grimchuckler: REVIEW REQUEST

The Fanboy's Request Shop | CLOSED

grimchuckler | From Chen, To Tao | Review by SOHEESHUSBAND

Title: (5/5)
Okay, so you definitely get full points for the title. Honestly, when you first sent me the request, I was really wondering what the hell the title meant, and so many different things popped into my head. I know the "From Chen, To Tao" may seem obvious to some people, knowing that it's for a letter. But it kept my mind wandering, which is good. The title also completely sums the whole story up, which is amazing.


Foreword/Description: (10/10)
You get full points for your description and foreword as well because it's neat, it's eye-catching, and it made me want to read the story even more. You gave away just enough in the preview of the story to catch people's attention without giving away too much. The two posters for your story are amazing as well. You have your credits in a good place, and everything was pleasing to read.


Characters: (20/20)
You definitely get full points for your characters. Chen was seriously ill, and you presented that in an incredible way. I don't know many people who could have pulled off writing about Chen, but you managed to do it perfectly. Tao was made up in Chen's head, but you had me believing that he was real too. I thought that all of the other EXO members were the ones that were crazy. And I know you must have intended to do it that way because the story was written following the view point of Chen. I was on Chen's side completely until Tao gave him his address. The other members were very realistic, and they acted just like real people would if a close friend of theirs was going through what Chen went through.


Plot Line: (20/20)
I usually find plot lines in One Shots lacking, including mine, because they feel rushed or they don't get to the point. However, From Chen, To Tao was amazingly written from beginning to end. Like I said before, because you wrote following Chen's perspective, I was on his side until the end. I thought that he was sane, but the other members were making him crazy because they just didn't believe him. I wanted to believe that Tao was real too, just for Chen's sake. You put "horror" in your tagline, and this is definitely horror. I was completely shook at the end, so you earn these full points.


Mechanics: (15/15)
I don't know if you just had perfect grammar, spelling, and punctuation or if I was just distracted by the amazing story, but full points. Okay, I went back and read through it, and yes, I only find really minor mistakes that aren't worth taking points off for. Full points, again.


Writing Style: (10/10)
You are clearly confident with your writing style, and you stuck with it the whole way through. Full points.


Flow: (9/10)
Alright, I was really going to give you full points for your flow, but there's just one little thing. I still have so many questions. Not for the end. But for the beginning. I just felt like the readers didn't know when Chen actually became crazy, how he became crazy, and why. Maybe we aren't supposed to know. But it made me a bit confused in the beginning. Other than that, the whole story was enjoyable and pleasant to read. It wasn't too fast or too slow, and it left me wanting to read more.


Overall Enjoyment: (10/10)
How could I not give you full points here? I have to! If my shop ever has a "featured authors/stories" section, you will definitely be on that list. I am upvoting the story right away. It shook me up at the end, I think I almost cried when Chen died, and I really, really wanted Tao to be real for Chen. I really did. Great job. Please continue writing.


Total: 99 / 100 | A+

Thank you so much for requesting, and please come again! :)

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Chapter 1: requested a poster

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Chapter 12: thank you for the review! lol i'll make sure to fix my mistakess lol :D
Chapter 11: *dead, just plain dead*
whoa o_o i think you're me in male form
wondergirls was my first too and my bias is sohee :O
Chapter 5: :O your shop is so cool! I'm definitely going to request a review when I have more chapters out :D
Requested a review.

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