. 


Plot Line: (15 /20)
As far as the plot goes, I haven't seen many stories that follow along as the show We Got Married. I do, however, see a lot of stories about marriages, so the plot is not exactly original. You're doing a good job with making it your own story and making it original despite the unoriginal plot line. I deducted a few points because, like your characters, the plot is lacking in development. This could take time though, because you are writing it like the actual show. However, there haven't really been many problems yet, and you haven't told us much about their relationship so far. It's okay to take some time to develop your plot, but just be careful that you aren't going too slow, or your readers will get bored.


Mechanics: (5 /15)
I'm not really sure if English is your first language, but there are a lot of points where your grammar was wrong. Your spelling was fine for the most part. You also lacked capitalization and punctuation. It makes the story look a little sloppy. I really suggest that you get someone to proofread your chapters before you post them, or I suggest that you proofread them yourself. Take a while to actually sit down and go over your work. That way, your finished product will look a lot better.


Writing Style: (10 /10)
For a story like this, your writing style is perfect. There aren't really long paragraphs, you let the readers know what's happening always, and it's very easy to follow. Keep it up! Full points for this!


Flow: (8 /10)
You aren't rushing your story, but I deducted 2 points because you're doing the opposite. Neither your characters or your plot have developed or have showed signs of developing. I suggest you pick up the pace just a little bit. Don't rush the story, but start adding some problems, throw in a plot twist, do something that will keep your readers entertained and coming back for more.


Overall Enjoyment: (7 /10)
It was a nice story, and it made me smile a lot! I hope you take these suggestions into consideration, and I think your story has the potential to go a long way! Keep writing!


TOTAL: 75 | C

Thank you so much for requesting, and please come again! :)

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Chapter 1: requested a poster

[password: Nobody]
Chapter 12: thank you for the review! lol i'll make sure to fix my mistakess lol :D
Chapter 11: *dead, just plain dead*
whoa o_o i think you're me in male form
wondergirls was my first too and my bias is sohee :O
Chapter 5: :O your shop is so cool! I'm definitely going to request a review when I have more chapters out :D
Requested a review.

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